CRank: 5Score: 2110

Don Lindich is a fanboy idiot. He is to format commentary as Stephen Milloy is to science, a complete IDIOT.

He sits there and says that lossless audio is negligible, yet touts HD-DVD as revolutionary for the fact that it can do picture-in-picture?! Listen, when I'm watching a movie, the LAST thing I'm worried about is having another moving object on the screen that's going to interrupt my movie watching. I could care less if I can download extra content on the movie from my...

6024d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Dude, kudos to you on what is probably the most comprehensive, non-fanboy comparison of the two systems. You get bubbles for that.

yes, the 360 has one hell of an EXTREMELY disrespectful user base, I know PS3 fanboys are bad, but the 360 fanboys are just vultures. The 360 user base alone has forever turned me off to the 360 again.

6025d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Dude, you're a complete douche, and the sad thing is you probably know it already.

People like YOU are exactly what I'm talking about. It's the PEOPLE that make the 360 a sh1tty system to have, the community blows, and i want nothing to do with it.

6025d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I've pretty much had it with the f*cking c0ck-smoking, ass-licking, douchebag xbots on this site. Seriously, I know for a fact that the 360 is a great system, but the only thing that keeps me from going back to using it is the 360 SH!TBAG community.

A lot of 360 owners are like the asshole popular kids at school. They're arrogant, self-absorbed nimrods with nothing else going for them than bashing the PS3, when in reality they more than likely have no friends, alienating peop...

6026d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment

Dude, seriously, any comment you make towards PS3 shouldn't really count, considering you're an xbot fanboy to the same degree as theMART and Bladestar. R&C is doing well in the states, and as for Japan, well, they kinda like their own flavor of games more than ours. And given that Dynasty Warriors is HUGE in japan, A lot of gamers passed over R&C to buy it, understandably so.

6026d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

then stop crying and sell it already.

I love it when people b*tch about regretting buying a PS3, and yet they still have it.

I'm gonna love it if PS3 pulls ahead in the next year or two, and all of a sudden EVERYONE'S gonna be like: PS3 FTW!!!!! I always loved PS3, they iz teh shizzle and r0x0rz!!

And I'll come on here, and be ready to start busting people out.

6029d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Dude, thank you so much for making so much sense. A lot of these kids, (mainly the 360 fanboys) spend more time on an internet site trashing the PS3 than they do actually playing their 360. It's pretty sad when lifeforms of obviously lower intellegence are allowed to make their opinions known, and I know Sony fanboys aren't excused by this either.

But I can at least say the Sony fanboys aren't aggressive little pansies. THE ONLY THING THAT'S KEPT ME FROM RE-BUYING A 360 IS T...

6029d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm so sick of hearing your (Zhuk and PowerofGreen) fanboy bullsh*t. NFS hasn't been worth jack sh*t since the 1st Underground game.

And to make it clear, they both looked almost exactly the same, so you fanboys needs to shut the f*ck up about little things like some sh*tty fog texture.

And Power of Green, you're a complete f*ckwad ass-licking douchebag-eating fanboy, you're probably the worst fanboy on this site next to Bloodmask, and you don't even deserve and...

6029d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment

I agree wholefartedly. It's been a few weeks since I busted out Warhawk. I knew this crap was bull from the start. Even 360 fanboys admitted to the might of the PS3's reliability. One of my co-worker's kids spilled an enitre glass of juice ALL OVER his PS3 the other night, and, of course, quick wipe with a cloth and good as new, doesn't even have that sticky residue.

6030d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sorry dude, I gotta say that Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz were not funny. And as far as indie films go, the good ones at WAY too few and far between for me to care about.

6030d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This is the SAME EXACT ARTICLE FROM EARLIER!!!! Bloodmask is a complete loser douchebag fanboy, and I vote he be exiled from this website, and basically the internet in general.

6030d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

A lot of times, I've got better things to do than read anything Bloodmask posts. As much time as he must have, on here posting crap constantly, he's probably either a 15-year-old dropout or a 40-year-old basement dweller. Plain and simple, Blu-ray has CORPORATE SUPPORT up the ass, and until all that corporate support starts to drop, I'll keep my Blu-ray collection going.

6031d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

This is pretty messed up. I'm not terribly inclined to believe crap like this, but at the same time, this isn't the first bit of news I've heard of people getting ass-raped by Sony customer service, or any other customer service for that matter. Most people that work in customer service are generally buttholes, and if they're not by personality, they will be after having to deal with ridiculous phone calls from d*ckhead customers b*tching that their product doesn't wipe their ass well enoug...

6032d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Apparently a LOT of people on both branches of the argument have no idea of business sense.

As for the developers, stop crying. The game is LOOONNNGGGG out of your hands by the time it reaches the consumer. It first has to get manufactured by ANOTHER company, then it is sold to RETAILERS...also another company, and THEN it is sold to the consumer, by which time it has changed hands no less than 3 times. If we had to pay royalties for used games, it would be the video game cr...

6032d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

This isn't necessarily about the code being cracked, as it is that that a bunch of worthless kids and pirates are getting their panties in a bunch because BD made them work for something.

Jeez, this artice might as well be about a thief suing some rich guy because his house wasn't easy enough to break into. Cry me a river, Slysoft, and then go drown in it.

6033d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Y'know, these do look alike, but as the rain falls, I can see the clouds in the sky, the 360 clouds look like clumps of Gorilla Turds and the PS3 clouds look like clumps of Gorilla Turds with corn in them, maybe just a little...or that may be a spot on my monitor....oh wait, I just farted...maybe we should do smell comparisons to see if it would smell more like roses on the PS3 or 360.

Give me a break. The only reason I'd like to see PS3 performance match 360 in every way is s...

6035d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Nobody seems to be reading the whole article, I've noticed that's a trend around here.

And as for Cory Barlog leaving Sony, not a huge deal. He's got talent, but so do the other 200+ that worked on the previous 3 installments of God of War, and I don't think they're going anywhere. One man a game does not make.

Hironobu Sakaguchi didn't make (and break) Final Fantasy on his own, he had teams of developers that made it great (FF1-FF8 and tactics...then FFX), a...

6035d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Uh yeah, Samsung kinda sucks.

Used to have a Samsung phone....within days of owning, it more or less took the cell-phone equivalent of a deadly dump on me and shriveled into a useless plastic case.

6035d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I love how whenever something that can misconstrued as "the end for Sony", Bladestar shows up, funny, though, that theMART and SDS overfiend have been AWOL as of late.

6035d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

With every post you make you're sounding more and more like a fanboy. Anybody who says they can REALLY tell a difference between the picture quality of the two formats is being a complete loser douche-fanboy. Saying that you had a blu-ray player and movies and you got rid of all of them just simply so you could watch Transformers was a financially stupid move on your part. And as far as Disney being bought off....dude, where the hell are you from, the South Pole? Disney is a MONEY MACHINE...

6036d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment