
CRank: 5Score: 15110

"Nintendo hasn't done as well as they could recently..."

Stopped reading it there. What a load of bollocks. I take it the Wii wasn't a success, then? Or what about the DS? I take it that was a flop too? It's only a matter of time before the 3DS start to pick up in sales, and anyone who doubts that hasn't been alive long enough.

4687d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

All that from a static screen shot? What if it performs like shit?

There's two things that need to be taken into consideration here.

A) you can gather absolutely sweet dick all from an off screen static picture.

B)It looks a lot like the PC Alpha, which had a lot of features turned off, graphics toned down, and destruction and all that somewhat missing. No one knows just how bad/good the consoles versions will look next to the PC, which t...

4687d ago 8 agree6 disagreeView comment

Makes BF3 already look dated?

No. Just no.

4688d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

How much does it cost for a PS3 and a game? About 250 quid or there abouts, right? Probably a bit more. Do you know how much my Radeon XFX HD5870 BE cost me? 120 quid. That's right, 120 quid for a GPU that out performs current consoles by about 10/1. Not bad for the privilage of next gen TODAY!

4689d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

No shit. Thanks for stating the obvious there. I could have told you that a few years ago when Crysis came out.

By the way, to the mod or persons reporting me for bad language and getting my comment bubbles reduced...


4689d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

A game for enthusiasts. You'd be nuts to say that this game looks anything other than stunning. You can see the love that went into this title. It's a must have, fanboy or not.

4689d ago 15 agree3 disagreeView comment

Fuck me, another clueless fanboy. Cell is absolute wank compared to something like an i5. An i5, for what it does and what it is, absolutely eats and shits a Cell, which is nothing more than a glorified number cruncher that has ONE single true core, and not 8 like you muppets like to believe.

4690d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

2500k on a 1155 socket and you're set for a few years at least.

Some people see the AMD's with more cores and fool themselves into thinking more cores = better. It doesn't. The PhenomII X6 are nice for the money, though. Bulldozer should be nice chip. Until Ivy Bridge shows up that is.

4690d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Nothing surprising about that disgusting lying cunt of a rag. The S*n need to be wiped off the face of the earth for decency sake.

Justice for the 96 DON'T BUY THE SUN!


4690d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Hmm, looks like I'll be removing the cover again this year. The fat, balding troll should be removed.

4693d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Fuck off, you wanker. You're not funny. It's easy to laugh at something like this until you experience it for yourself. No doubt you'd be hiding in a bush with shit running down your leg crying for you ma. Ballbag. That doesn't just go for you. That goes for every other dickhead on this site trying to make a joke about it.

4697d ago 10 agree4 disagreeView comment


Couple of master coders above me, I see. Look, it's
as simple as this and a solid fact: the Cell was not designed for game development in mind. I'm not even going to debate with a couple of gimps about this. You two know fuck all about it and just sound like a couple of fanboys that got fisted. An i5 shits all over a cell, but again you can't really compare the two as they are fundamentally different architectures. As a multi-tasking, all round CPU, ...

4701d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Yes, but genius game engineers like Newell and Carmack are obviously lazy and don't know what they are talking about according to Sony fanboys. FACT: the Cell wasn't really developed with games as a priority when IBM first put it to the drawing board. It was an afterthought and a mistake on Sony's behalf to invest in it instead of going for a better and more workable PC like CPU architecture.

4701d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Thanks to Cell, which if you know anything about it {99.9% of fanboys don't) then you'd realize that it just isn't a great CPU to code games on. Everything has to be catered for due to it's single core unit and 6 SPE architecture. Great for single tasks and number crunching, but multi task game code? No.

4701d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

I really wish devs would just stop fucking beating about the bush and just say it like it is, or like they really mean to say: "PC'S FUCKING STOMP CONSOLES 10 TIMES OVER! So there should be no excuses for us making the game look far prettier than those old tech consoles. What, you don't like it? FUCK OFF, then!" The world would be a far more sane place. Gamers would have parity of thought once more. Instead thet devs don't want to seem to offend the brats who still think...

4703d ago 22 agree5 disagreeView comment

That ugly SOB is a legend, mate. His name is Dominik Diamond. Did a show back in the day called GamesMaster, which is actually a very popular and famous magazine also. Google it.

4703d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

*Pulls out his e-penis* *puts it away again*

Mine's bigger than yours, that's for sure.

4703d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Hence, my explanation is proven with this comment. Fucking herp a derp here.

4703d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

This is why developers really hate when their work is leaked out early by some fucking moron. The reason being is that it doesn't nearly reflect on what the final product will be, especially since those screens are all grabbed off an early bugged version of the game with what is almost certainly low configuration. Not a single feature will be set above low there, and then again, not even all the proper features will be present, including DX 11 ones. The other thing is the comments from ab...

4703d ago 9 agree2 disagreeView comment

Far Cry 3 has nothing to do with Crytek. They sold that IP long ago, and Far Cry is now made from the Dunia engine created by Ubisoft.

4705d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment