If you play Destiny on PS4 add me: FamilyGai


CRank: 5Score: 121350

The 360 has unused/broken consoles lowering its attach rate
The PS3 was bought by many as a Blu-ray player
The 360 has piracy taking potential sales
The 360 system wouldn't have sold as well if not for piracy
The PS3 was bought for JRPGs by many but it has like none.
The PS3 games aren't marketed as well as the 360 games.
The 360 games lower in price faster.
The PS3s early 2007 games still cost $60
The 360 owners spend all their money on overpri...

5528d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

I see what you did there o.0 +(_)

5528d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's PS3 DLC so there's still the option of game sharing if you REALLY want it free. Just make friends with someone thats purchased it and get them to let you download a copy.

I wonder what they'll charge, I still think it'll be in the $2-$3 range.

5528d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

No ones paying attention here.

Killzone for PS3 will be on sale for $30-$40 NEW in about an hour and 10 mins for now. Amazon has a free shipping offer for things over $25 and under 30lbs and here in cali they dont charge a tax.

That means KZ2 for $30-$40 PERIOD!

5529d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Ryu sucks fish "sticks"?
I wonder if him and Kanye hang out...

5533d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

What makes you think that anyway? I can almost guarantee it will be $2-$3, but then again are devs being charged for EVERYTHING they put on the PS Store or just demos?

5533d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I have a question. You know how PSN games can be bought from the PSN Store and shared, what about DLC? I have never tried this so now i'm wondering. Say a friend buy DLC for any game, can I then sign on to his account and get a copy?

Thanks, that was quick. + (_)

5533d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Amazon.com has opened their pre-orders for the movie and with the shipment date of June 2nd. The price is ONLY $26.00 (USD) so I'm thinging the demo won't be on there and that this won't be FF VII: Advent Children "Complete".
BUT! When you call customer service about it they CONFIRM that it WILL in fact be the version with the demo on it, (complete). *crosses fingers for 2 months*

I'm buying it eoither way because I like the movie itself and I LOVE CGI films i...

5533d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Okay, I can understand a game like folklore being brought back up because so many skipped it but this game is GARBAGE plain and simple. Lazy devs ruined a great idea for a game. It could've been great.

I own it, it sucks, do not buy.

5536d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

What the hell are ya doin?

5536d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

@ IaMs
And I think it's an even bigger deal to point out that I DO have a pc (3 actually) AND that it's hooked up to this very same tv yet I've chosen and have been choosing to visit this site on my PS3s web browser.

I mostly use my pc to download, convert snd burn movies. Isos of dvd rips and HD movies mostly.

5536d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I'm sitting back on my couch RIGHT NOW reading this on my PS3. Im also having a conversation with a psn buddy. Wants to share downloads and whatnot.

5536d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

1. My PS3 loads up faster than my pc
2. My PS3 is usually on because it's multi-functional
3. Using the zoom button say youtube makes videos unwatchable on my pc and the PS3s zoom-in-on-anything feature fixes that.
4. I play games daily but usually online and I can't do both because my connection would drop and people would be reluctant to play with me.

I'll give you a senario;
I'm online with friends playing and im ready to get off and go to bed. I want ...

5536d ago 6 agree3 disagreeView comment

I have a megashares account, so when new episodes of Family Guy come out I can download them straight to my PS3 in under 2 minutes (they're about175mbs). Usually an hour or two before they even air on tv in my state and commercial free. No mouse, keyboard or sitting burn-my-retinas close to the tv. They're playing on my big screen with no need to transfer them from a pc or deal with even turning on the pc to get them.

5536d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Of course the 360 needs a web broswer, im on my PS3s web broswer RIGHT NOW and I usually use it to browse this site among others.
I also have a pc hooked up to this same tv (47" HD, livingroom) but I still choose to browse certain sites with my PS3 because it's MORE convenient.
The zoom feature on the PS3s web broswer lets me sit back with my wireless controller and relax while reading or zoom in on online videos instead of straining my eyes to see/sitting two feet away st...

5536d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

I thought it was coming out mid April...

5545d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment



5550d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I've always liked tecmo and unlike many I Loved DOA Hardcore on the PS2 (the counter system and tag battle)

I never played the other sigma even though i liked the demo but i WILL NOT be passing this one up.

Can someone tell me any other difference between this and the 360 version that was released?

5550d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Very good point and they'd only need english subs for us to understand the demo plus the 2 month window is plenty of time for translation. I really want to see how this 2-in-1 blu-ray disc thing works. like how some older audio cds would have a music video on them.

5550d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment