
CRank: 5Score: 81480

No one is excited for this. Except for some dedicated fanboys, that where so dedicated to be 360 fanboys they bought vampire rain and Perfect Dark zero! ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hh!!!! Please don't say perfect dark zero was a good game, it was terrible.

5835d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Why not?! If it sells keep bringing more of it. MGS4 owns, MGS5 would be no different, except better.

5835d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

He mite of said PSN is the future, but he was probably talking about the online or something. This is how big rumors start, Mis quoting. sucks.

5835d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Yeah, this game is balls, I hope they cancel it for the ps3. I don't want any flopper titles on my system :(

5835d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I don't want this garbage on the ps3. Leave it on the RROD box. It belongs their :) I hope they just stop this awful game.

5836d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I didn't even know anyone cared about this game! It just looks like a generic crap bowl of a game. I have a feeling its going to be worse than haze, maybe a vampire rain! Oh, well 360s suck, so who cares.

5836d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yeah, IE sucks, I think Microcrap should just get over it that they lost. IE gets so many viruses. With its active x control. Firefox just owns. Theirs no point to keep making new versions of IE. No one uses it anymore, except old people who don't know much about computers. Lots of computer company's are now starting to ship firefox preinstalled on their computers, I think hp already started. They just started to know firefox kills IE in so many ways, speed, safety,looks, customization, every...

5836d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

It has F-ing apple ads! Everywhere. Plus snake is holding a six axis when your using the mk 2, and of course, the funny time to change the disk snake call! From IGN posting this, I'm going to bet theirs going to be 200 topics about MGS4 going to the 360. Yea, its impossible for MGS4 to go to the 360. mainly because of the apple ads, imagine if konami took out those ads, and put some microcrap ads everywhere. I mean its obvious Apple would sue. Plus who would want to have 6 disks for MGS4? Whe...

5837d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yeah, RE is pretty much dead. I'm more into Siren than RE. The new siren for the ps3 just looks insane. RE5 is just looking the same, except in Africa.

5837d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Why would you need that? It would just make the console more expensive! 2 HDMI ports is just not needed. Besides you always can just get an HDMI splitter or something. The only reason you would need 2 hdmi ports, is for dual screens. Or else you could just stop being so generic and just get a good 42inch hd tv!

5837d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I really hope it does, I'm getting tired of quiting my game just to go see one of my friends messages. I really don't see how hard it could be, to make the XMB accessible with your games. But whatever, the only reason I would even care about the 2.40 update, is so I can just see my messages with out leaving my game. It would just be so manly. Other than the whole message thing, I love my ps3.

5838d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

After their hd dvd loss. I thought toshiba would of went under! They lost $1 billion on their doodie maker hd dvd. Toshiba is just a generic Sony rip off. They just try to copy everything they do. They copied blu ray with hd dvd. Too bad it failed. Toshiba sucks. Its funny now that their done with the hd era. Now their trying to say upscaling dvds can compete with high end HD formats. LOL! They pretty much just made fun of themselves. They totally must of forgot they made hd dvd. They are pre...

5838d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Never understood why sites always spread the rumors even more. N4g is the worst. They always have a new topic with MGS4 maybe going to the 360. Yet MGS4 has apple ads! Gamespot even spreads rumors. Their a pretty official site too. You would think they would only post true things, not rumors. Rumors tend to be fake.

5839d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

So no, it will never go to the RROD box. It has so many apple ads, every computer in the game is a Mac. Plus the funny change the disk call. And also when your using the Mk 2, snakes using a six axis.

5839d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I would rent it if the ps3 version was out. Oh well, after uwe bolls alone in the dark, I think the game just got a disease of floppiness. Too bad, the 360s new games have been getting some mediocre to ok reviews. Ninja gaiden 2 was nothing special, neither will be too human. Just looks generic.

5839d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yeah, no need for a 360. fables better on a pc anyways. Fable 1 owned on the pc.

5839d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Microcrap is being retarded again. The reason the RROD occured, was because microcrap made the 360 in 6 months. Thats not enough time to fix any bugs that would be in a console. The xbox 3 is just going to be another RROD box. Good luck microcrap with that narly hardware you have their.

5839d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Poor microcrap, its sales are down so they have to try and ruin MGS4 by talking BS. Its funny when theirs a Gears launch or halo launch, you never see Sony start talking about how one of their games is owning Gears or something. Microcrap is just a bunch of retarded catholics with no skills. They should just go and jump of a bridge. Sonys a fair company, Microcrap is just a cheap, ripoff douche company, that would sell your grandmas coffin for a toenail clipper and a playboy.

5840d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Theirs another reason why it will never go to the 360. It has apple ads, everywhere! To bad 360 owners. No mgs4 for you. Have fun with mediocre ninja gaiden 2.

5840d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

Yeah, its not going to the 360. Sony said it wasn't, Kojima said it wasn't, Konami said it wasn't. Plus when your playing MGS4, Otacon calls you up, and tells you time to change the disk snake. Wait, oh never mind were on the playstation 3 system. Dual layer BD. No need to change the disk. And when your using the mk 2 your using a six axis to show its exclusiveness to the ps3. So yeah its not. Go away 360 fanboys and play halo or something.

5840d ago 7 agree2 disagreeView comment