For everry idiot that says I don't own a ps4.
CRank: 5Score: 40860

Pretty sure he confirmed this months ago.

3735d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

You're in the minority. Because Sonic the hedgehog is one big joke now. It just refuses to die.

3735d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

This game has been in development for three years specifically for next gen.

3735d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment


3735d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I too, enjoy Turtles.

3735d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

I like how he explained in detail why he gave this game the average score and we have comments like this proving how immature n4g is when it comes to their most hyped up games getting constructive criticism. -_-
"Adam Sessler is a microsoft fanboy, **** his reviews"
Didn't see ANYONE saying this when he gave the last of us and most of the uncharted games a perfect score! Not to mention the fact that you're nowhere to be seen on any of the other 3/5 review sco...

3736d ago 6 agree24 disagreeView comment

I can very much understand why delsin would annoy some. He's just like my peers at my art university. I can perfectly understand adults being angry at someone young and naive like Delsin.

3736d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment

This is the most respectful team of developers. Seriously
-they redid and added more motion capture animations and also redid the combat of the witcher 1 FOR FREE
-They magically made the xbox 360 version of the witcher 2 look amazing and then upgraded everyone's pc copy of the witcher 2 to the dark edition, FOR FREE
-One of them just recently re-created every aspect of the wticher 2's combat and redid it to resemble the combat system in the witcher 3 and relea...

3736d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yes! This AND the Cole's legacy dlc! :D
Bring it on Sucker Punch! >:D

3736d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

:( I hope not. Sharing is caring..

3736d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Yes please!

3736d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

1080/120 fps was what they said the ps3 could handle. And we all know how that turned out...
I very much doubt that ps4 could handle 1080p AND 60fps on a game that has a high graphical fidelity, otherwise we'd already be getting those games. Secondly, I honestly don't wanna wear a device on my head while playing games. No one's forcing me to buy it but c...

3736d ago 8 agree9 disagreeView comment

Even if they aren't as good as the tech demo. Those graphics are AMAZING. Gameplay looks pretty good as well. What i'm confused about is whether or not this is getting a western release. Because one of the trailers had an english voice doing the narration but then some articles say it's Japan only. Would anyone like to clarify?

3736d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

Games like murder is not used as a crutch for maturity. Because even games that aren't rated M feature murder. Remember Jak 2 and Jak 3? The same cannot be said for rape, which is usually used by lazy/untalented writers in order to make make their stories seem mature and well written. Video game writing is not nearly as well written as films are, they aren't even as well written as tv shows. People like David Cage and more recently Kojima need to stop trying to include rape in their s...

3736d ago 1 agree16 disagreeView comment

Too many cutscenes IS a bad thing in my honest opinion. Especially if the writing of your game is not very good despite all the relatively sad attempts to imitate film. Many developers that are praised for their storytelling are actually part of the reason why storytelling in video games is held back, because they are not good storytellers in anyway shape or form to anyone who has any knowledge of storytelling, screenwriting, and characterization principles. Games that are guilty of this are ...

3736d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment
I'm so ****ing ready. This download will be done in a flash. (/゚Д゚)/

3736d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment
I'm so ****ing ready. This download will be done in a flash. (/゚Д゚)/
Yea. Kinda wish I had google fiber though.

3736d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment


3736d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Nope. 10% story content=no buy

3737d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

yes...Yes.....YES....YESSSSSSS !!! (/゚Д゚)(/゚Д゚)/(/゚Д゚)/(/゚Д゚)/
Release a flipping trailer already ubisoft!!!

3737d ago 1 agree8 disagreeView comment