
CRank: 5Score: 16340

The game looks good, like a proper zombie game, was watching the gameplay looks action packed I'd buy on release.

1971d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

quiet = worried, youve seen the A Team film rite, when Murdoch says I'm a ranger baby, then face says I'm worried, well that's what I'm thinking with Sony being quiet

1971d ago 4 agree14 disagreeView comment

Oh dont be such a plonker rodders!!

an awful platform🤣 check yourself into a mental institute.

1971d ago 8 agree33 disagreeView comment

Just because ms are not beating Sony in sales, doesn't mean that they have had a poor performance. MS have more than performed this gen in many other areas Sony have not. It goes to show with comments like that above that this place is pro Sony.

Sony have done great, but not perfect, not brilliant and can be toppled if the moves are rite by other developers Not that it's a console war anyway, that went out when sega and Nintendo finished there's. Numbers are for...

1971d ago 5 agree26 disagreeView comment

I'll just take another street fighter, don't be doing anything else, I think the roster is what was the let down for the last game, need to put out good rosters

1978d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well considering Xbox next console, well one of them will be a digital, streaming only device rite??

1987d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Nothing wrong with open world on multiple planets, both ideas are welcomed, it's not impossible.

1987d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Womb- Microsoft isn't trying to sell as many consoles as they can like Sony do, instead they are focusing on subscriptions and hardware sales.

I would say Microsoft would gladly take a hit on console devices where as Sony wouldn't, people mistake each console developers approach in the industry.

Sony clearly dominate the console sales, but make no mistake about it Microsoft dominate in subscriptions, both have there pros and cons as always neither...

1990d ago 4 agree4 disagreeView comment

I would be very interested to see how far it's come since 2017, all that was lacking then was content and DLC.

The 2017 game I played was actually to my surprise quite fun, plenty to do.

1996d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I won't be getting it, one I don't trust the devs, two the gameplay I watch looked so repetitive it was unreal. Gameplay is basically pick up everything in sight, you run into zombies kill, you run into looters, bad guys or psycho theres just kill, all while looking on the floor for traps. I mean its ok running into bad guys but everyone of them pretty much looks like the same clan. Where the difference in looks is I didn't see it apart from the big armored guy with shield whitch ...

1996d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think they should totally try and do a marvel collaboration and get iron man and war machine suits added, even put some of iron mans enemies in as bosses like iron monger and titanium man.

1999d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

It does look good just cause 4, loomed funny as hell from the video I watched, however they are complete different games, one is a sp/sandbox/rpg/shooter the other is coop/sandbox/rpg/shooter. The amount of players is what makes the games different from eachother.

1999d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Yeah cross play can only help drive sales really.

The game is looking nice.

One thing I really hope is that they add more suits. It's one thing that drives me nuts with the games today is that in today's gaming they should be adding more playable characters, suits that are not just skins, which come with new move sets as well as new looks.

1999d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

I spent lots of time over and over playing the co op dragon age, i loved it but the devs really anmoyed me with the lack of content.

It really upset me to be honest about that online dragon age to the point i felt in the end we all got screwed out of money for a game that was never going to be given content.

Won't be making that mistake again, I want them to come out and state they are promising to deliver DLC for there next Dragon age.

1999d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

What's digital have to do with it, they lock your profile, ip address and any other method they can use to lock you out of there games. It's got nothing to do with being physical or digital copys, the same access occurs either way when loading a game up.

1999d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Who would of ever thought all three console giants standing together on stage, a day in history really. They have there differences but together they looked United.

The console war went out when sega and Nintendo stopped Waring at the end of the 90s. I don't know why people try to keep it alive between Sony and Microsoft for it just isn't a war. Back then people sided with Nintendo or sega and console wars were nothing more than friendly banter at home or school, be...

2000d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Everyone who signs to alphas and betas know the rules. We all know if you do anything other than test the game your done for, if you pirate or stream he game it's your own fault what punishment comes your way.

I have no sympathy, I could of got done by sea of thieves devs myself as I went to show someone the game, but as quickly as i put the stream up i took it down remembering that i could not do that. I didn't want to get screwed in someway or another and be made ...

2000d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I would like a few things to improve on next gen. One being more accessible buildings, were still seeing buildings that when you walk up to they are closed off and we cant enter, all buildings should be accessible. Another would be higher player count games with bigger map sizes, I'd like to see the standard 8 16 and 32 player games pushed to higher caps.

2009d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Not played any of them, that strange brigade looks like it's worth a play through.

Game pass just keeps getting better, it's already value for money.

2009d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

It's very good gamepass is, I have it and there Is so much to play and all for a small fee each month. To think once upon a time i used to pay monthly subscriptions to just one game like wow, rift ,ffxi online or even psu on pc and 360, now you get so much choice with this gamepass, can't complain at all.

I read Microsoft new studio developers asked what there funding was for when they start creating there first bunch of games, Microsoft basically said well what do ...

2010d ago 2 agree5 disagreeView comment