CRank: 5Score: 5920

That's a pretty bold claim they are making which half of the gaming population, more than likely more than half do not have aggressive tendencies anyway. OH! and would you look here it's CNN making such a claim...Can always think Main Stream Media for jumping on video games whenever they can.

I played Video games throughout my middle, highschool and even a bit now. Not violent in the least bit, in fact I believe video games are probably great stress relievers and are also good f...

5691d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Come on man that's don't mess with the classics like that...

5691d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Home does not matter to much to me right now, as their are so many games coming out that I probably wouldn't even set foot in home anyway. I mean you've got Resistance 2, Naruto, Mirror's edge, Call of Duty World at War, etc, etc, etc...

Seriously who shall be thinking of home anymore when we are all being bombarded by games? Kind of makes you wonder if things were set up this way so people would turn a blind eye towards home and perhaps play their games. That way they would be a...

5691d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

That's the same problem I am having at the moment so many Devs releasing way to many games at the same time. I'm physically having to pick and choose which games I want to get first and which games I'll have to get way later as well as sinking in a few more hours at work JUST to get these games. Also thanks, I'll get Uncharted perhaps during Christmas I suppose no other games I want out by then or perhaps I'll just ask for the Rockband 2 drums so I don't have to get them.

Also I ...

5691d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I went there just this morning at 3 to see if they had already put out Naruto I was so disappointed with them!

Though I will agree I go their only as a last resort though mainly I've started to go to Target a bit, it's either between target or wal-mart Gamestop only if they have a old game I would like to pick up.

5691d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I've heard a lot of people tell me to play Uncharted, I dunno. With all the games coming out now and the prices of things dropping making me tempted to reach out and grab them. I might as well put it on a Christmas list and hope I get it. Otherwise it may be quite a while before I pick up the game. :)

5691d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Thank you. This outta be fun, before I never cared about trophies but after LBP and RB2 I've become addicted to it, and with R2 having them this will be fun trying to get them all. Some of them I'm wondering if they would even be possible unless I sink in quite a few hours into the game over a weekend or something. In any event thanks for the list :D

5691d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Naruto would be my overall Number 1 for right now as I still have not beaten Resistance XD. Perhaps when I have beaten that after beating Naruto it will move to my number one, then I shall borrow Mirror's edge from a friend. Call of Duty is in the right place though, not to much a fan of it and I'm really only getting it because my friends are.

Other than that great list, though still Naruto would be my top for now. Even went out earlier this morning to see if Wal-mart and some ...

5691d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

That trailer was actually pretty interesting and liked it, may just add this to my list of games to pick up. Never really played a Tomb Raider game before other than the one on the PSX. Other than that I suppose it lost a bit of interest for me, though I may just have to pick this one up then might go back and pick up previous installments.

5691d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Still on the fence about this game, might rent it or if my friends buy it might just borrow it from them and play the game that way, but what's with that random guy in the costume XD? Or is he supposed to symbolize the were-hog :p?

5692d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Because my 40GB is doing just fine. I have about 5 (Or maybe 6?) games installed and am doing just fine, though I may upgrade around Christmas for the heck of it just because the prices may very well go down and special deals will be thrown out to get inventory moving.

5692d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

And another thing as to why no one cares for Closed beta is more than likely because they have as much chance as a snowball does in surviving Hell or perhaps the core of this earth for those who dislike religious sayings.

I think most of the populace of the world who has not been invited to or has a chance to gain admittance is simply just waiting for it to become available for the rest of the world rather than those who got lucky or subscribed to Qore early.

5692d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

As I look to this "Project Boku" it makes me wonder how anyone can think that this game they are putting out will ever come close to taking that lovely crown away from LBP? Even if it is three dimensional instead of two dimensional one look at me still makes me wonder, "Who even thinks this comes close?" Maybe it's just my eyes and not seeing the beauty in it, but I just really don't see it...

5692d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm so mad searched all over hoping someone broke street release date, but I suppose I shall have to just try and pick up this great game before my classes tomorrow and sink in at least a good 30 minutes :)

5692d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Had forgotten about that for the moment, though has the PS3's popularity overall ever decreased? I mean I know a few friends who won't pick one up until Sony sticks with one. So from my viewpoint and possibly a few others it seems like Sony is sometimes shooting themselves in the foot while to others it seems like they are making quite the deal towards others. I suppose I should be glad that I am at least able to upgrade the HDD size otherwise I'd probably be one PO'd SOB.

Yeah ...

5692d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sony come on make up your minds, nice to see that new stuff is being brought out, by I thought they were going to just try to stick with just one console? As most said price cuts would be nice, but I think sticking with one system should be the first thing on their list. Seems like whenever one comes out another goes out of production, it seems like a cycle is starting to form. :/

5692d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I actually agree with your parts quite a bit, I was just tackling the definition more or less that's all.

As it is my prime objective to annoy you :)!

5693d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

The thing is what if someone can't? Be it they are paralyzed from the waist down or something? Would that definition still hold true or shall we just make an exception for them personally? Seriously their are people who play games who are not like everyone else that walks about has a cushy life or what not. Some of these games and services provide a bit of an outlet for them. Just because they do such things as going within' home and dressing up their avatar or playing games to relieve stress...

5693d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Ah okay, well since I don't watch I have no clue what is airing and what's not. Though I have not seen it on the various channels my friends and parents watch so I guess I just immediately thought of those channels. I suppose it's good that it's getting some coverage, but I bet some of those lack of sales just may very well be because of this "shortage" as quite a few people still can't find one over here. Suppose I'll walk into GameStop (Don't shop there though) and ask them if the...

5693d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Haven't seen a single one actually, Then again I don't watch TV so I can't really say as to what has been showing on the commercials and what not :p. Though I assume it's probably been airing on CartoonNetwork as well as Nick.

5694d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment