
CRank: 5Score: 16340

That's not true at all, in fact that is far from the truth as it is next gen, but I guess your just another one who because they don't own it you want to crap all over it the usual story around here..

1171d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

There are some daft people in this thread and you can tell they don't have a clue about the series S and what it can do. I guess you have to actually own one to know it's miles better than last gens consoles and it's not all to far behind the ps5 and series X in capabilities.

1171d ago 0 agree10 disagreeView comment

Series S is an ace console and that comes from someone who's going to have a second in the house soon..

1171d ago 5 agree31 disagreeView comment

I like the sound of Xbox network, god I remember playstation network, I still have the black internet box you had to screw on with a coin and the playstation network disc lol

Doubt it's worth anything now but just kept it for memory's.

1171d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

I have a Series S myself and can also vouch for the system, it's just these people who don't own it come out with all sorts of bulcrap to try and slate it yet they do not know a god damn thing..

1171d ago 4 agree9 disagreeView comment

It isn't anything to do with Microsoft, Dolby decide the charge and I believe it's a one time fee.

1172d ago 17 agree7 disagreeView comment

Tencent also now own Conan exiles since they bought it.

1173d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

All these Nay Sayers downvoting.
For people who have a series S we know full well how capable that machine is, it's the fanboys that don't.

I've played Conan exiles on an Xbox one and an Xbox X then on my series S and boy does it blow away the last gens consoles abilities.

Everything in the series S is just absolutely magnified to the point it's more than capable of doing a fine job at whatever the Devs can put out which leads me...

1174d ago 5 agree3 disagreeView comment

So many better heroes than Spidey that could of been put into avengers.

Like give me some of the Savage avengers heroes like Punisher who has at one point killed the whole Marvel Universes heroes and Villains wearing Iron man's suit or Conan the barbarian who's even got his own Symbiot in the comics. I want to see characters like that that have a had a change to there behaviour by something happening to them, damn even Thanos has a Punisher version and is sposed to ...

1174d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Exactly and the fact they are putting an exclusive character out when at a time this game needs content, really does show to you that they think more about the money than the fans who bought the game

If they put an exclusive slider in then they should put a hero on for Xbox and other platforms.

1174d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I'm pretty sure Avengers will be next to follow the road this has..

Failed games made by greedy Devs who could of made the game absolutely brilliant and cocked it up because if the money from sales instead of showing support to fans and getting it right in the first place.

1175d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

That's because Jack Grealish is injured 🤣

1175d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I want to kick his ass, force the lard arse to share his millions. I see what table he sat at when he was young, it was certainly the highest chair in the room and fed with a gold spoon, not silver all while sitting in his XXXL Ivory tower that was bigger than your standard ivory tower.

1175d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I thought Arsenal were bad keeping Ozil on for 350k a week wages all while they went and fired around fifty staff members.

This guy however is taking the piss.

1175d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

That's disgusting and this is the world we live in today. The only difference between chivalry and now is that at least king and queens were honest when they were going to take your money. These fatcats at the top of everything just take, take take, the world makes me sick sometimes that we humans do this to one and other.

200 million, at his age what does he need that for he could easily live off 1 mill for rest of his life.

The way the world is with...

1175d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Fantastic game but super ultra lazy crap developers and publisher behind it which I think anyone who was there from the beginning of payday 2 on console will vouch for it.

It was one heck of a story trying to get these Publishers and Devs to do a damn thing for years and years they didn't care about console players, they lied to fans, back tracked on plans, patches were thin and executed poorly, the list just goes on really.

If there is one publisher ...

1175d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Somebody's on the rag.

1176d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

There is something no one sees a potential move happening.

MS and Sony discuss in a meeting. Sony says what's up MS, MS says yo Sony we got some business in tha house. So MS goes on to say it's like this Sony, we own Gamepass and have just bought Bethy, yet you want Bethy games on your console and that's fine for us so long as Gamepass is on your console as well. Sony says yo G this ain't the way it's sposed to flow, MS says you Bizatch we ain't fin...

1176d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

If gamepass ends up on playstation I feel that's Sony acknowledges there wrong when MS tried to sort cross play out, have closer ties with Sony, bring business closer between Xbox and Sony and Sony are having to come to there senses about some things.

Let's face it Sony, Nintendo and MS all do there own work to make this industry better, they would all benefit more learning from each other and making there platforms more of a better place by borrowing ideas that the...

1176d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Errr excuse me but do fanboys come into your beloved playstation articles and trash all over them, two wrong don't make a right son..

It's all in good fun, such titles like this give me chuckles, Xbox will win without selling a game, thats las bad as saying Sony won last gen without making an exclusive.

1176d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment