CRank: 5Score: 7930

This is the second article I've seen this pile of word vomit posted in. Do yourself a favor and get out of the basement, take your little carpal tunnel brace off so you can move those wrists around, shave that neckbeard, and get some sunlight.

2825d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Yeah! Sony never makes sequels to games.....Oh, wait.

2825d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

If you live in the U.S. and need or want a new tv (and aren't in a rush) you can save a ton of money if you buy a tv right before the Super Bowl (beginning of February). That's what I did. Forget the exact model number but it's a 65in Sony 4k w/ HDR, normal price $2300 and I got it for $1200. Still pricey I guess but nowhere near as bad as the original price

2825d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Legitimate question, Can't a dev get more out of an Xbox/PS4 with less power than a PC since they know the exact specs they're dealing with?

I know both consoles use the same architecture as a PC, and a PC will obviously have more power, but since there's so many variables with hardware configurations it's far harder to optimize. You can throw endless power at something but if it's optimized poorly it doesn't matter how much power you have.

2825d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

What a ridiculous headline.

2826d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

I've put off getting a PS4 for a long time but this is the game I'll get it for. Even if it ends up sucking, which I don't think it will, I'll be slaying hordes on Day 1

2826d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Personally I'll buy any movie/show that I really enjoy. But you don't need to buy to use physical discs. Redbox and Netflix both still rent them. Plus in the glorious U.S. of A. a ton of people have data caps. Good luck streaming everything and not blowing through it

2826d ago 8 agree0 disagreeView comment

Maybe I'm out of the loop but I have never seen a 1080 tv that supports hdr. So unless I'm mistaken that update will do nothing for ps4 gamers since nobody has 4k tvs (according to some people on this site)....Or does everyone have 4k tvs now just like they magically have super PCs ever since Microsoft started releasing games on the One and Windows

2826d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment

I just read on Neogaf that Colter is face, other guy is voice..Id link a screenshot if it would let me, but apparently has to do with Colters schedule for another project

3270d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I may be wrong, but I'm almost certain they confirmed on twitter a month or two ago that they are making a custom console for Halo 5

3274d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

See what I don't understand is if a Dev floods the internet with news about their game, people complain about it. If a Dev keeps their mouth shut and works their asses off, people complain and say the game will suck and everything is falling apart..

When the game was announced, if I recall correctly Massive never gave a release date. Some Ubisoft rep did say something about 2014 but a Massive Dev laughed at that and said work was literally just beginning on the game (if I...

3311d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

Every day I say I won't look at any Witcher stuff that shows up...and every day I fail.

3322d ago 17 agree2 disagreeView comment

I'll probably check these out first then. I like to read all I can in order (beginning to present day) as opposed to mixing things randomly in the timeline.

I've got plenty of time to read them but I might look into this audiobook business..Might keep me from punching the steering wheel while I sit in the inevitable traffic jams to and from work

3322d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well it looks like I got some reading to do. Thanks man

3322d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Anyone that's read the books, are they any good? I never had much interest in them but after listening to the #huntthetruth recordings I feel like I should take in all the info I can before this game releases

3322d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

I've had the game since launch and if you want it for the campaigns you'll be fine. At launch the multiplayer was downright awful, I won't deny that, but now it is far better. Is it perfect? No. But nothing is perfect. I can't speak for this issue they've had with this tournament but I just played the game for around 3 hours today with friends on the other side of the country and we had no issues outside of 1 map not loading.

3326d ago 8 agree7 disagreeView comment


What could be done in Minecraft 2 that the original couldn't do? (serious question, I never played Minecraft but I do know the basics of it)


Price drop on new consoles paired with a 10 day window to download Gears for free? That would sell some hardware. Better start spamming Phil Spencer on twitter!

3329d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I know roughly 10 people that are waiting for anything Gears related to come out before they dump their 360s. Obviously that doesn't mean they'll sell 10 million consoles because of it but I'm sure it would move decent units. Especially if it was combined with a price drop or had the game included for the $350 price

3329d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

Ok so here's a longshot prediction

Microsoft does it's E3 conference, shows all the bells and whistles you'd expect, possibly another price drop. Then right at the end Phil Spencer says "Oh and one last thing, the Gears of War trilogy has been remastered and is available to download right now on Xbox Live"..

Yeah, I know it's a longshot, but a man can dream

3329d ago 10 agree0 disagreeView comment

I've gone all digital so far (minus initial launch) and my only complaint is pricing. Knowing I can't trade games in has made me question purchases more, which in turn has saved me money overall, but I'd still like a $10 price drop on the digital titles

3329d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment