CRank: 5Score: 6000

This game nor EA deserves or will be receiving trust …. Jamie must of got a nice check to write an article

as a reader it's offensive, to tell me I need to trust a loot crate filled scuzfest from a greedy anti-consumer company …

keep putting up these pieces on the site, saves me time if I there isn't anything WORTH reading on here !

1747d ago 7 agree1 disagreeView comment

…. nice opinion but you are a minority

p.s. I love it when a fan boy tries hard .. it's hilarious, you didn't mention the camera issue or the size of dungeons

just a sad response of "I completed them all and liked them all a lot" ...… Bwahahahahaha

avoid the issues at all cost cause you don't have anything backing you up but your feelings :P

1752d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

P.S. Fanboys need not defend this crime, you can't …. it's wrong morally and ethically, your defense will only prove you have neither, and blind fandom is gross not cool #Truth

1752d ago 6 agree12 disagreeView comment

it's just plain pathetic we live in an age where people who tell us about messed up stuff are punished while the real criminals run free …

Snowden, Manning, Assange, all told us how rich people lied to us all and yet who gets the prison sentence ???

This Youtuber tells us what's up with Take-Two and they remove his channel (is he proven guilty in court yet ?)

didn't think so …. #BoycottTake-Two , #BoycottBorderlands , #Truth...

1752d ago 15 agree9 disagreeView comment

Won't be hard … not like the original had much in it … run around a mostly empty world and do a few sad dungeon like places … (no one can say those dungeons were large or enjoyable to beat)

I own BotW on Wii U .. sucked IMHO … Nintendo hasn't tried in a long while but they have enough fan boys to sell repeat breaking devices to, soo …. good for them... *roflcopters

Riddle me this "why over 20 years after the release of Ocarina we're sti...

1752d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Someone passed up on reality to jump the hype train like a Shark ….

This Opinion is soo wrong, as if this person played the game to compare it … what will this author write when the game launches with bugs, glitches, and fans are hating the MT's … still GOAT ??

N4G or any site shouldn't allow articles like this .. it betrays the reader, consumer, and it makes the site look bad when this piece leads to someone believing it until they buy the game a...

1755d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I get this writer needs a check and all but wouldn't it be MUCH wiser to …

wait til the new PS5 system comes out as it'll drop the price on the older PS4's for a better deal in a several months ???

This is literally the WORST time to buy a console, right before a newer model we always get these buy now, cause later they will be cheaper and the company won't make as much … duh !

Ignore the author and don't give in jus...

1759d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Nintendo is facing a Civil Lawsuit … Nintendo is having hardware issues … Nintendo is a joke when it comes to online services like chat … Nintendo is limited to ports and kids games

(maybe a doom port oh my, shut my mouth)

these are called FACTS … they will remain so no matter what dribble you claim

Nintendo is dying … limited to the mobile market and little kids … worse they lie like the Switch isn't replacing the 3DS … right … ...

1762d ago 2 agree6 disagreeView comment

Didn't answer any questions …. didn't say anything at all

point made, have a nice day son

1762d ago 2 agree7 disagreeView comment

not really but your post is an obvious butt hurt fan boy post as I am a gamer and own many products including a Wii U, Wii, Gamecube, NES, etc. but I would never own a Switch … Cell phone needed to chat, no thanks

But how about instead of calling me stupid you point out how I'm wrong … are you smart enough to do that ?

answer 1 of my questions … Would you as a developer of a Sports game with high end graphics, "online required", multiplayer...

1762d ago 4 agree15 disagreeView comment

EA is a horrid company but they aren't moronic CEO's … they are greedy CEO's

Nintendo is a sinking ship … Online chat much? or drifting joy con ? how about another port of an old game done poorly ? How about those graphics ?

EA would lose money selling discounted games on the Switch because their audience of FIFA, Madden, and others are all online/chat orientated games which high resolution and online connectivity are very important.

1762d ago 5 agree18 disagreeView comment

I wonder what games Genghis Khan played in 1170 CE that made him soo violent and rapey ???

maybe if Sun Tzu didn't work in gaming R&D hundreds of years ago we wouldn't have war ???

it is public knowledge after all that Osama bin Laden was a huge Fortnite fan …. better ban that game first

Everything Trump or the government/media has said is just as silly … but we should take them seriously ?

1765d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

so by playing games that help me vent frustration of a stupid species, relax, and unwind in the evenings before bed, it is actually filling me with rage and hatred and directing me to then take that rage out on society right ?!?!?

What a joke ….. but that's all these soo called leaders, adults, liars, morons, whatever title you prefer them going by (President, Congressperson, Judge, etc.) have in defense.

When you catch someone blaming something/some...

1765d ago 2 agree6 disagreeView comment

so they used this person to get others to purchase tickets to their event ..

cancelled his attending and tell those who bought tickets to see him, "NO REFUNDS"

The gaming industry is crashing, plan on seeing more and more insidious practices for coin as the ships sinks.

1766d ago 7 agree4 disagreeView comment

so I'm the only person thinking it's another month of stupid games, only given free cause no one buys them ???

That all the free games (for my PAID subscription) are … how about stop charging me for playing the games I buy with friends and you can keep all your trash ???

no, because you need the extra $$$ stolen from gamers to play with friends (other people who bought your system and games)

the articles on games are jokes, lea...

1770d ago 5 agree12 disagreeView comment

hey N4G ….

if you insist on these articles that link to ad explosions and multiple next page buttons

let me know, so I can stop coming to your site ….. This article and any like this are trash …. is that what N4G is now ?

1772d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

the controller was easy to use …. seriously can't find better things to talk about ?

say what you want about the N64 controller, it still managed to rock out on Goldeye and Perfect Dark …

not to mention set standards for FPS games played today …

so again while I loved it on Nintendo games like Mario Kart 64, it shined on 3rd party games all day long too ….

even if you had a BAD FUR DAY !!!

1773d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Bwahahahahaha ….. Seriously ????

1773d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

can we avoid having articles of propaganda and manure ???

does this article cover MT's, Map packs, Passes, gameplay, glitches, or really anything past hype ???

This writer is paid to say this junk to trick morons into supporting Activision …..

Yet like every year retarded fan boys, "can't wait" … then they get mad when the rest of us who warned them it's the same lying company, laugh because they never learn <...

1773d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

36 million Switches sold and 108 million joy-con replacements ….

Nintendo is making out like bandits

1775d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment