
CRank: 5Score: 72080

Helping disabled gamers would be making a controller or other peripheral that helped them experience the game not making an easy mode. Laziness is not a disability. Most disabled people I know which is mostly military veterans don't complain about stupid insignificant things like this they adapt, overcome, and achieve their goals without whining like an entitled little child for the world to change to fit them.

1884d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Plenty of legit answers above, you and the other snowflakes like you just fail to accept logic. This game is not for you, play something else. Just let the devs do what they have done for years and stop trying to make them change because you don't like it. Just don't buy it and move on. Just like I don't like the way COD games play so I don't buy them. Does that make them a bad game? Absolutely not but I just won't play them and I'm happy with it.

1884d ago 11 agree2 disagreeView comment

Why don't we wait and see what the courts decide before we cast stones. Accusations are just that, not a conviction. Plus if he is convicted of something that doesn't mean the employees need to suffer.

1887d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

People like SenorIdiot make me miss the old comment bubble system where we could down vote you until you could only have one comment per article and limit the stupid being spread around.

1887d ago 16 agree1 disagreeView comment

For someone with the tag Gamingunited you are one of the biggest Sony fanboys around. Their is nothing about you that is a true gamer just a fanboy and nothing gaming uniting about your comment history. The more options in the gaming world we have the better. I enjoy Playstation and all it's games but I don't want a world where they are the only ones and are overly dominant. Competition is always really good especially for us real gamers who want quality and value for our money. Lucki...

1893d ago 7 agree7 disagreeView comment

Ummm where do you think some of the tech for PS now comes from? Onlive's patents were bought by who? Hmmmm oh yea that's right Sony. Onlive did fail it just helped pave the way for other companies. True failure only happens if you give up before you try. If people just gave up because negative people like you say they will fail then we wouldn't have most of the nice things we enjoy today. True success is learning from our mistakes, not giving up, and overcoming obstacles to achiev...

1896d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Agree with you about people just looking for clickbait and reasons to create drama where there is none.

I do disagree with arguments people have every time I see them saying you're getting stuff free for something you initially paid for with money like some company is doing something out of the goodness of their heart just for you, LMAO. Companies use a this tactic all the time where they add something to the product labeling telling you they are giving you 20% or 50%...

1898d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Too bad the blind rabid fanboys on this site aren't more like Shawn Layden.

1931d ago 12 agree9 disagreeView comment

Points for this guy he gets it.

1934d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

@autobotdan If people aren't already getting fatter and lazier by the day. Let's just give them less reasons to go out in the real world to do anything. Genius idea, let's give this guy a Nobel peace prize because if no one ever left home then no reason to fight/wars.

1934d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

All games are cash grabs like Frosty except I'm done giving money to EA. . I'll try APEX out but EA will never get another dime from me after BFV. Supported there game at launch then less than 2 weeks in the game was being sold for half price and still is being sold half price. EA rewards loyal fans by screwing them over.

1938d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

This is a gamers website, why are you on here? You're obviously not a gamer because you don't like all games.

See I can make stupid illogical comments just like you.

1938d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Pirating is wrong and anyone who does it no matter what the justification is still wrong.

I do have a problem with people who make comments saying what about the devs? Yes what about them? I couldn't care less about someone who works for an evil corporation well known to screw over consumers. F them, they chose to work for EA knowing how EA treats it's consumers which is widely and publicly known. There are plenty of other publishers out there or they could have go...

1938d ago 0 agree9 disagreeView comment

Yes it did.

1981d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I can deal with their creative vision that doesn't bother me one bit but it is very DISRESPECTFUL to the people who bought Battlefield V day one then give a 50% discount less than 2 weeks after launch. It just goes to show you if you support EA they will screw you over again and again and again. They don't care about their loyal fans and customers.

Feel free to blindly support a company who keeps proving over and over they could care less about their customers and...

1994d ago 13 agree1 disagreeView comment

What this guy did was completely stupid and he deserves to be punish for violating an NDA, this we all agree on.

Some people on here are saying it is wrong to take away games he has purchase. I see their point and my opinion is they are right. EA shouldn't have the right to do this on their own. It should only be a court of law that can make a decision to confiscate someone's paid property. Especially property that does not pertain to the NDA violation unless a cour...

1996d ago 10 agree13 disagreeView comment

Pretty sure this guys has been screwed over by EA before just like millions of others. Just look at Battlefield fans who supported BFV at launch. Two weeks into launch and the game is 50% off until Dec 20th, EA screwing over their most dedicated once again. I bet you were one of them and yet here you are supporting EA. EA keeps spitting in their fans faces but yet some still support them blindly, that wasn't rain hitting your face. Anthem will be no different.

1997d ago 16 agree2 disagreeView comment

Wow all 3 came together onstage for a common goal unfortunately all the fanboys on here just can't get their heads out of there rears.

I started coming to this site back in 2009 when playing on the PS3 seemed like a crime and I defended it against the Xbox 360 fanboy even though I own a Xbox 360 also because the PS3 crowd back then just seemed to act more mature. The Xbox fanboys were extremely toxic back then. Now I only play on the PS4 console only but it just seems ...

1998d ago 5 agree4 disagreeView comment

I was commenting on whether someone can or can't. It would be up to a court of law to decide and interpret those laws and thankfully not the court of public opinion. I provided a way to find knowledge on this situation.

Too much public opinions condemn people everyday without the whole complete and truthful stories. Gossip and hearsay should not be used to ruin a persons life without facts. I already see way too much gossip and hearsay all over the...

1999d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Been doing it since 1978. Knowledge is a strong tool of life.


Learn your laws and rights. Also just because someone patents something or copyrights it does not mean people can't make or use them. We can as long as it is not for monetary gain. So please don't go around saying you're going to copyright walking or a catch phrase and sue everyone who...

1999d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment