
CRank: 5Score: 81480

A 7 core 3.2ghz cell processor is much better than a tri core 3.2ghz processor! Its not even comparable you f-ing moron!!! God I hate xbots! They don't even know anything about specs.

5821d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I remember when oblivion came out for the ps3. It had 3 times better graphics and loadtimes. You think the 360 could get better graphics with 7 months extra time! I guess not. Oh, well who would buy this flopper, no mods and no mouse and keyboard support make it doodie.

5821d ago 11 agree6 disagreeView comment

You guys have 4 major problems. RROD, Disk Read Error, disk scratching, and to top if off System Error E74! WoW your console is poop in a bucket!

5822d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well, microsoft did it again. First it was RROD, Disk read error, now System error E74! wOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT! Man, that console sucks balls!

5822d ago 7 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yeah, you can download crap with the silver membership. You cant play online though you moron! So whats the F-ing point of the silver membership if theirs no online? How is PSN falling apart? Its really good. I guess you wouldn't know though. Your 360 is too precious. Thats why you ram it up the butt every night :) Plus ketchup is free douche. That would be pretty funny to pay for ketchup. Unless you live in a 3rd world country than you mite have to pay for ketchup.

5822d ago 7 agree2 disagreeView comment

Who in gods name, has enough time to just sit around a complain about updates? I guess this Donnie B guy does. I Wonder if he has ever left his house before? Seriously dude, you need to find yourself a women or a career. Your life is headed straight into 50 years of living with your parents, and eating yourself to death from so many twinkies. How did the 2.40 update fail. It works perfectly for me. It may of had some bugs but their obviously going to get fixed very soon. Also, they are obviou...

5822d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

I bet everyone forgot about this port. It just looks so generic on the 360. No mods and mouse and keyboard support is pretty terrible. Save your time 360 owners just buy it on the pc. Or if you have a ps3 also, thats a good choice.

5823d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Yeah, I knew their had to be a small amount with this problem. Guess I was right

5823d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Its like an unknown thing. People that say they have the glitch just say it freezes. But like what freezes? The update, your entire ps3? I have 11 friends and 2 ps3s! None of them froze. Nor did any of my friends ps3s!

5823d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I thought they finally got rid of all those crappy hd dvd players a long time ago. I guess not. $5! Jesus why dont they just put a sign on them saying free? Hd dvd players are not even worth $5. Neither is a 360. They all suck balls.

5823d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

Just glad i got mine at midnight. Too bad for anyone who actually got their ps3 frozen

5823d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Did you make that 2.40 pic on photoshop? Jesus you have a lot of time to waste in your life. I'm glad I get to go outside. Yep no proof about this 2.40 bricking. Oh well. In the end all ps3 owners will notice. It never happened, it was all 360 BS :)

5824d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

All 10 of my friends, never had any problems with the 2.40. I didn't have any problems with the 2.40. With both of my ps3s, I have a 60gb, and a 40gb. Yep another BS story with no facts. Except some 360 fanboys coming to the PS forums to claim it killed their console! I bet if you asked everyone who's on n4g. They would say, "Nope never froze my ps3" Give me a break, people were predicting this would happen, some 360 fanboys would pretend they owned a ps3. On the day of the 2.40 the...

5824d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I don't believe any of this, its all garbage. People predicted this would happen, fanboys claiming it bricked their console. Its just a bunch of 360 BS! Mine works perfect! Theirs no freezing going on. This always happens when some big update or some big game comes out. Fanboys always make rumors to start to talk about how the game broke their console. Or in this case 2.40. Give me a break. Sony has probably been testing this update for months now! Theirs no bugs with it. Stupid retards!

5824d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Every day they always have something on their site, thats negative to Sony. Some game gets delayed they pretty much act as if Sony lost the console war. Its really sad. You never see them complaining about the 360. In fact I don't even remember them having anything about the RROD on their site.

5824d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

This always happens with something new on the PS3. Sony releases something, microcrap 2 hours later makes a statement claiming some game is better than that game for the PS3. Now their doing it with updates. They are such sore losers its not even funny. You never see Sony ripping on a halo launch, or a gears launch. Sony actually likes to make fair competition. Microcrap would sell your grandmas coffin for a pack of cigs if it was up to them. Plus that Cliffy B retard started to talk about ho...

5824d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

You core and arcade owners better start praying this is fake. Or else your going to have to go and get that $100 20gb hdd! Or else just not buy the game. Pretty sad you cant even play every game on the 360. If the 9gb install is true, it sucks. But at least us PS3 owners will be able to play the damn game, without having to go and buy a 20gb hdd for $100. You can just feel the scam crawling up your fingers. Next thing you know, some game developers out of the blue will put "Wifi only onl...

5824d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

It has like 10 levels 30 characters. I don't see where all this space could be going? This hasn't even been confirmed so yeah, sounds pretty fake. A 9gb install would just be terrible.

5824d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

How can a fighter be more than 2 gb? Fighters have like 10 levels 30 characters or more. Theirs no way this game is more than 2gb on the disk. Yeah, this is obviously fake.

5824d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yea,this would obviously be really expensive to make. Much more than a regular bluray disk. So for any xbots that think the 360 will start to use these 42gb dvds. Your dreaming. This would cost way to much just to produce a single disk.

5825d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment