CRank: 5Score: 5030

Hoops, you hit the nail on the head. I mean, hell Former President Bill Clinton was aledged getting slobbed on in the oval office while running the country and being married (who knows what else he did), now he's doing speeches for 1 million dollars a pop. Yet, somehow people see Tiger Woods' infidelity and the end of the world.

It really just shows how two-faced businesses and people in general can be. You're doing well, they want to make a profit from your success, somet...

5263d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

DJ calls flower GOTY and you guys agree with him? Or are at least NOT willing to challenge that, fkin' incredible.

Perhaps I'm missing something, can someone tell me how to play Flower? I've seen it but, can't quite understand what you do? And or how it's so exciting that it would be named GOTY.

Please provide sensible feedback, I'm curious.

Edit: @Blaster...(below) I agree.

@Lightningsax - Thanks :)

5267d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment

Even if a mistake like that was made on PSN, who actually would give a damn enough to report it as news anyway. I really don't even know why this was approved.

But, whatever I guess.

5278d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

Don't be a moron, people make mistakes. Paid services are not living entities so whether it's a paid service has nothing to do with someone making a mistake. I guess the next time you make a mistake at work (if you have a job) you should be fired immediately.

edit: This is also clearly a good reason to use micro transactions, as if they was credit card payable, this mistake could have easily wound up on someone's credit card.

5278d ago 11 agree4 disagreeView comment

It sounds to me that the court is the one that is abusing it's power.

@dchalfont - below. Get off your high horse.

5285d ago 12 agree6 disagreeView comment

It seems to me that what is more interesting than whether or not Forza sold 1 million is how in the hell is Uncharted not on this chart, if "Dragon Age PS3" is at 177K and there are 5 titles below that, my goodness how low did Uncharted 2 fall. (The most hype game of 2009 and easily the biggest PS3 exclusive to date)

So, try and devert the attention off of UN2 by questioning Forza all you'd like. But I think UN2 not making the top 20 is a WAY bigger deal than Forza p...

5288d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Actually you are wrong, there were batman bundles being sold at Walmart, Sears, and Sams Clubs. You can also still buy them on ebay.


You were doing so well, then the fanboy desease got a hold of you. Now I gotta call BS. oh well you tried.

5299d ago 4 agree14 disagreeView comment

For all you people that feel that it is impossible to hack the PS3. You're either silly or just plain ignorant.

I'll tell you what. How about giving me some technical reasons as to why you feel that PS3 can't be chipped (hacked) to allow it to play pirated games?

Otherwise, I really can't understand why you feel so sure about yourselves on this matter. Madden, why don't you lead the way.

5299d ago 3 agree13 disagreeView comment


I don't think I've see such a blinded hater like yourself in my life.

If you bought a computer from your friend and he had thousands of MP3s on the hard drive and the RIAA caught you with them do you think they are going to give you a break because you bought the computer from a friend? I don't think so, I know you probably don't know this but you are actually responsible for what you buy once you actually start to use it yourself.

Edit: Godm...

5306d ago 8 agree5 disagreeView comment

More like a "NEW" n4g account is made by another PS3 fanboy. You're not fooling with that bullsh!t story.

5309d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Weren't those vgchartz numbers...Oh, so they are a good source this week? /sarcasm

5314d ago 8 agree7 disagreeView comment

Wow yet another fanboy medication article. From all of the oh look at Microsoft sweating articles, I think the sony fanboys that keep writing and approving this dumb blog articles are the ones that obviously need convincing.

The really funny thing is that the wii, is the one at the top of the pile, yet to give themselves some hope, they try to disgard the wii as being "not nextgen".

There was also a guy saying that he was going to play UC2 for his thir...

5314d ago 5 agree4 disagreeView comment

Great Comment Kingme

The face that all of the super duper hardcare Fanboys feel a need to address your comment is all the evidence need to confirm that you are spot on. They seem to fear your, I remember one time you said Uncharted was a good game and the PS3 fanboys disagreed with you. Probably because as soon as they see your name they hit the disagree button without reading it...lol

But, you are 100% correct, the PS3 with all of it's hype and glory should ha...

5341d ago 3 agree13 disagreeView comment

Thanks for the lesson in piracy. Get a job and you won't need to steal software. What needs to happen is that they need to make punishment for hacking and virus creation so severe that once you get caught, you'll never be seen again.


5342d ago 3 agree7 disagreeView comment

That article wasn't laced with biased bullsh!t now was it.

Some people have no shame. None.

5342d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Man, you nailed it. You are 100 percent correct.

I have a PS3, but I don't play it. If you do decide that you still want one. PM me, I will give you a good deal on the one I have as long as you don't mind brushing the dust off of it.

I stop playing on PSN also, the the reason I stopped is because the dudes on PSN, just don't have the skill like those on XBL...haha

5344d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

The trailer was awesome, but I thought the demo was clean and nicely done also. I'm looking forward to this one. This could turn out to be a really nice game.

5349d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

Any tester with half a brain would have performed the test on a clean install without any applications installed on either OS. You can't install a bunch of apps and then try and determine which OS boots the fastest. The installed apps could have an influence on the boot times.

5350d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment