CRank: 5Score: 6000

Yea, server kicked me while playing and couldn't get back in ..

just sad, they had extra time to work, they knew they had pre-orders etc.

no excuse, Activision is gone and only Bungie to blame

1708d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

too bad there is server issues plaguing launch after an extended 2 weeks in the oven ...

1708d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

@Neonridr .... everyone knows you personally as the fanboy among all for Nintendo

we all know you are either paid or seriously emotionally damaged ....

how about when I post a statement or a question you answer it like an adult or keep it shut ...

How will you justify all the broken controllers and lawsuits ?

What will you do when your device breaks and free fixes are long gone and over with ??


1708d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

so what will you do when Nintendo no longer offers fixes for free ? ...

do you see your Switch working 5+ years down the road like a Gameboy ??

obviously you have more money than me if you can justify buying products known to break and need frequent replacemnt .... you go baller ...

or maybe I have more $ because I care more about how I spend my money ..

(I have Wii, U, Nes, I only see the Switch as junk, not a ha...

1708d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

5 cool things you can do WHEN your controller works … not often

1708d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

1 Seriously Important Reason NOT to BUY the Switch ….

Broken, flawed design, the controllers are horrendously faulted .. even the Switch Lite controller are reported breaking in under 20 hours or less …..

No human being can deny holding a joy-con is a nerve racking experience, it just feels like it's about to break …

even if you are fine with played 10 year old ports and limited online functionality or absent chat feature

1709d ago 11 agree8 disagreeView comment

Oh no, don't let the children read this or we'll hear how lil Johnny's Switch from day one hasn't had an issue and they are just a bunch of no good of liars …..

How can Nintendo be held responsible when everyone knew it was junk ??? … they bought an item they knew was bad

can Ikea be sued for selling junk furniture ? we know that's what they sell ...

it's on the fans, let them lose more money and celebrate their ...

1709d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

so this is how they expect consumers to play the Switch Lite without controllers …. Telekinesis !

1710d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

1710d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's better ?!? …. are you stating the original isn't as GOOD ?!?

how DARE you suggest anything isn't perfect about every thing from Nintendo !!!!

I hope your family and pets burn in an electric car fire ….

1710d ago 2 agree7 disagreeView comment

I use Steam, have been happy with it for years … it isn't broke and doesn't need fixed

you said it yourself, others have tried to replace or take the market from Steam for years (they all failed)

Epic's history is full of bad practices for consumers, never would I support their platform …. NEVER !

1711d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Yes the people at Infinity Ward are humans … so were the Nazi's what's the point ???

Members of the Klan are people, even the greedy CEO's that salivate over MT's, Loot boxes, cosmetic sales are partially human ….

My point is every person is a human being, that doesn't make them good people !!!

nor does their being human mean we need to like, buy, support, etc. their game ….

they want people to ke...

1711d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This isn't a sign of marketing genius but rather desperation …..

1711d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

in talks is industry for we'll have our cash cow but lets put out media blitz to get the suckers to believe it might be different to hook these stupid fish ….

1711d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Wanna play MARIO Kart ? ? it's free to play unless you want to play as Mario, 1 of the best characters …

I won't touch games like this … they only make them for gullible fools who are soon to part with their money

I like buying a game and experiencing it … but with more MT's, RNG, Loot Llama's, cosmetic shops, etc. you can't even do that anymore.

thankfully we got ebay, retro games, and some indie devs that still k...

1712d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Again a failed attempt to discredit me ….

I own a Wii-U, Gamecube, NES, SNES, 64, …. but I never seen the Switch as a good product

My anger towards Nintendo is that of a fan, who has had to watch a childhood company make bad move after bad move … (being angry at bad practices is different than hating the company, but fanboys can't differentiate)

you all have to think of me as a hater, or a fanboy for something else … WHY ???

1712d ago 3 agree7 disagreeView comment

If Nintendo addressed their issues they wouldn't collapse, but their refusal to change and continuance of bad consumer practices is their own doing …

and how is a company that does bad practices closing hurt anyone … it's capitalism … it's the consumers speaking with their wallets …. saying "WE DON"T LIKE THIS" !!!!

your comments are just sad …. it's sad you can't even see your own self interest, only your blind fandom

1712d ago 0 agree10 disagreeView comment

I am a parent …. nice try though
parents want to pay extra $$$$ or let their child use their phone to chat with friends while playing games ???


what's scary about your comment is it shows how controlling you are as a parent... the more controlling the more they lash out when they get older …. "Most parents know this stuff"

furthermore what's more blinded fanboy than trying to defend a lack of fe...

1712d ago 2 agree16 disagreeView comment

lets see … Nintendo is facing issues around bad practices … (cheap hardware)

how is Nintendo's future not connected to this extremely problematic issue of theirs ??

my statement has to do with the joycon issue as a practice by Nintendo as a whole … and how this joy-con issue is hurting their already damaged brand

but you can't comprehend that, so you only want to argue and discredit anything I say because you are aforementione...

1712d ago 4 agree26 disagreeView comment

Now people have given me sh*te about saying Nintendo is dead a couple years ago … but I'll get the last laugh

- primarily the loss of major 3rd party support (games)
- business model (only company to profit from hardware sales) … (they use cheap parts, joy-con anyone?)
- port focused, without 3rd parties making games they rely on re-releases, every Wii-U game is Switch main line up
- lack of online features … what parent wants to buy their ki...

1712d ago 8 agree37 disagreeView comment