CRank: 5Score: 5030

I think it will be an RPG/FPS/Text adventure called "Twisted Attention Whore". j/k

5169d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

So basically Sony is banning your console from PSN unless you allow them to steal a feature from you that you paid money for. The original Fat systems cost 600 bucks, I think those people paid to have linux abilities. Perhaps Sony should send all of those people a 300 dollar refund.

Because stopping them from using PSN because they don't want Sony to gimp their console is BS. It's not like all people with Older PS3 are crimminals and are trying to hack the PS3. It's sad whe...

5171d ago 7 agree12 disagreeView comment

I can see how some people would feel slighted. They bought the original launch PS3s with a certain set of features. Showed good support for Sony and it's product. And Sony turns around and removes this feature. In away it like a breech of contract, It's like buying a Blu-ray player that plays blu-ray and DVDs and then updating the BD player's firmware and finding out afterwards that it no long plays DVDs and will only play BD.

It's kind of whack, and I think there should be...

5172d ago 7 agree10 disagreeView comment

Will this update, delete already installed linux OS or will it just remove the option for future installations?

5172d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

He meant infared.

5174d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm sure there are people holding PHDs that would say Natal is better. This guys works for Sony, what do you expect him to say.

@Bigpappy (Above)

You made a lot of great points, it's really sad to see so many people disagreeing with you, not because that actually don't agree but because they don't want to hear it.

Bubbles up.

5175d ago 4 agree14 disagreeView comment

"This really is an embarrassing failure on Microsoft's part to copy Sony's massive success with Home"

Really, you mean kinda like Sony did when they created PSN?

There are so many things different between Home and Gameroom. I really don't even know why some of you are even comparing the two.

And the only thing pointless is this article.

I use to play some arcade games that I really loved growing up, I would love to some o...

5175d ago 3 agree10 disagreeView comment

With that being said, it would still be $43.98 more worthy than your DUMBASS opinion. We need to find a giant ORC to fight some of these TROLLS...lol

5175d ago 5 agree4 disagreeView comment

Okay, that's it! I official want one. I can see some fun nights with this puppy. I'm gonna get Natal also. Got all three systems and I'll enjoy all three technologies.

I'm hyped!

I typically do the hard core thing when I am online or playing along. But I have also had a many a fun nights playing singstar, lips, and wii bowling with my girl and when company comes over. I think there's room for both Natal and Move, imo they are different tech's that are used i...

5176d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

That's the conclusion you drew from that. Let me explain my comment.

The dude use a rationale that he could single out the black guy simply because he was black. As if a white guy wouldn't be allowed to do so because he is not black. Basically, he's stating it's okay for him to hate the "Black" guy because he is black.

This particular thought process could actually be perceived as elitist, or privileged base on being the same thing(Black)as the subje...

5177d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Actually you can't here's why.

I think you're a D!CK. I can say that because I'm a D!CK.
See how it still offends anyway?

5177d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

So many ignorant, close minded fools on this site.

5180d ago 10 agree19 disagreeView comment

That was fun to watch. The Spec Ops guy was dealing with real world safety issues. Staying out of the Enemy line of fire vs running out in the open firing as if you're not being fired back at. (I know that in the pit it's all static targets, but you must train the way you fight in real life, and that's why the sniper stayed static.)
Additionally, the Sniper also risked the danger of richochets with live ammo bouncing off of metal targets. So I can see why he was about 42 seconds. ...

5180d ago 9 agree0 disagreeView comment


Go to 4:00 - 4:10 of the Socom Demo. This is a demo by Sony, not some commercial with a commedian in it.

Perhaps there are alternate ways to do it. But, the demo guy is sitting on the couch doing the same thing that he could just as easily do with a controller.

@AKS - READ WHAT WROTE! don't put words into m...

5182d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

Get of your crippled high horse. The only support Move actually showed for Socom was aiming, hell you can't even throw a grenade using it. If this is the type of hardcore support they are talking about, why not just use the controller. I can aim just fine with an analog stick.

The Motion control for SOCOM is so limited, that it's actually pointless. 95 percent of the stuff they are doing they're using the analog stick and triggers.

Just like 95 percent of th...

5182d ago 6 agree17 disagreeView comment

Okay, please put it into prospective for me. Can all 256 players end up in the same arena at the same time picking and choosing to fight whomever they feel.

Can I be in a gun fight with player number 40 and then travel across the map and fight say player number 179? Or isi this 256 player thing that you or over playing people put in seperate groups and they are fight within their groups? Because to me, the ladder is "NOT" 256 players battling each other at the same...

5182d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Good point and Point taken. My apologies.

5183d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I noticed when the guy threw the grenade it pressed a button to do so. Since you are holding a motion controller, why not go through a throwing motion to throw a grenade.

Also, did the Move control anything else other than the aiming reticle. It only turn the player when the reticle was going off the screen. All other controls were done with the analog stick.

I don't get it.

5183d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

They are clicking disagree not because they disagree, it's because they don't like what you are saying. Perhaps the disagrees are more telling than they appear, they disagrees mean you are right but we don't want to hear it because we are incapable of agreeing with someone that don't share our beliefs.

Take Raoh (above), no one mentioned Natal. He did so because Natal could possibly rain on his parade and that scares him so he feels a need to downplay natal's appeal.

5183d ago 7 agree13 disagreeView comment

We all know the definition of new. I some one post a blow that MS is changing the background color on xbox.com. Based on your difinition, it would be news because someone somewhere didn't know it.

Here is a definition that you should add to your collection.

friv·o·lous   /ˈfrɪvələs/ Show Spelled[friv-uh-luhs] Show IPA
1.characterized by lack of seriousness or sense: frivolous conduct.
2.self-indulgently carefree; unco...

5194d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment