
CRank: 13Score: 76070

Natal already has a microphone so we don't have to wait for next gen.
It has speech recognition.
It also has voice recognition so it knows who is talking, this obviously is a cool adjunct to the face recognition in Natal.

So you don't need buttons anymore, you can use voice or motion. You can just nod or shake your head, for instance.
The whole idea of gesture interfaces is to get rid of buttons.
Just look at how games run on an iPhone compared with how th...

5480d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

This is from a much criticised marketing campaign for Sony Bravia televisions featuring Katie Green.
More here
And here:

5501d ago 3 agree10 disagreeView comment

EA at today's stockmarket price is worth just $6 billion. There have been masses of takeovers far bigger than this. Vodaphone, for instance, paid $183 billion to buy Mannesmann.

Now is the time to buy with the stock price so cheap and there are plenty of companies that can easily put their hands on $6 billion!

5656d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

News Corporation, for starters.
Also Time Warner, NBC and Buena Vista.
Here is an article about it:

5656d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Just because the US Marines have moved on to newer software does not make the whole premise of my article wrong.
In fact all I have to do is change "are" to "were" and my article will be perfect again.

5670d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

5675d ago 5 agree11 disagreeView comment

The question is how much harm will it do in the future.
Not how much harm has it done in the past.

Widespread modification of 360s for piracy is a recent phenomenon.

5679d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This Ubisoft piece is not a duplicate. Yes it is writing about the same thing that has been linked to. However the analysis here is unique and not copied from anywhere.
When a new game is released, say GTA, is there only one article about GTA on N4G? Of course not, there are dozens, all talking about a different angle. The same applies here. All this is doing is using the Ubisoft report to illustrate some more general industry points.

5699d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Thank you macalatus.
You have proven my point perfectly.

5768d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

In a civilised debate amongst educated and intelligent people it is normal to discuss the facts.
Not here. Here all the Sony fanboys can do is insult me. Because they know that I am right, so they have no valid ways to disprove what I have said.
This posting of insults and personal attacks is called "ad hominem" and is the last resort of losers.

5768d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

He wasn't fined £80,000.
That was the value of his stock.

5768d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

But you didn't.
Here you are spending your time talking about it.

5768d ago 1 agree9 disagreeView comment

I cannot believe that Sony fanboys are so stupid as to knock a pro Sony article.
I am not biased towards or against any machine, I just tell it how it is.
The PS3 and 360 are virtually identical in performance. Generally games that are on both look better on the 360 because of the PS3 GPU problem. The 360 has a better online portal. The PS3 is more reliable. The PS3 can play blu ray movies. The PS3 is expensive.
Both machines have great exclusives. Any real gamer would ow...

5769d ago 4 agree15 disagreeView comment

It is all to do with search engine optimisation (SEO).
Read about it here:

Basically when people search they use keywords. If I have those keywords in my article then it is more likely to be found. So saying Sony Playstation PS3 covers all the options and makes sure that people find my article.

Sony = manufacturer

5769d ago 1 agree6 disagreeView comment

Thank you for your positive contribution to the discussion.
It appears that we agree on most things except the pre adolescent kids.

The thing about PSN is that because it is free the kids have multiple accounts (just like they do on here) so they can run amok with impunity (just like they do on here).

Oh, and Sony were definitely in a hole. They had to issue more stock and sell of part of the company to finance the PS3 losses.

5769d ago 3 agree23 disagreeView comment

Overall I think the Economist version is the most accurate:
Which includes this:
“Russia was prepared for the war not only militarily, but also ideologically. Its campaign was crude but effective. While its forces were dropping bombs on Georgia, the Kremlin bombarded its own population with an astonishing, even by Soviet standards, propaganda camp...

5769d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Russia has no free press. All the media say is what Putin tells them to say. So the Russian population do not know what is going on in the world.

Regarding Russia and Georgia the best account of what really happened is probably this one. Read it first before calling people names or making ill informed posts.

5769d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

I did not study accountancy at Lindisfarne college.
You are wrong once again. It is not a point in fact.

In fact Lindisfarne College was a British public school where I did my sixth form studies in Physics, Biology, Chemistry and Maths.

And I don't care how much time you have for accountants or marketeers because I have far less time for misinformed idiots who post lies on public websites.

5770d ago 3 agree8 disagreeView comment

I have never worked as "an accountant at a games firm". This is pure made up fiction.
I have been involved commercially in the game industry since 1978.
Try reading this:

5770d ago 2 agree7 disagreeView comment

1. "The PS3 is to be launched simultaneously in the three major gaming territories - North America, Asia and Europe."

2. "Backwards compatibility is a core value of Playstation now."

3. "Having multiple SKUs just confuse...

5797d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment