CRank: 5Score: 1750

I own both systems and besides Uncharted (which was one of the best games I have ever played) There is nothing that worthwhile on the PS3. And to those FPS fans who only have a 360 trust me Resistence is a garbage game. I am waiting for MGS 4 and Killzone but right now my PS3 is definetly collecting major dust.

5915d ago 6 agree6 disagreeView comment

I thought there was some people who successfully copies like Madden or something onto the hard drive and played it from there? I think I heard they did it through Linux? Or am I crazy?

5956d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I played the game on the OXM disk. It felt like I was playing a bargain bing pc game, not fun at all.

5959d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Really lower the price of the 360 which means Sony would have to follow suit. Which means I would buy a PS3 to go along with my 360. I can't believe people actually paid like 800$ for a PS3 that is ridiculous, if that was me I would feel like an idiot.

5959d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

First 'The Engineer' says microsoft copies Sony with everything, then he says that since its Sony copying them that its ok. Make up your mind! Then theres Doomsonyman who says Sony never copies anything that they imitate (which you spelt wrong):

Main Entry: im·i·tate
Pronunciation: \ˈi-mə-ˌtāt\
Function: transitive verb
Inflected Form(s): im·i·tat·ed; im·i·tat·ing
Etymology: Latin imitatus, past participle...

5963d ago 5 agree5 disagreeView comment

Wow you are the pillar of contradiction. You state that no one cares about Halo 3 anymore yet you cared enough to write that idiotic and sterotypical jargon of a sentence in its comment section. And if its "10 year old style" as you so nicely put it is so unappealing to you then don't play it because god forbid those side scrollers/beatem ups/ platformers which have been around for much longer have such a new style that my gosh I cant believe we don't play more of them.

5969d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

But I always knew and have known that Sony would never be out of this console war (which in my mind is stupid, people should enjoy whatever they have). It is easy to see Sony's strength because they did this last gen. PS2 was a cheap DVD player therefore many people purchased it. The same goes for this gen. Now that Blue Ray is pretty much the winner, PS3 is a cheap blue ray player. There is no real secret to it. Once Blue ray is the sole format people will invest in a PS3, which is exactly w...

5972d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

He is so cool that he doesnt even refer to himself in the 1st person. Wow why are you not running for president or something?

5999d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

that just automatically spews idiotic rants at any given Xbox 360 post. Schools in session take notes? You would never play a microsoft console even if it was the only one on the market? Take notes you are not a gamer, I would buy whatever console was on the market if it was the only one because I am a gamer. Not som blind sheep that loves a company that does nothing for you but put their hands in your wallet and takes it away. YES they all do that but god don't just support one of them.

6000d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

"But you sheep keep buying 360 games" WE KEEP BUYNIG 360 GAMES BECAUSE THEY ARE ACTUALLY GOOD

6000d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

arguing over multiplayer services. Just enjoy the game. And the reason you don't hear the same amount of garbage being spewed from PSN players is becasue A) Not everyone has a mic. so most people dont even talk to each other B) Xbox in N. America is played online by a lot of college students hence all the bad language etc.

6000d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

RIDICULOUS, how can they treat us Canadian purchasers like this!

6001d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This IS RIDICULOUS god just enjoy the games people and stop arguing about them. Graphics are not everything. Personally I think LAIR has great graphics but the game SUCKS, and look how terribly it did. Just be quiet and cross your fingers that any game you have any interest in has good GAMEPLAY.

6001d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I like the KKK and post flame bait posts every second I can.

6004d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

But im sure you've been called a dork. Listen apparently you don't even know how blockbuster works. If you return movies after you have them for 24 hours you get a dollar off, I am used to keeping movies for only 1 day, why the hell would I keep it for a longer period. My girlfriend and I decide to watch a movie we rent it, I return it the next day what other purpose does it serve other then bein a coaster?

6005d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

What do you want them to do give you the movie for free? Or not offer it at all? You make no sense. Here in Canada it already costs around 6 dollars to rent a movie from Blockbuster, that being a standrard DVD. Here I can pay to watch a real HD movie and never have to leave the hosue which means not spending money on gas for my car. Gee you make lots of sense!?

6005d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

because they already made a 10 things playstation 3 does right. They are looking at the PS3 from both sides. Apparently according to some posts above thats not acceptable.

6006d ago 7 agree1 disagreeView comment

How is Linux running on your PS3 right now? You say the 360 is a computer yet you can swap in a hard drive run linux and have a keyboard and mouse.

6007d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

First its the PS fanboys yelling at 360 fans to stay out of their threads and to stop making comments, then the PS3 fans turn around and do the same thing. Muppemeat Microsoft said they are going to support the 360 a lot longer then the Xbox was supported. TO THIS DAY RESISTENCE on PS3 REMAINS THE SAME PRICE AS IT WAS DAY 1 OF ITS RELEASE HERE IN CANADA

6007d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

They assumed that their ridiculous initial price point was adequate. Only truly die hards bought it. They were arrogant in that they thought that all their Ps2 owners would gladly buy a PS3 at that price point.... boy were they wrong. And to montoya there are games comming out in 2008 for both systems that look great. Mind you Ps3 does have some of its heavy hitters arriving it doesn't mean that 360 has nothing.

6008d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment