
CRank: 5Score: 96030

Technically? Yes. Going next gen only would allow all assets to be higher polygon count than if they’re released on the one S still. And that’s just the easy upgrade.

That said, if the Series X utilized tessellation than it could also circumvent that. Most assets are suitably high poly enough already imo, so tessellation could be limited more towards what really “need it”.

Most other next gen upgrades can be utilized well on the Series S with crossgen...

1608d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

doesn’t need to be edgy. X was the foundation point of the top of the line One family—so X carries over. Same way Series S will likely be “Lockhart’s” name if real.

It’s the only thing logical about how Xbox has named anything after the original Xbox.

1610d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I want to know so I know what to expect, a baseline to use as a budget saving idea (high spec being higher cost), as well as if I want to upgrade my pc gpu sooner or not. Although I don’t plan on upgrading my gpu until rtx3000 or a much better rdna2.0 Card. Which we should learn about sometime this year anyways—maybe around GDC.

1610d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


But most every third party developer has been doing those same things really. FC New Dawn, latest GR, etc from Ubisoft. Activision Blizzard. EA. All have been going down the same path in more and more games imo n recent years.

Just somewhat more disappointing in Bethesda’s case since they were sort of the last ones to do some of it. My biggest qualms with them was trying to monetize mods in their games. Nexus has a donation tab and everything...

1610d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I’d love if it did an Oblivion and released in the Spring after new consoles hit. Probably not this time, but it would be amazing.

If so they could show it at e3 and sort of do a F4 with a quick release (but longer than F4’s wait).

1610d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Doom Eternal will likely turn them back on the straight and narrow, at least for most fans. The other games we don’t really know much about, but I’m sure we’ll see plenty at e3.

Even if Starfield doesn’t launch in 2020, which is simply put unlikely to happen anyways, they could still show it off though. Possibly for a pretty early release—if they do an Oblivion (less than half a year after the 360 released). Probably not, but they could since large rpgs like it should be ...

1610d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I wonder what they’ll do for the launch of the Series X. They said the team is still going strong after all, and the EverWild team is separate. It just seems a good time for a huge update imo, since they’re still supporting it.

I’d only go back though if they added a narrative mode, or some huge “Land-Ho!” experience where you discovered a huge landmass to explore to add some serious variety.

1611d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

Not sure how Instant some will be, especially for true next gen games. But anything even near or better than Pc’s ssd is a vast improvement.

And by all accounts, consoles should be even faster than my PC in that regard at least. So I’m definitely looking forward to better fast traveling and Respawn times for sure.

Edit: love when I reply on wrong post.

1616d ago 5 agree2 disagreeView comment

Nintendo had them make Astral Chain and Bayonetta 3 though. I wouldn’t rule them out since Switch will have even less big games once next gen hits, due to power difference growth. So it wouldn’t hurt to have another studio under their belt.

Not really expecting an acquisition though.

1617d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Bayonetta/Vanquish remaster releases in February. Babylon’s Fall and Bayonetta 3 this year perhaps?

They’ve talked about wanting to self publish as well, so unless someone is picking them up, that seems plausible. Maybe announce a new game that they’re both developing and publishing (perhaps as a next gen title?).

Vanquish 2 finally going to happen?

Who knows, but bet it will be worth watching for.

1617d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Because gta6 would cost Sony a ridiculous amount of money compared to any other timed exclusive imo. More than most true exclusives likely would.

They could try for it, but it just seems a stretch to me—even if it would be a definite system seller.

1618d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

If it’s true, which I also doubt, 30% of modern/future hardware is a huge difference compared from last to this gen.

For example: if both consoles target 4k/60 then that would be an extra 20fps of “power gap” that Xbox could use elsewhere and still have 4k/60. That would be a lot more than a 360’s worth of juice from one vs PS4 launch systems (just an example—since 3tflops is almost 3/4 of a PS4 pro, or half a One X boost).

1618d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

As most would point out: tens of millions of people don’t want or simply don’t have a Pc. So they’d be out tens of millions, likely hundreds of millions, in software sales and accessories by scrapping the console for those gamers. Not to mention subscription accounts.

Until that number falls to practically zero, consoles have a purpose for gamers as well as the company making them. Plus, for people saying digital only... how many pc versions of games have you bought in ...

1620d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

They cancelled orders from people too. One of my friends ordered one and shared the news. Everyone got theirs cancelled due to a pricing error.

1623d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Xbox Game Studios shows more new games than Sony—gets chastised. Releases better reviewed first party game of the year—gets chastised (how much you enjoyed them is a different argument). Has the most announced internally developed games for next year—gets chastised.

Sometimes you just can’t please some people.

I’m not saying they’re knocking it our of the park with everything, but this year has been a significant turnaround for them. Next will be insan...

1623d ago 3 agree5 disagreeView comment

1440p/60 would be possible, so why 1080/60?

But the truth is I prefer resolution since my favorite games are rpgs and they don’t need to be as framerate heavy anyways.

1623d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

It will vary game to game. Large Open world games will be a lot harder to do 4k/60 with still.

But DMC5 and Gears 5 were both 4k/60 90% of the time on the X. So anything more linear have ALOT of room to expand on come next gen while still being 4k/60. Even Battlefield sized multiplayer titles can see substantial leaps. CoD? They already always went for framerate as well, so they could be pretty insane as well (even if I’m still not a cod fan).

But 4k...

1624d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

If the ps5 isn’t a disc shaped roomba with a cup holder, I’m now holding you accountable for my ruined expectations.

1624d ago 8 agree0 disagreeView comment

Demo, true, but much more possible than you’d expect. It uses photogrammetry (or something like that), which uses real world asset scans to achieve higher quality models as well as textures.

That is the future, and in fact the reality of today. It’s basically how Devs use all of the real world actors of today but in a much, much grander scale. It’s also how movies get all that high level cgi right (mix of real world+mo cap suits).

Hellblade is a perfec...

1624d ago 8 agree8 disagreeView comment

I expect 4k/60 for 90% of “today’s games” (many at Ultra). 4k/60 for some off and on future titles too, but not 100% of the time—especially not if open world. PC can have trouble with 4k/60 in several of today’s open world games, so don’t expect miracles imo.

Anything better is just gravy imo.

I’m also fine with 4k/30 for some that will possibly stand out visually more than the others, but I’d rather not have to sacrifice much. Games like Gears 5, DMC5...

1624d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment