CRank: 5Score: 2110


Dude, if you speak Japanese fluenty and can understand it, more power to you, but for all these otaku kids who thinks only listening to the japanese audio makes them look cool to all their friends, dude, that's lame.

6057d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

And it sounds a little more like Powerman 5000 than KMFDM.

6057d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I can see why Evil0Angel has 1 bubble. Dude, you're a douchebag, and a fanboy, so go f*ck yourself.

As for all the douchebag fanboys on both sides, why don't all of you go stroke your c0cks for your respective system and let the rest of us have decent FANBOY-LESS conversations.

6057d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment

What a little b*tch. Seriously, I've been having a hell of a time with Disturbed and Slipknot on hard setting, and you don't see me cryin' about it. Somebody play the world's smallest violin for this kid, so we can continue NOT giving a sh*t about his shortcomings.

6058d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Bladestar makes his fanboy entrance:

getting a little late on the jump, though.

6059d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment


Yeah, that dev who was bashing the PS3? He was a FORMER dev for GH/GH2/RB, he got sh*tcanned, and was blowing some fanboy smoke up all the xbots asses.

He was bitter because he no longer had a job, not to mention the guy's look just screamed "comic book store nerd". He seemed to me like the type of guy who would walk up to stranger, interrupt a conversation that had nothing to do with him, try to berate the stranger for his point of view,...

6059d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

I think everyone is getting ahead of themselves. The price is for ONE DAY ONLY!!!!!! And yes, I know they'll sell out, but like I said before: WITH NEW TECHNOLOGY COMES VAST AMOUNTS OF CONSUMER IGNORANCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How much do you wanna bet that when Billy Joe Bob and his cousin/sister/girlfriend goes to buy that HDDVD player, they buy Blu-ray movies to try and play them on it, only to result in confusion and drunken phone calls back to Wal-Mart wondering why the hell h...

6061d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

do you know how much consumer ignorance there's gonna be?

I'm seeing LOTS of pissed of people when they can't play Spider-man on their HDDVD player because they didn't research their purchase.

6061d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Geez power of green....YOU, talking about bias? and for the millionth time on this site, the pot calls the kettle black.

6062d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Jeez, all I'm hearing is "better shadows" this and "PS3 sucks" that....anybody ever thought of getting the f*ck offline and actually playing their games?

6062d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

IF anyone saw the new South Park a few weeks ago, we would know now that the Fecal Matter Weights and Standards Division uses the measurement known as "Courics" to weigh turds. Coincidence? I think not.

PS. for those of you wondering, I believe a "couric" is equal to about 1.5 pounds.

6062d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I don't quite think you understand just how SMALL of a player K-fart is anymore. I have one within 20 miles of me and the only reason me or anyone else goes there is because they have a Little Caesars pizza inside of it, and everytime I'm in there, THAT'S where the line is.

6062d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

They also charge more for their gamecube games than the system itself. They wanted $50 for a used, older than dirt Resident Evil 2 port.

6064d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

They can tell their fanboys to stop sucking so much. Not to mention NOT charge HUGE amounts of money for obscure used games.

I found a copy of Nocturne (A Shin megami Tensei RPG), and they wanted $60 for the damn thing!! Not to mention they're trying to sell Silent Hill 4 for $40, and both the Katamari games for $35, even though they were $20 budget titles NEW! Oh, and a rare port of Marvel vs. Capcom 2 on Xbox? $95!!! They can take their price gouging and stick it back up...

6064d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This site's been overrun with fanboys on both sides, and I don't respect a single one of them.

From an objective viewpoint (and having gone through 3 360's myself), I'm only surprised that Gamestop is JUST NOW doing this. It's pretty messed up when the main store that targets the gaming community stops having enough faith in a console to stop offering their PRP's.

Look, I know the RROD is old news, and it will be brought up for years to come, whether we like i...

6066d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

1. Streets of Rage
2. Double Dragon
3. Road Rash (Still can't believe it was overlooked even last gen)
4. Starflight (for those who don't know, look it up)
5. Legend of Dragoon
6. Friday the 13th (except make it good this time)
7. Potty Pigeon (still get a laugh out of that one on the ol' 2600)
8. Maniac Mansion
9. Castlevania 2: Simon's Quest (The best one ever, never been equaled)
10.Beavis and Butthead (genesis version, I ran o...

6067d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Awesome. Bubble for you for the Hollywood lied thing.

6067d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

I think it stands to reason that Transformers was NOT the greatest movie of the year, big shocker there. It was decent, but seriously, that movie sold by name alone. If you took the same plot, same characters, same script, and just used different robots that WEREN'T the Transformers, that movie would've sold like an $80 million polished turd.

6067d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

How long do we have to keep rehashing the same ol' stories. everything on this site everyday is the same story with a different headline. "Sony sells poorly"....."more games delayed"....."X360 vs PS3"...."Blu-ray vs HDDVD".

It's getting sad and ridiculous in a very bad way. I hope to come to this site one day and find something other than fanboy c*ck-waving matches.

PS3 iz teh sh1zz1e!!!
360 pwns @llzorz!!!!

6068d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Even Michael Bay said so himself that he would've loved to see the number if it were either Blu exclusive or both. I would've too, given that had paramount not gone with the 150 mil...they'd could've made it back in Disc sales in no time.

6068d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment