CRank: 5Score: 30310

@ Crimzon

I never addressed you in my initial comment, unless you and "Foxtrot" are the same person? I apologize for not immediately assuming that before because I'm under the impression that people with more than one account on a social video game website are a little wacko.

Well that doesn't come without its perks, right? At least that guarantees that you'll get at least one agree for each of your comments, right???

3215d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

"...yet my comment is criticizing Sony while saying it should be more like Gears in value..."

You just validated my previous comment. That was the whole point of it. Maybe you should take a breath and actually comprehend something before you respond to it.

Edit @ Crimson

Nothing I say supports "Blind Praise". What I brought up was the act of fanboy self-assurance. And why are you so defensive about what I said if you don&#...

3215d ago 5 agree7 disagreeView comment

Well I think people like you Foxtrot should just enjoy the great deals that you can get for your preferred gaming console and just shut up about anything else regarding another console that doesn't concern you. You guys complain that N4G is controlled by Sony fanboys, yet it's the ones like you that can't seem to stop talking about the PS4 and PS4 games.

I'd say at least 50% of the comments I've read in this forum talk about PS4 games. It's like why ca...

3215d ago 8 agree8 disagreeView comment

@ Cindy-rella

Come on, be a little more reasonable. The fact that Sony has the mobile-tablet gaming market to stand in it's way is probably the only real point that the author made in this article. But that is still a very tangible obstacle that the PS2 did not have to contend with.

I think the PS4 won't exactly surpass PS2 lifetime sales figures, but it could come really close to it. At the very least I think PS4 will outsell PS3 at the end of it'...

3217d ago 27 agree5 disagreeView comment

Why do you come to that conclusion? Because the Nintendo NX is coming out soon? Microsoft has a history of jumping ship to another console and leaving their current console stranded, but not Sony.

Remember, we are talking about Sony and the PS4 here, not Nintendo or Microsoft.

Edit: Or apparently in your case, selective memories and intentional ignorance. Sorry I thought you were someone that could have had an educated opinion about this. I didn't mean to...

3217d ago 26 agree8 disagreeView comment


Yeah you're totally right. Doing some random punches, some body slams, a big boot, and a leg drop would snap me totally in half! /s

Hogan is one of the most bland wrestlers (in the actual sense of the word) ever. He is basically an old-school John Cena. I don't mean to hurt your feelings now.

3218d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

@ SuicidalTendencies

Actually if it wasn't for The Iron Sheik, "Hulkamania" would have never taken off the way it did - the greatest underlying factor for Hulkamania's popularity was American patriotism - and therefore Hulk Hogan would have never risen to high fame in the 80's. Hulk Hogan himself owes a lot of his fame to other people as well...

...There is your answer to whether I'm just some "young punk" that doesn't ...

3218d ago 2 agree6 disagreeView comment

I have decency, but do you have reading comprehension?

I didn't suggest that Hulk Hogan should die, I essentionally asked why is it that bad people like Hogan continue to live while other people die off sooner? You know, I wonder if there is any existential logic to any of this.

Edit: Why did you modify your original comment?

3218d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

True. Last month it was Dusty Rhodes, and now it's Hot Rod. All the legendary wrestlers from the golden era of Professional Wrestling are steadily disappearing. Speaking of which...

Why is Hulk Hogan, one of the most egoistical and selfish bastards in the history of wrestling according to many people, STILL alive? I don't know, maybe God has a sense of humor.

Mind you, that question has nothing to do with the recent controversy surrounding Hulk Hogan....

3218d ago 5 agree10 disagreeView comment

Yeah me neither. I've had the MGV Collector's Edition on my Amazon Wish List since early April, and it is still unavailable on Amazon.

But I'm glad I went with Best Buy on this one, because right now BB are offering the Gamer's Club Unlocked 2-year membership for only $30. That gives you 20% off all new games, so I immediately saved $20 on the $100 MGV CE. So with the immediate savings on the game, I only paid an additional $10 right now for the 2-year Gamer&#...

3218d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

"People will still find a way to complain."

That is the appeal of the world wide web. Like I stated a few days ago, typically the people that overreact and complain the most about something are also the ones that are least affected by it...

...Which in this case, that would be Xbox and PC fanboys complaining and trying to poke holes into this new PS Plus feature.

3220d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Well thank you Dr. Phil, but maybe next time you can oblige us by NOT sharing your douchebag amateur opinion.

*Immature Bubble Vote Down*

3221d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

What's really funny, in an ironic sort of way, is that it's really the Xbox fanboys like you that have some ridiculous persecution complex that take the humor out of things like this.

3221d ago 2 agree7 disagreeView comment

And the quaint thing about the internet is that typically the people that really overreact to something are also the people that are least directly affected by it.

3221d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

You got a problem with that, Jabroni???

3223d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

You mean kind of like Horizon Zero Dawn, but as an FPS?

3227d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Hell why stop at WWI? Can you imagine a Wild West-themed COD? That is uncharted territory for the COD IP.

I just finished Call of Juarez: Gunslinger and that was a fun shooter and the history lessons (i.e. nuggets of truth) just added to the enjoyment for me.

3227d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

@ raggy-rocket

Well don't worry, because that really wasn't a response. It was more of a personal theory, unless you have proof to support what you say?

And you're not taking the "flipping a switch" line too literally, are you? Because I know Microsoft's revised plan for the Xbox One did not come about by literally flipping a switch.

3227d ago 2 agree6 disagreeView comment

You better believe he's the best.

3227d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

@ Blackout

Why do fanboys like you get offended and speak out against EVERYTHING that isn't pure blind adoration?

I can be happy, I just refuse to be delusional and to have a short-term memory. After all, my previous comment was rooted in fact (with a reference to boot, just in case people like you forgot about it). Can't YOU just accept the truth and be happy???

3227d ago 3 agree12 disagreeView comment