
CRank: 5Score: 96030

Well, for one thing, Streaming in mass is probably a console or two generations away. Some will start earlier or at least try it out, but it’s not going to be some day one hit—or even year one imo.

The best they can hope for early on will be comparable to PS Now numbers, which is the leading game streaming service but still not hugely popular in the scheme of things. I’m assuming both Google and MS will probably do it better (in many locations due to closer server hubs) b...

1894d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

I believe it’s Take Two’s new “indie publisher” that is publishing it. Sort of like EA Original’s or whatever that did games like Ravel but don’t own the ip.

They just help and distribute and take their cut pre-Developer cost/profit margins.

1898d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It hasn’t really been that “open” in years.

Most every publisher has their own store now and only a few allow their games elsewhere. Smaller titles float around usually simply because Steam will let just about any trash title on it as well as the good ones (more than any other Store). So they go everywhere to try to get money from whoever will buy them.

Epic just does part of that for them now (cash up front). If they give them timed exclusivity (like ...

1902d ago 3 agree10 disagreeView comment

Actually, yes they do. Take Two interactive owns both Rockstar and 2K.

1906d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Take 2 is apparently worth about 1/6 of Sony’s total value (market cap wise), which makes this seem unlikely.

I mean, it could happen and I bet Sony could find some other investors to help with it, but that is a huge piece of their total value. I could see it if Sony was worth even more or T2 less, but 1/6 at current values? That seems a stretch to me.

1906d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

Probably true, but Sega could make some decent games for it.

1907d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Some recent rumors have been putting Google and Sega in some sort of relationship together. I’m not sure if true, but if they did work together it could be interesting. They could call it the Google Genesis, GG for short ;)

Sega is a shadow of its former self really, but the name still has some Clout and some of their published games are still pretty solid—but are rarer than they used to be of course.

I’m curious what it will be though, even if no Sega ...

1907d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

I enjoy the coop part of it, but i’d not say no to singleplayer either.

Maybe it will be a reverse Kotor type of thing eventually. Kotor started singleplayer and then kind of went mmo (swtor—some story/lore crossover though). Maybe anthem might see a singleplayer or more standard coop drop in drop out option one day (minus all the extra menus—a lot of other drop in coop can do similar things without needless menu changes and their separate loading).

I t...

1911d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

I love the game, but it clearly deserves a point or even two removed for its bugs and server issues. Even without those problems though I think 9 is pushing it—and that’s if they fixed some other issues too. I think it “could” have been an 8-8.5 though, if it was “perfect” day 1.

It’s been a lot better for me lately, especially once they brought servers back up during the latest big server crash and that initial quick post launch patch, but that first weekend when everyon...

1913d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

As most fans have admitted, it’s no 9.0 atm. I can understand 7-7.5 from true fans, myself for example, but technical flaws alone keep it from an 8 currently.

That said, story wise at least, I think it has the most potential out of the gaas titles so far. If EA doesn’t dump the game asap. Anthem’s story isn’t quite on par with a regular BioWare game (I liked it though, and the city/characters of Fort Tarsis), but I think it trumped og destiny’s for sure (I love the Lore ...

1913d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

That’s my biggest concern. EA will drop anything that doesn’t look profitable now, and free content for a year has been “confirmed” already which might be a PR/financial downfall (class action due to outlining it before hand) but still wouldn’t stop them from doing it if it was cheaper than making it all.

1918d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

I’ve had a couple enemy waves in parts never show. In other playthroughs they always do so you kind of know what to expect, but then it’s “where are they?”. I mean, it makes it easier but also boring waiting for a timer.

Crashes are by far the most common problem for me. Not the game, but server or “pilot save” ones.

I had a really nice first half and then tanning into bugs late game. I’ve now had audio cut off and just buzz about 6-8 times in the pas...

1918d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

It’s not like all of the ai is as stupid as the rest, but anyone that plays for a few hours will definitely notice some of the enemies acting completely off as they spawn for sure.

1927d ago 2 agree6 disagreeView comment

I enjoy Anthem, so boohoo. It’s not like it’s a bad game by any means. Worse thing about it is enemy ai imo.

It could be better, but story and character wise it’s my favorite GAAS to date. I’m curious where they’ll take it over time because of that actually. So I can come back now and again for that if nothing else, especially since they will have free content.

1927d ago 4 agree19 disagreeView comment

I’m assuming your level resets when the first season starts and every new season—like fortnite’s system. Level up faster on reset for more rewards again most likely.

1930d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

We haven’t really seen much in the story though. The beta is pretty bog standard and feels like a side quest (npc filler between main story).

The story trailer gives you some info of course, but the beta at least doesn’t really tell you anything about it. Barely touched on any character arch as well, including the trailers.

I still don’t think it will be that emotional however. Probably not even as much as say Gears (for some with Dom and Maria bits). ...

1946d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Serious about Netflix thing? I’ll have to look that up as I love the series (books and games).

And yeah, Metro really is underappreciated imo but it has a pretty loyal fans at least. Hopefully we keep it going for as long as possible.

1947d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It’s the author that said that. The guy that is probably writing another Metro book eventually, which could then be turned into another game.

If the game doesn’t sell though then it’s less likely that a sequel happens. He can still write more books, but his books will likely be the end of the series in that sense. Not everyone reads these days, unfortunately.

I’d be down for a film one day though, or a Netflix style series. Post Apocalypse is fantasti...

1947d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

That’s why Steam is so popular. Initial sales help but too many people wait for those guaranteed 3-6 month 25-50% price cuts during seasonal sales anyways. We all know they’re coming after all.

CoD was historically one of the very few franchises to hold out lany onger than that.

If Steam didn’t have those sales it probably wouldn’t be near as big.

1947d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

Yes, but by doing this Epic and the publisher also saves us money on a new game and they get to see more profit per copy sold in general. If you refuse that on principle then you’re, imo, an entitled git.

Steam isn’t some essential reality of of gaming infrastructure, but people supporting it as such is part of the problem. Why? Because Epic just proved we could get cheaper games and support Devs better at the same time really. The complete opposite of the whole “well g...

1947d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment