
CRank: 5Score: 36990

dont really see that much of a difference. Atleast nothing to make an article out of.

5289d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

How is L4D not exclusive to consoles? If its on the the PC good for PC gamers. But to me I will label a 360/PS3 game exclusive to that console if its on the PC still. Its like he PC is not in the argument. But thats my opinion and i will understand if you disagree.

5292d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Whatever. I have both and just have a preference for Multi's on my 360. My PS3 basically gets just the PS3 exclusives. Where as the 360 gets the multi's and the 360 exclusives. And the argument that the PC gets 360 games so the 360 doesnt have any exclusives is moot to me. I still call it 360 exclusive because more then likely you need windows to run it. But if im wrong on that i apologize im ignorant to PC gaming. But either way i dont care.

5292d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

The exclusive argument i read here every single day is kinda a moot point. I understand where your coming from but people on N4G are not your typical avg guy playin games. To most people they see a price point and go with it. For every exclusive that comes out for one theres like 3 muliplats that justify their purchase. Most people could care less if they are playing a game that cant be played on another system. Why? Because THEY are playing said game.

5297d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Was never a fan of the first one but thats me.

5300d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment
5300d ago

I agree ODST shouldnt be on here but MW2 should be. KZ2 should not be on that list. That game was overated and boring. UC2 is a good game but its not my personal favorite for the year. GOTY nominees IMO should be:
Forza 3

And out of those id place em:

5.Forza 3

This list personal opinion but i can agree to disagree.


5300d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Haters. Seriously. IMO the game is pure fun. Yea it has its annoyances but what game doesn't. Ive been playin the BF BETA and even though its a beta i can still tell MW is more fun for me. Theres camping? No way! In the BF BETA there is campers all over the place. Theres going to be campers in any FPS. People say the game is "NOOB" friendly. Um ok so what? If you yourself are not a a "NOOB" then these perks shouldnt matter. If your good then your good. Besides its a game r...

5301d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment
5302d ago

You guys are all on KZ2 nutz. I own the game and think its overated as hell. The controls arent even the problem like what some people say. I think its just another generic FPS.

5302d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

This has nothing to do with the 360 and somehow the sony fanboys turned in sales numbers against the 360. Im keepin an unofficial track here and seems that the sony fanboys are 99% of the time starting these "flamewars". MS has nothing to do with this article.

5302d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Ive been playing the PS3 BETA for a lil here and there. Its ok. Nothing special...yet. I hope the full retail game is much better. I like how the buildings and walls can be blown up but EA has a long long way to go to catch up with COD MW. I understand its a beta but it needs some work. If you dont like MW you could give this a try and see if its for you but IMO MW is just more fun and to me looks cleaner but after some polish the retail version might look better.

5303d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

But nothing out of the ordinary if you just did some research. Also some people talk like the PS3 is outselling MS by the millions. Where is these figures coming from. I believe MS will outsell the PS3 in NOV and DEC when NPD's numbers come out but who cares though really. I own both consoles but sometimes you have to bust these PS3 fanboys bubble cause they think the PS3 is the greatest thing sliced bread.

5303d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I thought that while the game was supershort that with the MP its definately worth it. Sad part is that most people didnt even play it and just bash just because its popular. I mean only every reviewer gave it atleast an 8.5 or higher. If you like FPS im not sure why you wouldnt atleast give it a try before you jump on the anti MW2 bandwagon. The story was a little over the top but most action movies are. So what if it tried to give a sense of Die Hard with a lil James Bond? You make that sou...

5305d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment
5308d ago

Happy birthday its been fun. And we got people on here saying that the 4 year old hardware is past its time. Well i tried something last night with my wife and her sister and asked them which one of these two games look better. UC2 or Geow2? Funny thing is they both said Geow2 looked alot better. I tried explainin the physics engine and what not but they said that Gears was better looking. Just wanted to throw that out there.

5308d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Seriously? An article from Sony Defense Force. Have the Sony Fantards really gotten this bad? IMO ive played both the new Forza Demo and Prologue and I personally prefer Forza. I like the look of the game and the realism vs Prologue. Im not a fanboy I actually own both.

5355d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

the PS3 fanturds are slammin ODST for being a full priced expansion yet they prolly paid full price for a demo (GT5: Prolag). So my question is, Am i the only one who sees this hypocrisy?

5378d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I thought the prerendered vid looked pretty good. Im actually really impressed. And maybe it could be killer ap who knows. But the PS3 Faqboyz are goin to say its lame but then again they'll kill this when its new and different then go right into some ODST article and slam MS for "milking" HALO. lol

5378d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

If Madden is the same from 03 compare this year to 03. You would see improvements from the gameplay and graphics to the actual way the game of football is played. If you dont like it dont buy it. But dont give the same tired comments. If EA reinvented the wheel and made SMB3 for football you would still hate. Plus you prolly dont even like football. Go play WOW.

5436d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment