CRank: 5Score: 5920

Finally!! We get this long as it's been out in Japan, I now feel almost less hopeful of getting MHTri~ next year around the beginning of the year, but I suppose this is better than nothing...About time we get that online feature though where people won't have to use Xlink Kai.

The only thing that makes me wonder about this now is whether or not we'll get Monster Hunter Frontier or not.

5694d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Feel quite bad for Miyamoto and what he was put through to try and get this game out, I suppose a quick commercial over in the states would remedy his problem of struggling to sell it. People who bought Wii Fit and all those mini-games - games are probably going to eat this one up the moment they hear about it. I mean on GameStop someone gave it a 10!

5694d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

This game has logged more hours on my ps3 than on games that I have owned for over a year now. It surely is a great addition to the PS3 library :) A well deserved spot in my honest opinion.

5694d ago 9 agree2 disagreeView comment

Keep it up Harmonix and I will be spending most of my time in front of the TV with that PS3 running at it's fullest as I continue to play the game 4 hours into the day or something. Loving all this DLC and can't wait to see some of the DLC that Activision will bring.

5694d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Hopefully that is true, because so far the DLC I have seen was for support characters and it seems to stem all the way to April of next year. If they haven't already started working on Ninja Storm 2 then one can hope that they will keep throwing out the DLC and of course can't really complain being that it's free and all.

5694d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


Yeah that's how I think a lot of developers are doing that, but after looking at Naruto...2? or something for Wii they didn't have a lot of characters, mainly I'm just wondering why it is they are cutting so many characters quite a few who are memorable, some that are people's favorites and what not.

5694d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

@9.2 - Yes Shippuuden chars would be nice, would like to play as more Akatsuki members, but suppose just have to wait for the next installment or if they plan to do it via DLC.

@9.3 - Also yes I have noticed, but I have looked into this a bit on wiki as well as a few other sites it seems those DLC slots or what not are reserved for support characters and it seems the sound four will be taking up those slots. Though that's slightly beside the point >_> not having Zabuza and ...

5695d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Hmm so I get a disagree for saying I want this game on Day 1 and am proud I have a 40 Gig because of the fan it has in it which means my PS3 won't be hot to the touch? mmhm, yep this site makes sense.

Or maybe it's because I imported the earlier Naruto titles for PS2 and got up to the Shippuuden and don't want to start over? Or maybe it's because people don't want Haku or Zabuza in the game so they disagree with my disagreeing with the game to have them out? Bah, could have at le...

5695d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Fan of Naruto, fan of the games. Going to hate having to start all the way back at the beginning again(As well as the fact their is no Zabuza and Haku), but I suppose the graphics, coupled with the 3D environments as well as the various other additional things added on (Such as free DLC and the likes)will make me love this game :) I know this will be a first day purchase.

Thank goodness for my 40 Gig and that fan :), my PS3 shall be utilizing that quite a bit, with RB2, LBP and n...

5695d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Suppose that explains it then.

5695d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This isn't bad, I suppose this number will increase as more buy PS3s and see how LittleBigPlanet I think a lot of people at probably just trying to gather the money so these figures aren't bad for now, but they will become quite high later on :)

5695d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Been anticipating this one's arrival to the states, since Japan got their version practically years ago. Finally I can take a crack at this game. Though it may pose a problem since MHTri~ is rumored to be released around that same time as well (Though in America? or just Japan?)

5695d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I shall miss sonic and hope for his return to simply running about stages, jumping on enemies and thwarting Doctor Robotnik's (How did his name get changed to Eggman?) Plans. Though I will buy Sonic Unleashed and give it a test run, overall I hope they do with sonic the same way Megaman went, right back to the basics :). Whether it be slapped on PSN,Live, and WiiWare, or simply put onto a disc it'd be a first buy for me.

5695d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

1. Someone has gone through your posts and hit Disagree so I went and hit agree with each one of them.

2. Very true and this truly has been a great discussion. :).

{Last bubble}

5695d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

*Then looks at the article and frowns*

This is news!? :p

5695d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Are all these rabbid games getting a tad out of hand? So far three have been released already and now coming out with a fourth? Not bashing the game nor the company (Though I would LOVE to bash them, now just isn't the time.) I just find this interesting, are these rabbid games all that popular? I've heard the first is, but after that it's gone down hill. So I'm not even close to being sure of what to think of this game..

5695d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Whether you look at the example of Playstation's greatest hits, or simply flipping through an online dictionary their are many contradictions in which they (being dictionary companies as well as Sony or whoever labels the packaging) has greatest in excessive quantities (Some or most of the time) and is not limited to just one. Believe me I thought the same way, I just dropped it and just have everything as greatest, but to keep from confusing people I usually label and separate things by &quo...

5695d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I guess to each their own, I found it to be quite interesting (As well as funny at times - especially when I missed a platform, slipped off and fell off.) Of course it PO'd me for a bit, I soon just got over it and laughed it off. Also it could be you either A. didn't press hard enough or B. you just didn't time it perfectly. With that addition of having the pressure sensitive jump in their it just adds in another option as to why you didn't make the jump, it is not always the ultimatum as to...

5695d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

To answer that one first I said ONE! of the greater aspects, to many times have I played a game with simple jumping. Now that's not fun at all, pressing the button to clear a distance by a simple press of the button and letting go. As for LBP I love how you as the player have to time it, and know how hard to press and how long to hold the button. Also there is a difference between "THE greatest" and "ONE of THE greatest.." I'm just saying it's one of the aspects I really l...

5695d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Who has been spreading the thumbs downs' around...

5696d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment