
CRank: 6Score: 102860

Repealing Net Neutrality makes it less free. Your reducing the number of people from everyone to a few people in charge of the ISP's

And it's not really a free market when most people only have access to one internet company Comcast and all the other big ISP collude to enforce the same type of rules in order to limit consumer options.

I don't know about you but I like the regulations (laws) that say people can't steal from me or burn my h...

2256d ago 12 agree1 disagreeView comment

We'll see how long that lasts...

And the fact of the matter is more than 80% of all homes in the US only have access to Comcast internet one of the biggest supporters of this also one of the biggest instituters of data caps who have already stated that as soon as this passes into law will be instituting slow lane internet and throttles.

Just wait till they buy your little ISP...

2256d ago 11 agree2 disagreeView comment


That's just wrong, we have Net Neutrality now and it hasn't stopped any form of streaming to date. In fact the biggest hindrance to streaming is ISP's (the same people who support this) who have been violating Net Neutrality for years by instituting data caps over land based communication. Which is what you will see when this goes into effect, want to use Netflix ok that will be $14 from Netflix $10 a month more for to get your ISP to grant you acc...

2256d ago 14 agree2 disagreeView comment
2256d ago Show


"DDR3 is faster at loading things into memory (streaming), GDDR5 is faster at using things in memory (once loaded)."

This is just factually incorrect. In most cases DDR5 has higher latency than DDR3 but DDR5 has higher frequency which can exceed any differences in latency. A similar but different example with RAM is that one chip can have higher frequency but be slower than another chip with faster timings.

2257d ago 11 agree1 disagreeView comment

The thing that bothers me is the way Game Pass is being written by the media as consumer friendly. It's not... it's a system to sell free to play style games laden with MT's (and loot boxes were the plan until EA and WB crapped the bed for the industry) but with a monthly fee added.

Personally I would much rather just buy my disks with things like Gamers Club at a discount or wait for them to go on sale. As far as I'm concerned Sony selling full games wit...

2257d ago 8 agree0 disagreeView comment

The first mistake is to assume that game pass was meant to be consumer friendly. Game pass wasn't created to be consumer friendly.

It was a desperation move to combat the fact that in 2017 Sony and even Nintendo to some extent dramatically outsold Microsoft in software. Sony sold greater than 3x as much software as Microsoft in 2017 and looked to be growing. While Micrsoft's first party new IP's all failed (Quantum Break, Sunset Overdrive, Recore, D, ect.) And ...

2260d ago 37 agree4 disagreeView comment

The first mistake is to assume that game pass was meant to be consumer friendly. Game pass wasn't created to be consumer friendly.

It was a desperation move to combat the fact that in 2017 Sony and even Nintendo to some extent dramatically outsold Microsoft in software. Sony sold greater than 3x as much software as Microsoft in 2017 and looked to be growing. While Micrsoft's first party new IP's all failed (Quantum Break, Sunset Overdrive, Recore, D, ect.) And...

2260d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment
2265d ago Show

Great reviews as expected.

2274d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

"need strong competition so they can't afford to censor and demonitize content creators based on how much their views differ from the people who own the platform."

Maybe the hate groups and mass shootings are fake conspiracy theorists should make their own streaming service.

2274d ago 11 agree3 disagreeView comment

You already do go into articles and and apply your ridiculous logic, that's why I called out your hypocrisy on indie games in the first place. Looking forward to Xbox VR when we can do this all again.

2278d ago 14 agree4 disagreeView comment

See I knew you could understand what "over-hype" means you just needed someone to explain it to you.

Cool, I look forward to whenever Xbox gets VR and you guys start saying vr <3, then we can sit on the beach and laugh about how you used to say VR sucked, won't that be great!?!

2278d ago 15 agree4 disagreeView comment
2278d ago Show
2278d ago Show

You don't understand... they are moving their games and demo's out of the E3 conference and into the Microsoft Arena it's not just the press conference that will be at the new location.

Either way it's pretty obvious they are pulling a "Microsoft" and trying to over hype again. They started the hype train earlier this month with a vague statement saying there were going to be "big changes coming to E3" letting people get the impression i...

2278d ago 24 agree10 disagreeView comment
2290d ago Show

Wait your telling me Sarah Sanders lied?!? I can't believe it... oh wait no... I believe it... every time she opens her mouth.

2290d ago 13 agree5 disagreeView comment

He is a great educator though, I didn't even know there were so many levels until he was elected.

2291d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

I hope this comes west.

2292d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment