

CRank: 18Score: 262480

Brilliant. :)

"I once rolled down a hill with Gabe Newell, just laughing and laughing until we were laying side by side in the grass, looking up at the clouds, pointing out the shapes until, somehow, I don’t know when it happened, we were holding hands and our voices fell quiet and we just lay there, we just lay there for what felt like hours, and the sleepy clouds drifted by overhead and the setting sun painted vast orange shadows across the sky, and we finally just di...

3401d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Funny. Don't seem to remember submitting a "Developer found sleeping in elevator shaft" article to the site. You sure that actually happened and you're not just fixating on one small detail of a larger piece related to a game developer's treatment at the hands of a subset of gamer culture? Because surely you couldn't have missed the point to that degree in an attempt to justify why digging into people's personal relationships when there's no hint of wrongd...

3401d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Surprised this kind of nonsense is considered gaming news. Some are acting like this is a huge conspiracy and it's clearly nothing of the sort. Their relationship wasn't a secret and he wasn't allowed to review Ubisoft games due to this relationship.

Why on earth this is anyone's business is beyond me. Just another example of this ridiculous witch hunt that seems to be obsessing a certain group of conspiracy nuts, plain and simple.

3402d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Exactly. When was the last time a game that hasn't been released yet has received this much criticism? And why? Because the game includes QTE's? Why on earth does that fact warrant article after article?

3403d ago 17 agree5 disagreeView comment

@DragonKnight. I've hardly "spammed the site with anti-GG". If you type "gamergate" into the search for this site you'll get over 9000 hits. I've submitted roughly north of 40 articles regarding GG, some pro-GG , some critical but the majority fairly neutral in my opinion. When looking for articles to submit, I invited users that complained several times that if they had a pro-GG article or site with well written pieces, by all means forward them over to me ...

3403d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

I think that's a bit of an overreaction. The entire article is about gaming and gaming trends discussing Nintendo's fortunes for the new year, game publishers allowing developers to finish their games before shipping and mentioning an increase in female representation in videogames and across the games industry. Simply because the one section makes a mention of "gamergate", it doesn't suddenly mean the entire article is null and void or any less about videogames.

3406d ago 1 agree16 disagreeView comment

They already addressed this above. If you want, take this discussion to the forums.

As for your example, what does this have to do with videogames? That's the whole point of this exercise, to bring the discussion and articles on this site away from the tabloid drama and focus on gaming.

The whole gamejournopros group doesn't have a thing to do with videogames. Many have looked at the same group and email dump and think that all it showed was a grou...

3406d ago 1 agree14 disagreeView comment

Because it's the CEO and other people's job to keep consistent on the PR message until it's time to change it. Does this sound familiar. "No price cut." "We're happy with the price." "Our system is performing well at current price points."

And then BAM! Price cut. It always happens.

Or, more specific to Microsoft..."We're not going to sell the Xbox One without Kinect."


3406d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Tie em to a rock!

Fraggle Rock reference? Anyone?

3406d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

It never fails. The second this topic comes up, someone always has to yell "Quick! Look over there!"

We know forces internal and external to Microsoft have been pushing to spinoff the Xbox brand. We know that the division that houses the Xbox pales in comparison to other divisions of the company when it comes to return on money invested, and we know that Microsoft PR will publicly support the Xbox until they don't (there was a time when Sega leaving hardware ...

3407d ago 6 agree3 disagreeView comment

I think this is fantastic news for the site. I 100% agree that Gamergate and Gamergate articles have longed stopped being about videogames. While Gamergate is obviously a sub-culture of gaming, I've submitted articles both positive and critical of Gamergate and always the comments quickly degrade into off topic angry rants, conspiracy nonsense and namecalling and issues important and relevant to gamers and the industry were simply overlooked.

As a contributer to this si...

3407d ago 4 agree17 disagreeView comment

Talking to one of the mods about Gamergate articles, Gamergate articles focusing on Gamergater's behaviour and general trolling shouldn't be considered, but Gamergate articles related to actual videogames and their effect on the larger industry are alright. Developer interviews regarding Gamergate are also still fair gamer.

They're looking to cut back on the amount of Gamergate articles that have nothing to do with videogames as most of Gamergate's issues the...

3407d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

As a mobile developer, I take offense to this. Since when are mobile games not "games" or the people who play them not "gamers"? Is Bejeweled not a "game" when you play it on your PS3 or Xbox compared to a mobile phone? Is Baldur's Gate or Grand Theft Auto San Andreas not videogames suddenly when they're on your ipad or iphone and not your PC? Or when did puzzle games like Candy Crush or Tetris suddenly not count as "games"? Is The Walking ...

3407d ago 2 agree9 disagreeView comment

Anyone who's been following the story knows that 8 Chan and Gamergate are linked as the article noted. 8 Chan has been the main internet HQ of the GG gaming subculture "movement". The whole reason 8 Chan started, as the article noted, was as a response to 4chan shutting down Gamergate threads.

3409d ago 0 agree8 disagreeView comment

Worth every penny.

3409d ago 7 agree3 disagreeView comment

Feel free to click on the website at under the article and downvote the site if you don't want to see anymore of their articles on here.

3409d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I saw someone on twitter that summed up this GamerGate denial behavior quite nicely when he referred to GamerGate as "Schrodinger's Hate group. Simultaneously responsible for nothing and everything at the same time according to it's supporters."

I'm paraphrasing here. Wish I could find the exact quote and give credit to the user.

Edit Below: Wow. That's, that's some serious denial going on there. Of course it's about Gam...

3409d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

I'm not sure. I would think it would be from the time you activated the trial. I hope that's it because I'm in the same boat. Not a lot of gaming time this week.

3409d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm a God of War fan but never got around to playing GoW: Ascension. Sounds like it's about time! :)

3409d ago 25 agree0 disagreeView comment

Wow. People are really quick to cash in on the whole Gamergate thing. I'm seeing a few of these things springing up, pandering to Gamergate in order to take their money for their pet projects. I think Milo's "Gamergate" book has to be the most transparent attempt yet though given how badly he's painted gamer's as a group in the past, only to turn around, pretend to be their champion suddenly my Gamergate book when it hits the shelves!

3409d ago 1 agree14 disagreeView comment