
CRank: 5Score: 25110

Since most gamers are buying a PS4... does that mean most gamers are not competitive?
Or does competitive mean you must play on inferior hardware with lower resolution and fps?
And does this re-interpretation mean that 3rd place will from now on be awarded gold?

3611d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Uhmmm... No
Just VGC fake numbers... like the March, April XBone "outselling" the PS4.
And what's up with the # of countries theory? The rest is miniscule ito sales.

3613d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

So MS wanted to go for 8GB from the start and Sony went for less but GDDR5. As luck would have it GDDR5 for 8GB became available just in time for Sony and because of devs pressure Sony went with 8GB. If MS knew that the right GDDR5 would be available in their release timeframe they would have gone with GDDR5. They had to go with DDR3 and ESRAM at the time to get to 8GB. It was logical. Sony got lucky this time around.
No amount of spinning will make ESRAM + DDR3 perform equal to GDDR5...

3621d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

VGChartz warming up to pretend that Xbone is going to lead next week's sales...
On the main page XBone sales is more than PS4 on N America.
Guess they don't learn do they?

3621d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

And all that is left now is for MS to make the best of a bad situation and try and optimize the hell out of what is available.
The PR department try to spin it as better... but the tech industry knows...
8GB GDDR5 vs 8GB DDR3+esram is a no-brainer. GDDR5 wins.
It is only the die-hard fans who desperately tries to frame it as the better of the two. Get over it. Sony and MS rolled the dice. Sony got lucky. Now they are reaping the benefits. Get over it.

3644d ago 3 agree6 disagreeView comment

Around and around the story goes.
Simple facts.
When the consoles was designed, MS and Sony made different decisions.
MS went for 8GB RAM.
Sony for 2-4GB.
GDDR5 was not going to be ready for the release window in MS opinion, and as they set their sights on 8GB RAM, they did the logical design choice *at that time*.
Closer to the release dates, Sony got lucky. GDDR5 could now be 8GB, and pressure from devs, they went with 8GB.
MS not so ...

3644d ago 1 agree5 disagreeView comment

Boogie2988 / Francis
Lots of his videos is hilarious

3807d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

My wishlist...
:With Move Controller
- Golf game
- Cricket
- Fight Night Round x with two Move controllers

3814d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

So they sold less in 9 days that PS4 sold in 24 hours and by their logic it makes MS the best seller????

XBone seems to be a good console and XB fans should not be disappointed. Good games all around with good graphics. IT is only when you have them right next to each other that you will see PS4 graphics is better. I bet that 90% of people will not notice the difference if you play them not next to each other or with screen captures analyzing every le...

3814d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

They told us that the next expected stock will only be available in February 2014 again.
Ther did not seem to be any interest in the XBone.

3814d ago 8 agree0 disagreeView comment

Got mine this morning at Makro Centurion.
They gave out numbers to the first 50 people in the q.
Was nr 43. Some people was really p*ssed off when they realized there was not enough stock.
But very orderly. You had to show your Makro card, got in a q at the Multimedia and one by one progress and pick from what was available. All the stock sold out in the first hour at most shops.

3814d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

Oh lol...
Performance Draw?
Controller XBox wins?
Games XBox wins?
UI XBox wins?

Makes one think of the Final Fantasy review a couple of years ago when PS3 won hands down, but on Metacritic XB360 had better score.

3819d ago 17 agree1 disagreeView comment

The white Boer, the Afrikaner farmer, is easily the highest at-risk group for murder on Earth ... 310 in 100,000 per year actually. By comparison, in London the yearly probability of getting murdered is 3 in 100,000. The world’s foremost authority on genocide, Dr Gregory Stanton of “Genocide Watch”, has recognised the seriousness of the Boer genocide in his 2002 report.

South Africa’s blacks, and especially the ANC youth, still sing the old ANC resistance song “Kill The Boe...

3821d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Blacks Murdered by Whites:

The 7000 remaining deaths are generally attributed to the Apartheid government and includes the SANDF and security forces. A lot of these deaths were in South West Africa during the Angolan war. This number includes a massacre by the SANDF in 1978 in Kassinga where they killed 600 SWAPO refugees. It has to be noted that the Angolan War was fought with the undercover help of Western Nations in order to stop the Communists from taking over Southern A...

3821d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The Apartheid government killed a maximum of 7518 black people during the 46 years of Apartheid. Thus white on black.

The liberation movements (meaning Mandela's ANC and others) were responsible for 13482 politically motivated killings. Thus black on black.

3821d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Was impressed...
Until I saw the Driveclub videos and photos.
But if you don't have them running side by side - so what if it is pre-baked lighting and static backgrounds... When you drive the physics and gameplay will be all that you focus on.

3834d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

Would you buy a second hand car from a MS PR person?

3835d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Well if they wait that long the console war for this gen could be over

3835d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Kinect 2 higher resolution, PS4 Camera higher fps.
Kinect Voice commands is miles ahead.

3836d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Will keep the PS3. Good thing the PS4 controller is compatible with PS3 - as my PS3 controllers is worn out.

3836d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment