
CRank: 5Score: 52950

Yes, I played both Max Payne 1 and 2. I even played through both games just before the third one came out :3 Still love both games, and they've held up extremely well even after all this time. I'm not trying to hate here, but I don't think that this will be the case with games like Call of Duty and Battlefield... People will remember them for the multiplayer and the fun they had online with their friends, not the story. That's sort of my point with Max Payne. The story is much...

4262d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I wouldn't say Max Payne 3 is just another forgettable shooter. If anything, Max Payne 3 is one of the few true gaming experiences I've had this year.

Storytelling and character development is something that seems to be dying, and Rockstar Games are the freaking masters of this art! Even though I haven't gone back to it since i finished it, it still sits in my mind as a extremely well executed and thrilling experience.

While I do appreciate the ...

4262d ago 8 agree1 disagreeView comment

Some of these are awesome! A few lackluster ones too though, but still a great timewaster :)

4262d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sleeping Dogs is technically not a new IP. It was called True Crime: Hong Kong, and was meant to be the third game in the True Crime series, right up until Activision decided to drop the project. Once it was acquired by Square Enix, they changed the name to Sleeping Dogs. Not that it really matters, as the game is awesome either way! :3

4285d ago 11 agree6 disagreeView comment

Great news if it's true, but I'm still hoping they go back to a more horror oriented style of game. RE4 & 5 were great, but I found myself missing the horror and survival aspects through the entire games. They simply didn't feel like RE games. Don't get me wrong here, I'm all for trying new stuff when franchises start to go downhill, but I see no reason why Capcom shouldn't go back to the more traditional style, mainly what made the games so popular in the first pl...

4645d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Decent art, at best. It has a cheap reprint or re-release feel to it. Especially compared to SH2 & 3's original box art. There's so much excellent artwork both from Konami and fans out there, they really should have used one of those instead. I'd much rather prefer a black background with the logo slapped onto it...

4657d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The logo looks like classic SH design, but the character is too "normal". They shouldn't have included him in the picture at all, or at least make him more abstract. Put some noise filters and scramble the photo a bit. Take note from the box art of SH3.

4657d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

There are some interesting points in this article. As a long-time SH fan, I can definitely relate to the thought of playing as another female protagonist. What's kind of ironic, is that Team Silent said back in 2003, when asked why they chose a female character instead of male, that they were tired of creating stories and games revolving around middle-aged men. Guess they weren't so tired of it after all, seeing as how they went back to that particular stereo-type in SH4. Heather'...

4657d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sorry. double posted...

4657d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Dead Island has been on my radar since it first was announced. I have to admit, I was sceptical after seeing the first gameplay vidoes. I thought it would be "Fallout with zombies" set on a tropical island. After seeing numerous videos and reading countless articles, I am convinced that this game will be a spectacular multiplayer experience! I just hope they really make the most out of co-op, and that it's not just the same as singleplayer, just with multiple players.

4657d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm really happy on the behalf of both Eidos Montreal and Square Enix. This game is one of the most original and freshest gaming experiences I've had in a couple of years. It would be a shame if it didn't get the recognition it deserves. As for a sequel, I don't think they should do one for at least 3-4 years. Give players time to sink their teeth into this game before they release a new installment. Maybe release a couple of DLC's that are integrated with the story, like ...

4657d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I used to play CoD every day for a couple of years. Stopped playing after I got Black Ops. It's not that the game is bad or anything, it's just that I've seen it before, and there isn't enough new stuff to keep on playing. I did however feel, that Black Ops had a lot of issues with hit detection and lag, and didn't play as smooth as previous installments. It just felt like the game hadn't changed at all since CoD4.

Comparing Call of Duty to the Elder S...

4786d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This game gets me really excited:D It's kind of funny though, how the original Tomb Raider on PS1 influenced a lot of adventure and platforming games (including Uncharted), and now, it seems Tomb Raider is influenced by Uncharted. For some reason I find that a little funny:P That's irony for you, I guess...

The game is looking really promising though. Hope they show some gameplay at this years E3! I'll still pop in the original TR on my PS1 once in a while. It has...

4787d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Interesting! It seems like Capcom is really treating this game with as much love and attention to detail as they've done with Street Fighter for the last couple of years. Hope Namco does the same with Tekken x Street Fighter...

So far, the confirmed SF characters are: Ryu, Chun-Li, Ken, Guile and Abel. The Tekken charaters at the moment are: Kazuya, Nina, King, Bob and Marduk. Can't wait to see a full character reveal!

With the recently released Mor...

4787d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Hope this turns out to look equally good on both systems. I'm so sick and tired of hearing ranting and trolling about one version looking better than the other. It seems like the gameplay doesn't matter to most people any more, it's all about the graphics... A good game relies on good gameplay mechanics, smooth controls and original storytelling. Sure, the graphics helps immerse you into the games world, and helps create the atmosphere, but in the end, it should be about how the g...

4787d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Hopefully, that will be the case with this title. I know some releases differ in release date on PSN (like the Prince of Persia Trilogy HD), but they usually aren't far apart. This will also be a great chance for everyone who didn't play it when it came out, to experience it.

I consider RE4 to be the peak of last generation of games. I know a lot of people didn't like it, due to it distancing itself away from the RE series' original concept, but you can't...

4821d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think RE4 looked pretty good on GC back when it came out. I think it used some sort of noise filter to blur out textures in the distance, to maximize the performance of the game. But overall, I remember the game being pretty crisp and sharp looking most of the time. Not sure how the PS2 version looked, as I never got around to playing it, but surely, the screens in the article can't be accurate? Either way, the HD upgrade looks gorgeous! Will def get this when it comes out.

4821d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I got really excited when the rumors started popping up all over the web, and now it's official:D

Code Veronica is probably my fav RE game after RE2. Haven't played it since the good ol' Dreamcast days, so I can't wait to play through it again! Hope it's the Code Veronica X/Complete version though, as I never got around to play any of those.

As for RE4, it really deserves a HD upgrade. Saw it running on PC at a friends house, and it look...

4821d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

There was actually 4 different versions of Resident Evil 4.

The first version was so drastically different from the series' roots, that they simply wrote out all the RE plot, and changed the name of the protagonist to Dante, and the game eventually became Devil May Cry.

The second version, commonly reffered to as "fog version", was around 40% complete when they decided to start over. The "fog version" would see Leon travel to Europe i...

4822d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's a shame that every time I go into a comment section, all I see is comments regarding KZ3. Why can't people just see a game for what it is? Crysis 2 is looking awesome, and isn't trying to be KZ3, so please stop comparing them. Where's your sense of gaming spirit? I honestly don't care what people say anymore. I'm getting both Crysis 2 and KZ3.

For me it's not about playing the game that has the best graphics, it's about the game itself. A...

4848d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment