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Santa Monica Hiring for Unannounced IP

Santa Monic Studios has posted a new job listing that they are hiring for an unannounced brand new ip.

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turokgames4436d ago
NastyLeftHook04436d ago

whatever it is i know its going to be good, santa monica rocks.

NastyLeftHook04436d ago (Edited 4436d ago )

yeah, there games (god of war 3 especially) still to this day makes tentonsoftube wonder..."how did they do it?" there games are wild rides.

oh by the way, turok dinosaur hunter rules.

sinncross4436d ago

I speculate this is the FPS Heartland, which was originally meant to be a PSP game by Jaffe.

Sony recently patented 'From Ashes' so it is possible that it got a new name. Anyways, if they stick to what Jaffe wanted to do then this will be good.

On a side note, David Cage mentioned last year that he helped advise the story elements of an exclusive new FPS. Regardless of whether you think Cage can wite or not he sort of has that stigma attached to him for Sony... so Heartland was meant to be hard hitting... like do you execute women and children even tough they are our enemy?

If this is the Ip then I think it is going to be amazing. All that remains... is it end cycle PS3, or are Santa Monica all in on PS4???/ Exciting times!

Nitrowolf24436d ago

Not really into the thought of another shooter, but an Open world title from Santa Monica? Yeah I'm down for that.

Patient_624824436d ago

Great Studio, if I was a game DEV I'd be all over this.

DA_SHREDDER4436d ago

You don't deserve me, j/j :)

Gamer30004436d ago

another exclusive ???
my god:)

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Sony Santa Monica Studio Seemingly Hiring for New God of War Game

As spotted by Portuguese site Geekinout, the PlayStation Studios developer is currently hiring for a number of key positions, including a lead audio designer, lead narrative animator, a systems design producer, a senior animation programmer, a senior character artist, a senior narrative designer, and, most notably in this case, a senior technical combat designer.

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ROCKY2862d ago

we want a new wipEout racing game !

StormSnooper62d ago (Edited 62d ago )

They are working on another project as well which is ahead of this. But I definitely don’t want it to be wipeout. I loved those but wipeout would not be a AAA. SSM is too talented not to make something epic.

purple10162d ago

who would downvote a new wipeout, - people these days, no respect

ROCKY2862d ago

must be lil kids that would downvote a new wipEout racing game as they only know Fortnite and COD 😂

Crows9062d ago

It's a younger audience on the web. Some may never have really played it...many in fact.

jznrpg62d ago

I’ll a take a new Wipeout. I wonder who they would have make it though if it did happen

banger8862d ago

Just don't hire Sweet Baby Inc like you did with Ragnarök. Who am I kidding, of course they will.

SimpleSlave62d ago

Of course they will. Why would they cater to White Supremacist sympathizers like you? Did they not teach you how Capitalism works, bud?


ravens5262d ago (Edited 62d ago )

White Supremacist*, Are you assuming banger88 is white? Or that only white people complain about SBI?

SimpleSlave62d ago

@ravens52 - White Supremacist is an ideology invented by white people, certainly, but it's practiced by the many different colors of the Rainbow. Take Kanye West for example, the guy is a White Supremacist and an focking idiot.

Seriously, stop being such a White Supremacy Pick-Me Simp and do learn how Capitalism works. Never go Full DeSantis is all I'm saying.

Now take you Dog Whistling SBI acronym and get lost, goofy.

Crows9062d ago


Don't bother with simple slave...the name says it all. Just send some squatters to his home while he's on vacation...I'm sure he'll love to show how virtuous he can be

SimpleSlave62d ago (Edited 62d ago )

@Crows90 - So you also hate homeless people. Shocking...but not really. I bet being homeless is wOke!! Reich? Yeah... I bet stealing land, defunding housing and education is the work of the Übermensch!!! and wholly Righteous, yeah? Of course.

Here's the thing, goof. I don't know what you were hoping or expecting here today, but exposing yourself like that? For what? You have nothing and you are nothing. You people shunned actual education for pure unadulterated hate and alternative facts.

But here, since you have such a fascination with squatting let me give you what you want; 🍑💩

There, you see? We Leftist can also reach across the isle just like Liberals love to do. Happy? Outstanding!

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Redemption-6462d ago

Ragnarök is a very good game and they should hire whoever they want to make their game. If you don't like, don't buy. There are millions who will. I saw some snowflakes crying and claiming they will boycott any any company that works with SB. I asked if they will boycott Steam, since Valve has worked with SB?

Umb61d ago

Or any other group similar to that self righteous, gamer hating mob. Until the DEI/ESG money runs out I not holding my breath. Let developers make games and fullfil their vision and not cowered to a small minority, who cries the loudest, has freinds in high places that pushes a narrative.

I not white but somehow will be lumped together with white supremacists, Naz!!!s, because I do not subscribe to WOKE ideology. Case in point - SimpleSlave.

SimpleSlave61d ago

"Let developers make games and fullfil their vision and not cowered to a SMALL MINORITY, who cries the loudest, has freinds in high places that pushes a narrative." Yeah, about that. You might want to check the Popular Vote in the US...

Listen, screaming Woke while playing the Acronym game is White Supremacy Dog Whistling. The fact is that even if you don't consider yourself one, you're still a White Supremacist ally; You're still furthering their hate and propaganda. So it makes no difference.

Now, before you keep whining and moaning and melting like a whiteflake, how about you define this Woke ideology, bud? What does it mean to you and how does it differ from your normal? In fact, what IS this normal that you're missing in games or in life, for that matter? What's really bothering you, mhhh? Enlighten us.

Also, is it true that your type consider the female Characters in Mortal Kombat 9 sexier than in MK 11 and 1? And have you visited those MK9 3D models lately? Cuz I gotta tell you, you might be into what you hate. In fact, you might be hating yourself, which is even sadder.

This should be eye opening...

Umb61d ago

Popular vote?? From which source or echo chamber. Popular vote like Budlite.. popoluar vote like Suicide Squad. If you go be the metric of popular vote, see how that will fly in Asia, East Europe, Africa, Latin America, The Middle East...

Yeah its a small minority sitting in Western countries crying the loudest. So popular that developers will only push it western countries but will self censor in China and the middle east.

SimpleSlave61d ago

@Umb - Popular vote like Spider-Man. Popular vote like God of War Ragnarok. Popular Vote like Human Rights for woman. Popular Vote for Democrats Presidents. Yeah, the Popular Vote from the most powerful voices on this Earth. You don't like it? Move.

"If you go be the metric of popular vote, see how that will fly in Asia, East Europe, Africa, Latin America, The Middle East..."
Sweetie, beside your amazing ignorance of many of those countries and Continents, I'm in America, and this is where we change the world. Besides, just because a lot of other countries are lagging behind doesn't mean we have to follow suit. In fact, THEY are the ones following suit. They are the ones catching up to us. We are making them better by making ourselves better. And by your own argument, you even admit it. Did you see Saudi Arabia allowing Women in sports? WOKE!!! lol. Thanks America!

You really thought that was a good argument? Ffs...

"Yeah its a small minority sitting in Western countries crying the loudest."
It's the majority of the most powerful country on this Earth, son. Go whine and moan to China if you admire them so much. Let me know how it goes when you don't agree with the Winnie-the-Pooh dictator. In fact, go to China and call Xi, Winnie-the-Pooh. We'll never here from you again. Here? In the Land of the Free? Self Censoring Cowards like you can call the President Brandon and I'll still have to interact with you the next day. So be thankful for WOKE, you ingrate.

"So popular that developers will only push it western countries but will self censor in China and the middle east."
Yeah, it's call Capitalism. Have you actually heard of it? It's call making ALL the money. Again, finish school first before engaging in any serious conversation, bud. Cuz this was tragic.

Listen, you went full DeSantis. And that's on you.

MrVux00061d ago

I certainly will be more cautious with developers associated with bigoted/racist companies similar to SBI.

This includes Sony Santa Monica. Its a good thing we have SBI detected that is growing day after day by the thousands.

Worse case scenario, buy those games second hand if in any doubt... this way developers will get no money. Will it change much in short term? Nah, especially with that sweet sweet ESG funding and similar things. But long term? Heads will roll sooner or later.

Umb61d ago

Bravo, (slow clap).
You Sir, understands the situation and even have a short term solution.


SimpleSlave61d ago

You certainly should be extra cautious. Especially when you think that this lame white supremacist gaslighting technique is actually going to work. "Oh, we're not the bigot/racist ones! They are! The ones that like Diversity. That's white Oppression, don't you know?" Just another Dog Whistle to add to the pile of stupid.

But my advice to you is simple; Run.

This society is going fully WOKE and there will be no space for the likes of you. Diversity and Representation will continue to permeate Entertainment so you might as well call it quits.

Besides, even if you buy a game used, you'll still get indoctrinated by our WOKE Ideologies, so don't be so stupid.

Fly, you fools...

MrVux00061d ago (Edited 61d ago )


Your indirect racism/bigotry and threats aside...

I will just tell you this, outside of the internet and the digital world (the real world) ... there are far more normal people like me than people like you. And that will remain the case for many centuries to come.

And you just reminded me why i don't entertain places like N4g or internet in general as much as i used to. But thankfully, things are changing for the better already around the world and people are really "waking up".

SimpleSlave61d ago

@MrVux000 - "Your indirect racism/bigotry and threats aside..."
Again, not gonna work, bud. The bigotry and racism comes from the side that's whining and moaning about Diversity and Representation. You know, your side. So stop melting, whiteflake.

"I will just tell you this, outside of the internet and the digital world (the real world) ... there are far more normal people like me than people like you. And that will remain the case for many centuries to come."
Patently untrue. I know you love to think that, but that's not even close to reality. That's an Alternative Fact mentality just so you can feel justified in your bigotry and racism. You're going full DeSantis, pal. So sad.

There's a reason Republicans are known to do everything in their power to disenfranchise voters, push for gerrymandering, and perpetuate the State Rights mentality; They know they are in the minority. They don't have the votes. If the Presidential elections where to change to the Popular Vote, they would lose and lose and lose and then lose some more. Ditto if there were terms for their appointed judges in the supreme court and in congress.

"And you just reminded me why i don't entertain places like N4g or internet in general as much as i used to."
That's because 4chan is not spelled N4g, goof. Plenty of other hate filled bubbles for your bigotry and racism. So do go find a circle jerk to cry about it. But this ain't it.

Still, pretty ironic that it is now your side who can't stand the heat and are getting triggered by WOKE. You took us by surprise, sure, but we adapt far better than you people. Your minority is hateful and loud and do have friends in very high places, but we'll keep pushing on and keep pushing you people out. It helps that we value education and empathy while you people don't. At least not for the vast majority, just for the ones in power.

"But thankfully, things are changing for the better already around the world and people are really "waking up"."
You're right. People around the world are finally finding out what happened when you stay complacent and let literal Nazis take over your country. We understand it's time to actually do something about it and send that pest back to the holes they crawled out of. Thankfully, many are doing something about it. We are WOKE...without the quotation marks, cuz we're not cowards. We own that word and we own what it represent.

And we'll get there for sure. Even extreme countries are actually allowing women to take part in sports and even drive. So even if it takes us another Thousand years, we'll get there. We'll even use Capitalism to do it for us... How poetic.

My advice to you? Move to Russia and have fun. See how it goes when you decide to come up with some clever "Let's go Brandon" slogan to describe the Putin. Make sure to make a video while you're getting disappeared.

Good luck.

MrVux00061d ago


1) Again, another racist remark.
2) Who the hell is DeSantes?
3) Oh you are American. That explains the obsession with extremist behavior of the left and the right. Dont involve me in that nonsense. I have my fill of people like yourself and politicians in general.
4) I was the one who supported the woke movement when it started. I sure as shit dont like what certain groups of people turned that word into today.
5) Speaks of Nazi... ironically acts like a Nazi. Bravo, you and your peers certainly are doing well to maintain the slandered reputation of the word "woke".
6) I lived in Russia and i am proud Slav in general. That does not mean my culture does not have its share off problems (re-read point 3).

7) We also allowed men into female sports. Good for us.

Like i said, this is the internet ... and words are wind. Back to the normal world.

SimpleSlave61d ago (Edited 61d ago )


1) And again we'll continue to push you people aside because of your racism and bigotry. Yes.
2) DeSantis. He's who represents your type of ideology. The Anti-Woke. In fact, he's your future. Fun.
3) "Dont involve me in that nonsense." Yet here you are whining and moaning and towing the White Supremacist flag of hate. How about that? A hypocrite and a coward.
4) Oh? You were there during the Segregation era in the US? Interesting. How old are you again? Suspect.
5) Yes, because Nazis love Diversity, Representation and love to help Immigrants. Seriously, you should ask for your money back, cuz that education of yours was a joke.
6) Ah, Russia. Not a single Woke in that country... Wait, what happens again when you go out into the streets and march against the Putin? Nothing, reich? Nothing at all. Unlike in the US, where we make people disappear just for hating on Brandon...sorry, Biden.

...Oh, wait. That's not true. It's the other way around. How silly of me. Here's an experiment, go out into the streets and start disparaging your "Elected" Dictator and film it. Then put it on YouTube. Show us Woke Americans how your Anti-Woke liberties and rights work. Please.

7) You also allow men into women's sport... Wut? You mean trans woman? ...Wait a minute. I thought you used to be pro-Woke! Now you're just a plain 'ol bigot? Shocking...

"Like i said, this is the internet ... and words are wind. Back to the normal world."
Just remember to not say anything against the Putin while standing in front of a window on a tall building. But if you do, film it. I want to see how real Anti-Woke freedom looks like when it hits you right in the face.

Good luck.

Umb60d ago

Wow, just wow, working real hard to shove your opinion on other and slyly attacking people at the same time.

DeSantis?.. I not even from the USA, my point exactly. The little group in the western countries crying the loudest.

SimpleSlave60d ago

@Umb - I see you're still working real hard pushing that faux outrage of yours. I mean, you could've moved on, bud. Or you can grow a backbone and define your position clearly. Stop being such a coward.

"DeSantis?.. I not even from the USA, my point exactly."
Yeah... I couldn't have said it better myself.

"The little group in the western countries crying the loudest."
And you're from what big and amazingly un-Woke and free but-only-for-some country?

How about you stop hiding and come out from there? Be loud and proud, kid. You owe it to yourself.

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isarai62d ago

When are they gonna do something else man 😒

purple10162d ago

When your on top, you don’t give up the throne that easily

isarai62d ago

Ive been here for every god of war, after nearly 20yrs i would just like to see them do something else. I get they are still great games, but it just seems like a waste of their largest studio.

Skuletor62d ago

After Ascension selling considerably less than God of War III they had to change things up. They could release a new IP, learn some new things, then release a new God of War improved by the lessons they've learned doing something different. Ascension's multiplayer was awesome btw.

purple10162d ago (Edited 62d ago )

FairPlay @isarai. I still reckon if your on a good streak, you wouldn’t get off it so easily & their next one is rumoured to be Egypt

Hopefully they have something else cooking I agree, as I’d like to see it too!

VersusDMC62d ago

They are doing something else. New IP is next. I assume it's what Cory Balrog is directing as someone else directed Ragnarok.

mkis00762d ago (Edited 62d ago )

Barlog is working on it apparently. The idea is he got the keys to the kingdom for the success of God of War 2018. He is working on his dream game? Unless I interpreted his words incorrectly.

-Foxtrot61d ago

To be fair

Just because it says knowledge about the recent God of War games does not mean it will be God of War

It might just be a direction they are going to go with in a new IP combat wise

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 61d ago
Travesty62d ago

IMO Santa Monica has produced the best ps5 game this gen so far, even though it was cross gen. Ragnarok was a fine piece. This game will probably be released at the end of the ps5 cycle.
Still no word on Naughty Dog’s next title. And Sucker Punch is rumored to be releasing Ghost of Tsushima 2 next year. I hope Sony will fill in this large void of games with some reveals in the upcoming showcase.

Crows9062d ago

I personally loved returnal more...Ragnarok was definitely great too..

Naughty dog has lost my interest for a while now....much more interested in bend studios and sucker punch

Travesty62d ago

Returnal was quite good. I did enjoy that as well. I just thought as a single player game Ragnarok nailed it and it was quite lengthy too.

Horizon had a large map to explore but I just wish there was more to do after you beat it.

Bend studios is going to be a multiplayer title, looking forward to see what that will be.

jznrpg62d ago

Both great games. Very different genres. Hard for me to pick between the 2.

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God of War (2018) Enhanced Performance Experience for PlayStation 5

Santa Monica Studios announces free patch that improves resolution and performance for PS5.

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Nyxus1226d ago

Nice! Another one for the replay list.

SullysCigar1226d ago

Hear hear - next up: TLOU2, please!

1225d ago
TheKingKratos1226d ago (Edited 1226d ago )

It was already 4k/30fps on the pro
Making it 4k/60fps that is the goal because the graphics already top notch

This update only look great for ppl who jumped from base ps4 to ps5 .. and didn't buy the pro

TheProblem1225d ago

I’m not sure what you are talking about. They have made it 4K/60fps

fr0sty1225d ago (Edited 1225d ago )

Pro upscaled to hit 4K. Kinda sad Ps5 is having to do the same.

Livingthedream1226d ago

So is this native 4k? Or what's the deal with checkerboard 4k?

IRetrouk1226d ago

Checkerboard rendering on the horizontal lines, the verticle lines are full 2160p.

RememberThe3571226d ago

Syncs to 60 FPS
4K Checkerboard Resolution*

Skate-AK1225d ago

Mary Cerny developed the checkerboarding technique. Here's an article where he explains some of it.

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GamerRN1225d ago (Edited 1225d ago )

This one has me super excited! This was my main game to finish!

SyntheticForm1225d ago


This is one of those games, like Bloodborne, that I return to over and over. I've gotten the platinum and completed GMGOW, but I'll take any excuse to go back.

Ragnorok is my most anticipated game as of now as well.

1225d ago
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ZAF1226d ago

Awesome, hope RDR2, Horizon and LoU2 get one soon.

neutralgamer19921225d ago

Horizon would be awesome I would replay that but the load times are so long if they can patch it so they aren't as long it's an instant win

GamerRN1225d ago

This was the one I was waiting for! Now I can finally finish it happily!

TGGJustin1226d ago

Great to see this. You could get this if you played the game without patches on PS5 but then you had any bugs they might not have fixed. This new patch fixes that. Sony needs to do this for The Last Guardian as well as that game's patches removed the ability to play it at 60fps

Hellcat20201226d ago

It looks absolutely amazing in the unpatched version
But I will now play it with my save file that has my new game + mode

StoneyYoshi1226d ago

Yeah I just started a new playthrough with the unpatched version. Now I don't have to constantly get bugged about updating the game! 👏

ocelot071226d ago

I'll be playing threw this gem again shortly then. Your turn last of us 2.

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Alanah Pearce joins Sony Santa Monica

Pearce announced on Twitter that she was joining the studio as a Video Game Writer

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-Foxtrot1302d ago (Edited 1302d ago )

I’ve seen some of her “takes” on Twitter...and some of the controversies around her. Yeah...good luck Sony.

Little unfair to get a job because your super good friends with Barlog and his wife.

phoenixwing1302d ago (Edited 1302d ago )

A good portion of getting ahead in creative industries is knowing the right person. networking is important. Wish someone had told me that back when I was going to school.

edit: I can't find anything about her past where she's actually written content for a fictional story... unless she was a writer for rooster teeth content (halo skits) when she was younger. anybody help me out and know what her body of work is?

-Foxtrot1302d ago

I guess but still all those actual writers out there who have taken Media Production or Script Writing hoping to get a job in something they went to University for only to loose out to someone who was a video game journalist originally

ABizzel11302d ago


Welcome to the real world, where simply being the best or better than everyone else in your field doesn't guarantee you an ideal position that you more than likely deserve, because somewhere higher up a chain of in-group favoritism and alliances will almost ALWAYS bring their "next in line" employee over the more qualified candidate.

I've personally have been victimized by this ignorant mentality that generally ends up hurting the business. I had worked for a company for around 5 years and in less than 2 years I made it from Consultant, to Assistant Manager, to Manager. As a manger I had an undeniable performance record across 3 years the majority of the time being the best performing team under our Market Manager (out of 30 other teams), and consistently in the top 10 no less than top 20 under our Regional Manager (covers 4 states and over 100 teams). I won so many awards and was nominated by practically all of my teams as for performance and recognition awards that there was no denying I was easily the best manager in our market, if not the best manager in our entire region.

Yet I had to watch as people with 50% of my performance metrics get promoted to positions I applied for, deal with a district manager who constantly blocked my attempts at moving up by literally calling other DMs and recommending other candidates above me because they were her favorites, I won awards for the best performing manager in our Market two years back to back, I also would have won that award my first year but I was moved from my original area to a larger and lesser performing area in August and the area I managed for most of the year ranked 1st and the area I was moved to which was around 15/30 ended up being number 2, and this same district manager told me she wasn't going to recognize me because she didn't want me to get a big head, and if my team went a single day without hitting our goal she'd be on our heads asking if she has the right people in charge meanwhile our overall performance is still over 90% on a goal of 100% while other teams are being allowed to skate by at 60% / 70% / and 80%.

Simply put Life isn't fair, and People can make it worse.

I don't know Alanah or her creative writing experience, so I cannot speak on her and this position per say, but I would hope that she is qualified for the position and brings something noteworthy to the company.

dumahim1301d ago

Just because someone takes classes doesn't make them a quality employee. Just because she knows someone doesn't mean they won't be a good fit for the job,

NecrumOddBoy1301d ago

She is another former-shill in the echo chamber of San Fran elitist games journalism. She did pet projects and was also on IGN for awhile. I don't personally think she is even 1% as bad as Kallie Plague, Greg Miller, Max Scoville, or Janet Garcia in the "I'm anti-racist and super woke" crew but who knows if she would benefit PlayStation. I would assume she could do some marketing and interface with the Twitter crowd. Sony is trying to put younger faces and celebrities on their products now so maybe this is part of it. I still think it's cool to see Miyamoto and Shu on the stages being goofy. Maybe this is just the new direction.


Godmars2901301d ago

"A good portion of getting ahead in creative industries is knowing the right person."

Not seeing "talent" anywhere...

1301d ago
DreadfulHero1301d ago

I think she was more in charge of editorial content for Inside Gaming for awhile, and was just a regular "talking head" for Funhaus for awhile. I think the plan originally for her at Funhaus was going to be to be more editorializing for gaming related news shows Funhaus planned on doing before Rooster Teeth acquired Inside Gaming. But then that happened and Funhaus shifted away from those plans, and she handled more of the gaming stuff there while just screwing around (and editing video content) at Funhaus.

UltraNova1301d ago

I've seen a couple of her YT videos and tweets. She super feministic in her views and pro-xbox IMHO. I have no issues with eithe, as long as she can be professional. Cory is a smart, down to earth guy so I'm hopping he knows what he is doing by hiring her as a writer.

boing11301d ago (Edited 1301d ago )

I work in game industry for way over 15 years now and I have a lot of friends in plenty of different game dev companies, small and major. I changed workplace at least 4 times in my career and every job I got was thanks to knowing someone that worked with me before, and wants to work with me again. I have no special school nor am I a genius, I just make people enjoy working with me. This trick works wonders for me. Never had a normal interview. Ever.

FanboysKiller1301d ago (Edited 1301d ago )

That's why people choose technical majors over other "bs" majors cause they know every effort they put into this field is fruitful .

Keltech1301d ago

There's this saying I heard in the 90's

"It's Not what you know, it's Who you know"

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 1301d ago
Baza1302d ago

Unfair? Since when has this world been fair? Opportunity and knowing the right people will get you many things

-Foxtrot1302d ago

It is unfair but is that the attitude to have though? The world is unfair because we let it be like that and use the "the world isn't fair excuse".

It's not wrong to want people who have studied for a certain future job in University only to have people jump from one industry to the one because they know someone, it's almost the same as nepotism in Hollywood when most of the children of big movie stars or directors get to have the same jobs as their parents despite having no skills. It's unfair as that's "just how the world is" but it doesn't make it right.

1301d ago
RauLeCreuset1302d ago

"Good luck Sony"

Stop it. You have your own "takes" that don't make the fact that you posted this as the first comment surprising. I think Sony and SSM are going to be fine, and if not, it won't be because they hired someone with writing experience to contribute "the tiniest little hand (seriously, very small, I am just a junior ok)."

gamer78041302d ago

A lot of Hollywood and gaming is all who you know, and not related to qualifications. Surely much more qualified writers with experience than her. But it is a junior level position. My guess is she’ll end up doing other things in the company or leave after a couple years.

Christopher1302d ago

As long as she's not public, she should be fine. But, yeah, she's extremely aggressive sometimes. She gives gaming trolls a run for their money that is worth watching sometimes, though.

Atticus_finch1302d ago

So Cory knows her and hired her and you're mad because you think you know her better.
Stop embarrassing yourself.

Flewid6381302d ago

You act like she isnt qualified. Like she works as a welder or something. lmao.

Dawknight3161301d ago

"Little unfair to get a job because your super good friends with Barlog and his wife."

LMFAOOOOO. This is how you get jobs, by networking.

moomoo3191301d ago

Ay man ive seen u posting on here for many years, but this makes you sound like you've never had a job or lived in the real world haha.

-Foxtrot1301d ago Show
--Onilink--1301d ago Show
tontontam01301d ago (Edited 1301d ago )

"1) Don’t be an utter ass, you don’t know me

2) I’ve worked two jobs after Uni, lost one now because of COVID

So just...just don’t"

Lol he throws stones at somebody, then gets offended big time when someone throws it back to him.

tontontam01301d ago Show
stupidusername1301d ago

If she’s a good writer and has proven to be a ambitious worker and a good person – why wouldn’t they hire her. Networking is important and if you’re a boss you’d rather hire someone who have proven their worth to you both as a worker and a good person rather than someone you’ve only met on two interviews straight from school. That’s why the entertainment business is hard in general. There’s few jobs, high risks and a ton of talent, networking is the key to get ahead.

CaptainObvious8781301d ago

A lot of people sure are getting upset and defensive at Fox's comment. Might it have anything to do with Allanah being a relatively attractive female?

stupidusername1301d ago

It might have something to do with him accusing a person he don’t know for only getting a job because they know someone and not because they’re good at what they do.
Do you believe all people who defend any female are simps/sjws/incels? I don’t get your thought pattern.

generic-user-name1301d ago

Bad "take" right here. She's been writing for a while (short stories and whatnot) but hasn't put that aspect of her life out in public until now. This job, as just a junior writer, is what she's been working towards throughout her career.

Did being Barlog's friend hurt? Most likely not but I'm sure Barlog has a lot of friends who'd love to work at SSM. Really unfair of you to dismiss her (or anyone's) ability without really knowing her outside of some tweets.

DarXyde1301d ago

It's always been a game of networking (hence, "it's not what you know, it's who you know").

I don't think this is a good idea, but I guess we'll see. Maybe she'll have donating constructive to contribute, but as long as the reins are there and she's not allowed to run wild, pretending to be the boss's kid, there's possibly merit to her contributions.

Time will tell, but I'm not particularly hopeful.

GoodGuy091301d ago (Edited 1301d ago )

Having connections and good relationships with them is quite the benefit in this world we live in after all. Well...I guess we'll just see how she does I suppose...

DreadfulHero1301d ago

It is a little bit of gaming world "nepotism" for sure, but it's not like she's starting off as lead writer for God of War Ragnarok. On her Youtube video she's plainly states it's an entry level junior writing position, which means she still has to answer to a lot of other people.

Plus, there's a lot of game writers who started off writing ABOUT games before making them: Gary Whitta wrote for PC World (or PC Gamer?) in the 1990s before writing The Book of Eli, Rogue One, and... After Earth. But he also had a hand in season one of Telltale's The Walking Dead. Greg Kasavin wrote for Gamespot and he's one of the founders of Supergiant Games, one of my current favorite game studios out there right now. There have been plenty of others, too.

F0XH0UND9221301d ago


Foxtrot also learns what "connections" are. Crazy right?

dcbronco1301d ago

You people that still think your permission slips mean something are delusional. People like Elon Musk and Peter Thiel are killing the idea of degrees meaning anything. And a ton of other super rich are moving in the same direction. Neither SpaceX or Tesla requires a degree and they are working on things as hard as hard gets. They've talked to John Carmack about joining SpaceX and he taught himself aerospace engineering. Smart people are smart people. If you need college you're mostly going to be average at what you do. If college is a formality for you you most likely are truly talented. High school kids invent things well educated people spend years working on. And for centuries the "educated" have fought against the ideas of people they thought were leaders. Einstein couldn't get a job out of college because he was busy thinking during class instead of feeding into their bull. He conceived things that we weren't able to prove until recently. If someone came to a track coach and said I want to be a sprinter and runs a 4.34 forty no one is going to require him to take a sprinting class. People need to learn to acknowledge natural gifts unless proven otherwise. For other impressed with degrees look up this guy.

Srinivasa Ramanujan

He was uneducated and put a ton of the smartest people on the planet to shame.

gold_drake1301d ago

unfair? sure. but we all wouldnt let the chance pass us by just because its "unfair". we only have this one life. you better make the most out of it.

about the girl tho, ive only read about the sexual harassment things surrounding her, no clue on who she is otherwise.

Daeloki1301d ago

But you're somehow qualified to judge her based on "some of her “takes” on Twitter...and some of the controversies around her."?

"Little unfair to get a job because your super good friends with Barlog and his wife."
This is how networking works though, you get opportunities based on who you know and how well you know them. Don't you think Barlog knows what position he is in and what's at stake? Do you honestly think he would hire/recommend someone to work on something as huge as GoW just because they're good friends?

Honestly man, your entire comment just comes off as salty and petty. Especially if you're that bothered by her takes on Twitter...

NeodeosX1301d ago

She has a degree in writing, and she's been creating, consolidating these relations in this industry by herself. So yeah, get over it. She fought for that job and deserved it.

RazzerRedux1301d ago

Would you turn down a job because a "super good friend" helped you get it?

RauLeCreuset1301d ago

Assuming that was the case. Foxtrot talks and vaults to conclusions with such righteously indignant aplomb as to give the impression he first bothered to verify the veracity of his allegations.

Spenok1300d ago

So just a quick heads up, one of your comments below says that she took the job away from someone who went to school for writing, and she only got the job because she's friends with the studio head.

Well, she has a writing degree.

Just an FYI.

+ Show (21) more repliesLast reply 1300d ago
zsquaresoff1302d ago

I always thought of her as an Xbox fangirl so this comes as a surprise. Best of luck to her on her new job.

Ausbo1302d ago

She used to work at Xbox In Australia I believe, but she’s always been positive towards both consoles

Challengerscatpack1302d ago

Believe it or not, there are adults in this world who don’t actually have obsessive ties to plastic boxes... with that said, it’s a job, money talks.

Mr Pumblechook1301d ago (Edited 1301d ago )

I used to follow some of the stuff she did at IGN. When the Harvey Weinstein story was getting big she was tweeting almost every day about different instances related to it and that women should stand up to predators. Then there was a story about a former IGN writer, Kallie Plagge, wrote on twitter how an ex IGN male member of staff made advances to her, which she didn't like but she felt it was sexual harassment, however she had previously behaved inappropriately to the man. At the time IGN's HR investigated and deemed it to not be sexual harassment and felt it was related to a grudge. So when Alanah Pearce found out she instigated the other staff into a strike at IGN. But after management wasn't happy with her. And she later had a huge falling out with Marty Silva, the details are not known. But many staff from IGN unfollowed him and I have heard that she complained about him for something I know he got into an awful state but has returned okay. Plagge has also been involved in other incidents but others have said Alanah Pearce used Plagge's plight opportunistically. Just because she hasn't written anything before it doesn't mean she got the job because she's close friends with Cory Balrog and his wife. It's a great opportunity and I wish her well.

Would you like to see her help on God of War Ragnarok to remove the toxic masculinity?

phoenixwing1301d ago

She's too late to ruin ragnorak but she'll probably ruin what comes after

generic-user-name1301d ago

"So when Alanah Pearce found out she instigated the other staff into a strike at IGN."

Neither of you links prove this claim.

"and I have heard that she complained about him for something I know he got into an awful state but has returned okay."

Literal hearsay, but even if it's true, is there any evidence that Sliva didn't deserve the complaint?

"others have said Alanah Pearce used Plagge's plight opportunistically."


I'm all for calling someone out for their BS, but you need more than baseless accusations as proof.

East76lands1301d ago

Sadly we live in a world where it's ok for a female to use her womanly charms to get ahead in life but also has the power to destroy a life with those same charms.

mechlord1301d ago

what's toxic about GoW, i wonder

Mr Pumblechook1301d ago

@generic-user-name. Alanah Pearce has directly spoken why it was important to her to lead the strike, it's not my job to give you a map because you aren't informed on this topic.

The fact that you say 'is there any evidence that Sliva didn't deserve the complaint?' means the information is news to you yet you've decided to take sides, why? Because she is a woman and you feel she is weak and you want to save her? What's disappointing is that you believe you are an internet white knight leaping to her defence, but she doesn't need you to speak for her, she is an independent woman and your actions, although good-intentioned, are highly misogynistic.

This is an N4G comments section, not a court so I don't need to provide you with evidence when the information is available. Next time you want to engage in us versus them squabbles go to ResetEra. I haven't got time for people who want to initiate fights.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1301d ago
East76lands1301d ago

She's a fan of wherever the money is, I highly doubt she cares one bit for either piece of plastic.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1301d ago
Hellcat20201302d ago

She's the dullest game journalist out there

Si-Fly1302d ago

What’s Good Games could give her a good challenge for that title.

1302d ago
NecrumOddBoy1301d ago

I guess you don't listen to IGN anymore. Game Scoop is still good minus the need to put Tina Amini on the how (who constantly talks like she is falling asleep on CBD). Beyond Podcast is horrid and some of the worst cast members. Plus, everything Gamespot does is 1/10. Kinda Funny Game is another cesspool of childish dullness.

BigBosss1302d ago

Never been a fan of hers, all the best wishes regardless.

potatoseal1302d ago

What experience does she have writing game narrative? Maybe she'll be writing everyone's lunch orders LOL. I'm not feeling this hiring, but good luck to her anyway.

Ausbo1302d ago

Game journalists have went on to become writers at video game studios before. It’s nothing new. Also, it’s not like she’s become “lead writer”, she describes her role as a “junior” role

aconnellan1301d ago

Apparently she has a lot of unpublished creative writing under her belt, which I imagine would have come up in the interview - you don’t get in the door for an interview at a studio like Sony Santa Monica without proving you have some writing skill

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