
God Of War Is More Than Game Of The Year- It’s A Celebration Of Second Chances

Following God of War: Ascension- Sony Santa Monica was rifed with cancelled projects, multiple reboots, and rumors of closure. Irrespective of all this- Shu Yoshida, Shawn Layden, and the upper Management at PlayStation decided to give them a second chance.

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UCForce2012d ago

It’s definitely deserved GOTY.

michellelynn09762010d ago

Not even close. Just another Story driven game with a lack of gameplay that is glossed over with graphics.

littlezizu2012d ago

100% Agree. Here is hoping they win more GOTY awards from other publication.

2012d ago Replies(2)
Dark_Knightmare22012d ago

It will I def see ign awarding it goty and gamespot too

IamTylerDurden12012d ago

That's the beautiful thing about Sony, they truly support their developers and they allow them to experiment and follow their heart. This is why the God of War reboot turned out to be a masterpiece. This is why HZD and TLoU exist.

ClayRules20122012d ago

100 agree. They’ve all earned Sony’s trust & respect. With that, comes faith that their studios can/will deliver unique gaming experiences.

I know that’s one of the reason why David Cage/Quantic Dream have stayed with Sony. Heavy Rain was a great success. Beyond wasn’t as critically acclaimed as Heavy Rain, but it was a wonderful game in its own right. And with this years release of Detroit: Become Human being their most successful game yet, the future is bright for them.

UCForce2012d ago

What are you trying to say ?

ShadowWolf7122012d ago

-Looks at FighterZ-

Nooo, pretty sure anime games do well there too.

Teflon022011d ago

Gravity Rush 2 is a sony japan made title inspired by anime and french comics

Harkins17212011d ago

@UCForce. They are starting to censor more and more anime style games. If it has fan service or violence.

UCForce2011d ago (Edited 2011d ago )

“Sigh” You are not helping here. Can you say the same thing to Japan censorship ? They are censoring violence game especially the western games. So don’t try to think Japan is innocent. I know what Sony did, but so will Nintendo and MS and they will face same problem like Sony was. Don’t let that arrogance jump on you. What about Death Stranding, Ghost Of Tsushima and Astro Bot Recuse Mission ? Two games made by Japanese developers and one game that set in Japan made by America Studio.

If Nintendo made a realistic violence, dark and gritty game like Western game made. Japan would censored that as well. But I don’t think Nintendo would go that far. You can say Bayonetta is violence but not realistic.

One more thing, you should consider Japan is lucky because no AAA game that make WW2 game that set in China. Oh, trust me, it was much worse than Nazi German did to Jew.

Harkins17212009d ago

Sorry. I don't like when a platform holder tells devs what they can do with their games when we already have a rating system in place. I'm not down for any kind of censorship that restricts a devs vision.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2009d ago
Godmars2902012d ago

More like a sequel done right. A proper example of divergence and familiarity.

gangsta_red2012d ago

"Sony Santa Monica was rifed with cancelled projects, multiple reboots, and rumors of closure."

Interesting, sounds like Sony cancelled a few of their projects. I'm really curious what those were. I wonder if they had a new IP but decided to do a more safer and known name but take it in a direction that was similar to other Sony games but different for the GoW series.

It was definitely a great decision because it turned out to be one of the better entries in the GoW series. Great job Santa Monica studio. I'm very curious to see what you have planned in the next installment.

Theknightofnights2012d ago

See, now why is this comment getting disagrees? I don't get it. I think this website needs an overhaul, the community is getting ridiculous.

Smokehouse2012d ago

Do the disagrees do anything?

Theknightofnights2012d ago


Not overtly, no..the effect is subtle. It might seem like just a button, but when it comes to an online community like this an agree button reinforces behavior and a disagree button discourages the behavior. It's a basic reward system, though it's a bit more implicit. The way that it's set up now many people reinforce only particular types of comments, and anything that deviates from that type of comment is getting heavily discouraged (even though they aren't in any way negative comments). What you'll start seeing is the abandonment of people in this community that don't share that singular ideal and/or the prevalence of that ideal so people will "fit in".

CaptainOmega2012d ago


I would recommend getting rid of the disagree/agree system entirely. But increase the oversight of the inappropriate/spam function..

Ricegum2012d ago

"See, now why is this comment getting disagrees? I don't get it."

Maybe you should take a look at the OP's history, then you'll understand the disagrees.

Theknightofnights2012d ago


I absolutely agree with that.


Are you disagreeing with what he's said today simply because you don't like what he's said before?

Smokehouse2012d ago

Oh ok. I get disagrees all of the time so I was wondering. It hasn’t changed my behavior or opinions. If you change your mind or behavior over a largely useless subtlety then you probably didn’t believe your stance much to begin with lol.

I get what your saying, just remove the feature like the one guy said. That wouldn’t change the comments or community. I was wondering what kind of overhaul to the site you were talking about and there is nothing practical to fix it. People gonna disagree, with thumbs or words.

StormSnooper2012d ago (Edited 2012d ago )

No, people disagree because everything he says are stealt jabs at anything PlayStation, and people get tired of that. Read his comment carefully. He is trying to insinuate something that undermines one of the things SSM is being praised for by almost everyone. But his comment is implying the opposite.

Personally, I really like the disagree system because that way a persons reputation will follow him and so readers can become aware of whose comment it is that they are reading. So, yeah people disagree because a person’s comment will be read in the context of his reputation. As it should be.

Smokehouse2012d ago (Edited 2012d ago )

Lmao! How is anyone supposed to know that’s what the disagrees mean? Maybe a reputation bar like rdr2 would make more sense lol. I read his comment and all I see is praise and interest. Can you point out what we are missing? What’s wrong or stealth about it?

gangsta_red2012d ago

"Read his comment carefully. He is trying to insinuate something that undermines one of the things SSM is being praised for by almost everyone. But his comment is implying the opposite."

Hmmmmm, I'm trying to say something that's undermining something that is implying the opposite..great explanation there.


This is exactly why I don't worry about disagrees because of the insanity that comes with certain people who HAVE the need to hold a grudge.

I wonder where my comment exactly didn't praise the SM team and said the opposite...was it the part where I said Great job Santa Monica studio?

LightofDarkness2012d ago

Not so much a community around here as a zealous cult. Just drink the kool-aid and be at peace forever.

Theknightofnights2012d ago


I definitely get what you're saying. The disagrees shouldn't really amount to anything. It's just bits of code in the form of an arrow and a number after all.

Personally, I think there are a few things the website could change though. I think the thread system isn't the greatest, but the disagree/agree system would be my biggest complaint. Like @Bearded said, just get rid of it. I'd rather people disagree with words. It reinforces conversation, and then you get to understand why people disagree with you.

Godmars2902012d ago


As for why the disagrees, they're for the exact political/console wars reasons you think. G-Red usually over-questions anything Sony while excusing/defending anything Xbox to such a point, as per this example, he sees a number of unnamed/unannounced Sony projects as being the same as something MS have publicly hyped for years only to cancel it as exact same things. Nevermind that MS certainly has incomplete/never released projects that actually go unmentioned.

gangsta_red2012d ago


Why is it always the ones who excuse and defend Sony that always accuse me of doing the same for MS?

What's even more hilarious is no where in my OP did I ever mention Xbox or MS but for some reason you had to.

But gotta defed Sony some how right Godmars?

Theknightofnights2012d ago


So, what you are saying is that people here press the disagree button simply because in the past he has been more critical of Sony than you (or others) feel is necessary?

That kind of reinforces my point, honestly.

UCForce2012d ago

People disagree with him because people know his history with PS especially how he downplayed them all the times.

Realms2012d ago (Edited 2012d ago )

Maybe it has to do with old red here always having an agenda not that I really care but this dude trolls Sony articles pretty hard it's no wonder anytime he post something people will disagree with it. FYI who cares if someone disagrees that is the whole point of sharing on a public forum to express your opinion it's implied that not everyone will share your opinion on every topic.

Godmars2902012d ago

Talking about your general posting history, not the OP in this thread. And in general your comments tend to be critical of Sony, defensive of MS and deflective of what is actually being discussed. Like your posting history and why you tend to get disagrees. Your tendency to nitpick and stick on something unimportant because of failure to hold up your side of an argument.

He generally gets disagrees for saying the same thing and keeping the same stance. Because the general tendency here is not to discuss, exchange ideas and be open to opinions, but to debate. To present a statement and stick to it regardless of how wrong it is much less new evidence. To never admit that you're wrong even when "your" console platform or brand has majorly f**ked up. Like MS with Kinect or Sony with BC on the PS4.

Hardiman2011d ago

@StormSnooper you hit the nail on the nail on the head! It's like slapping someone and then giving them a kiss! He/she does this ALL the time and I too like the disagrees because if you see them enough you will want to see why and the comments paint a picture!

Razzer2011d ago

A lot of times it isn't the comment that is getting disagrees, but the person. But really.....who cares? It does not really mean anything.

Theknightofnights2011d ago


So you and the rest of the community are mad at him for liking MS over Sony, and flock to the disagree button regardless of the content in his comment just because you don't personally like MS. Gotchya. What a biased community this is.

StormSnooper2011d ago (Edited 2011d ago )

You see, this is exactely why it’s important for people to be able to show their disagreement with persistent trolling. Gangsta-red can act like he doesn’t know what I’m talking about all he wants, the disagrees tell the true story and that’s good enough. He isn’t getting disagrees for no reason. It’s his reputation. The ones taking his side are trying to blame the ENTIRE N4G community for being a cult. At this moment he has 24 disagrees to 3 agrees. So we are all supposed to accept that EVERYONE else is crazy and Gangsta-red is a victim.

He is free to say whatever he likes, but others are also free to express themselves by disagreeing with what he says. The fact that we can disagree with him should not bother him or anyone. If it does, then there is a problem with his motives.

As to your question, he is downplaying SSM’s risk in taking the franchise in a completely different direction for which they are getting all sorts of praise from the fans and the industry. He is trying to say they and Sony didn’t risk much because they didn’t go with a new game. Almost everything in his comment is directed toward making that point. He is free to make that point, but I’m free to disagree with it.

Razzer2011d ago (Edited 2011d ago )

"So you and the rest of the community are mad" "What a biased community this is."

lol....the entire community makes up a hell of a lot more than the 50+ votes from gansta. But you just keep generalizing. Easy as hell to focus on the marginal and apply it to the whole, isn't it?

StormSnooper2011d ago (Edited 2011d ago )

@theknightofnights @Smokehouse
You are missing the point of the disagree system. The disagree system is great because it allows people to say whatever they like without sensoring them (unlike a reputation system), while allowing others to express themselves in regards to that comment. The beauty of the disagree system is that if someone persistently trolls, others will be able to simply disagree and move on, without having to respond, which would only feed the troll so he can continue trolling. That way, the trolling behavior maybe corrected over time because the troll doesn’t get fed, and people will be able to ignore a trolling comment by simply disagreeing and moving on.

Think of an office. If someone in an office keeps harassing others, people will slowly shun that person. But if people in that office are not able to somehow communicate to others that they have been harassed, then the offender can continue to harass them individually. The disagree system fixes that problem in a forum setting. It also means that we don’t actually have to confront the trolls with comments which would completely derail the topic, feed the troll, and prevent better comments from being heard.

So yes Smokehouse the disagrees do serve a function. They allow us to ignore trolling behavior, and express ourselves.

Godmars2902011d ago

I rarely use either. Prefer to directly call BS BS when its BS. In the case of G-Red's OP, it was just a nitpick that could be called a slight dig for which you asked why someone, who turns out has history of taking slight and greater digs at a specific company, received so many disagrees. And you've been answered by myself and others. To the conformation of your own bias.

Also, wouldn't call it being mad at them rather, again, just calling BS for BS. Reaction to repeatedly poor statement and arguments. We've actually agreed on things, traded jokes, but then it back to the same old same old.

So, yeah...

Theknightofnights2011d ago (Edited 2011d ago )


Yes, I absolutely believe this is a biased community. Not every individual here is biased, no, but the majority are. Gangsta's comment isn't trollish, and is positive in nature. Using a past predisposition you don't agree with to assume what he is saying is a "dig" is ridiculous, and slamming the disagree button is just as so. Which is why I believe this website needs an overhaul. To help balance the mob-like mentality. If you want to disagree with me, fine. I was expecting to get massive amounts of disagrees for this. But this website has a reputation for it's biased community, you know.

Razzer2011d ago (Edited 2011d ago )

All this nonsense about upvotes and downvotes. Yeah....they should remove the votes altogether. That way people won't get all upset over a stupid number that has next to no meaning to it.

There is bias everywhere. The fact is the world has a lot more PS fans than Xbox fans. That is reflected in a lot of places, including n4g. So what? You want to overhaul the entire site? And what will that accomplish? You think people's opinions will suddenly change somehow? How are you going to enforce non-bias? Cuz....guess what? gansta_red will be among the first to go in your new utopia website. So will I for that matter. I have plenty of biases and a lot of them are not popular. I also like to call that bias "my opinion". Sucks....but as long as no one is breaking rules I guess folks will have to get over stupid biased votes and people's opinions. But if not, they can feel free to run back to those other sites where everyone agrees. Sounds....lovely.

Theknightofnights2011d ago (Edited 2011d ago )


I never said I wanted everyone to just agree on everything. What a red-herring. It's about a blatant bias that encompasses this website and a mob-like mentality of the community towards anything Sony related. Do you know how long it takes a comment that's unequivocally trollish to be removed as inappropriate when it's against Nintendo or Xbox in comparison to Sony? Significantly longer, if it does at all. In fact, sometimes those comments are reinforced with an astonishing amount of likes instead, thus reinforcing the behavior. Yet a comment like this, which is in no way overtly negative has received a gross amount of disagrees because, why? Oh! Because apparently this person has shown a preference for Microsoft in the past. How justified!

Also, yeah there are more Playstation gamers than Xbox or Nintendo right now, but I don't see this same issue on most other websites. That's why this website is known for this behavior, and others aren't.

Godmars2902011d ago

Not seeing how changing site and commentary mechanics is going to change the people making those comments.

Unless you want to change who's making comments. Segregate those whose opinion you don't like to their own forums. Outright ban them.

StormSnooper2011d ago (Edited 2011d ago )

What you call ‘bias’ I call ‘my opinion’. Basically you are upset that people can express their opinion about other’s comments and that when they do, it paints a picture you don’t like. You think it’s better if our opinions are not heard. I told you the benefit of people being able to express themselves freely by being able to vote on a comment. Your response is that it shows people are ‘biased’. Basically you are saying that you don’t like it that when people vote, they favor comments that you don’t agree with. You would rather there was no way for everyone to see the popularity of comments. This website doesn’t have a biased community, it has a community that reflects the opinions of its readers. Everyone gets one vote, that’s not bias that’s democracy.

Theknightofnights2011d ago

No where did I say people shouldn’t be able to express their opinions. Nor did I say people shouldn’t be able to express things I disagree with. But the disagree/agree system does not foster an environment that stimulates good discussion about said opinions.

Also, a democracy can be biased.


Removing a disagree/agree system removes a portion of the of the bandwagon. This means that, to disagree, you have to invest. Anyone that may have an opinion that isn’t representative of the typical won’t be able to be disagreed to oblivion by people that aren’t willing to invest in providing a reason or justification as to why they disagree. Which will allow a greater amount of varying opinions by people who currently may not want to ruin their reputation on this site and risk being downvoted based on their previous transgressions.

Regarding trolls, some people will be less likely to perpetuate trollish comments as it isn’t going to be reinforced by the disagree/agree system. The biggest reason why people troll is for a response (whether it be a comment response or even a number of likes/dislikes), and an anonymous agree/disagree system means that people are even more likely to reinforce those comments as it A) doesn’t take much investment to do so and B) there are no repercussions for doing so. Heck, I'd settle for reducing the anonymity to prevent the trollish comments.

StormSnooper2011d ago (Edited 2011d ago )

You never responded to my earlier post explaining the benefit of the disagrees.

As to your new comment, your point is flawed. You say that allowing people to comment without feedback of agree/disagrees will promote more varied opinions “by people who may not want to ruin their reputation”. But people who make legit statements wouldn’t have any fear of ruining their reputation.

As I said earlier, the voting allows people to simply respond to trolling behavior without having to respond, that way the trolls don’t get fed. I remember prior to the disagree/agree system, certain individuals would rush to articles to be the first to comment so they could derail discussions, and it was very successful. People would respond and the entire post would become a battle zone created by the original troll post. Today, we still get these comments but for the most part they get 2 to 3 comments and people disagree with them and simply move on to the next comment. That is a very tangible benefit that can be verified.

Your opinion that no feedback will result in more opinions is not verifiable because as I said earlier, right now there is nothing preventing people to say whatever they like. In fact, having the disagree/agree system has allowed people to say whatever they like, and the only checks and balance is that people will also tell the commenter whether they agree, or disagree. Before we had this system, we used to have a reputation system where subjective moderators would judge your comments and punish you, or you would lose the number of comments you could make if the moderators didn’t like what you said. It led to a very unfair environment where some people who stealth trolled would get away with having a large number of allowed comments and others who would respond to them in defense would get penalized for having been the “aggressor”. It quite literally prevented people from expressing themselves.

The current democratic system has been much more effective at preventing troll comments, in fact we get much less of them now than we used to. As I said, this is because the troll comments don’t get the feedback they are aimed at because people simply disagree with them and move on.

So I have to disagree with you. Democracy might not be perfect, but it’s the best system we have.

Theknightofnights2011d ago


“But people who make legit statements wouldn’t have any fear of ruining their reputation.”
---Not if the community is largely biased towards a particular opinion, as it currently is.

“As I said earlier, the voting allows people to simply respond to trolling behavior without having to respond, that way the trolls don’t get fed.”
---Report trolls, don’t just slap the disagree button. Similar amount of effort, greater effect. You could do this without a disagree/agree system. All forum threads have a way to report inappropriate behavior.

“right now there is nothing preventing people to say whatever they like.”
---Except the entire disagree/agree system influences the way people respond. Please refer back to my previous comments, I've explained this.

“In fact, having the disagree/agree system has allowed people to say whatever they like, and the only checks and balance is that people will also tell the commenter whether they agree, or disagree.”
---Except with the current disagree/agree system this is done in complete anonymity, and the people who hit the disagree button often don’t say anything. So nobody knows WHO is disagreeing or agreeing, and, more importantly, many times you don’t even know WHY.

“So I have to disagree with you.”
---That’s perfectly fine, but at least you explained yourself and didn’t just hit the disagree button. Which is what I appreciate and would happen more often if we didn't have that button in the first place.

StormSnooper2010d ago (Edited 2010d ago )

I appreciate the gesture at the end. I was going to respond to each of those but I rather leave it at that. Even though I disagree with you, I’m glad we had this discussion. And by no means am I saying that I disagree with everything you said, just with your conclusion.

gangsta_red2007d ago

"Your tendency to nitpick and stick on something unimportant because of failure to hold up your side of an argument."

That's pretty hilarious coming from someone like you. Especially remembering our past discussions where you made little to no points or changed the subject repeatedly when presented with another opinion that didn't fit with what you were peddling.

"He generally gets disagrees for saying the same thing and keeping the same stance."

And for some reason this is a bad thing. Keeping the same stance and not bending to the masses of trained thought is why I get disagrees.

"To never admit that you're wrong even when "your" console platform or brand has majorly f**ked up. Like MS with Kinect or Sony with BC on the PS4."

Why should I admit that I'm wrong because of my preferred console? This is the bat shit insane type of thought that I question here all the time. And its that statement that pretty much proves that the only reason why this discussion is happening is because I do like Xbox.

Theknightofnights, the funny thing is, I have criticized MS, Nintendo and Sony in the past, but these guys here, all they see are my comments towards Sony and they base everything around that. That's what i find so comical, how they all try to pretend they're not the exact same thing they are trying to accuse me of right now.

It's only because of my preference for MS that they feel I "defend", "debate", "argue" and it's usually because most of these same people here always *nit pick* Xbox. But they won't ever say this, instead they always point the finger and accuse the other person of something wrong but never look at themselves for the very same behavior.

Honest question to these guys, if I constantly praised Sony, would any of you be in here having this discussion about me now? That alone lets you know how trivial this is.

+ Show (31) more repliesLast reply 2007d ago
tontontam02012d ago

This power ranger guy is all over n4g, I believe that this guy does not even play games he just spends his life posting on this site.

The_Hooligan2012d ago (Edited 2012d ago )

I think when you said "sounds like Sony cancelled few of their projects...", some people might think you are taking a stealth jab at Sony for doing exactly what MS did with some of their projects and MS got bashed for it. Also when you said "decided to do a more safer and known name...", some people might think you are saying Sony is taking the safe route like MS does with just releasing Halo, Gears, and Forza.

Personally I don't care if a company, any company cancels a project because if the company who is funding it doesn't think it'll be worth further investment, well then so be it. And so what if they want to take a safer route and release a game that has a huge following because at the end of the day why not make something that millions of people will buy. I have always said this and will say it, if you don't agree with something then vote with your wallet. Happy gaming everyone.

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LG_Fox_Brazil1d 8h ago

Good thing I wasn't there, I would've left my entire pay check


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Garethvk1d 12h ago

Star Wars Outlawa has some real potential. I loved the Fallen Order games but the abundant timed jumps at times took me out of the narrative as they could be come frustrating. The branching options and status with factions looks great.

-Foxtrot1d 12h ago

Prince of Persia 2026…REALLY? And that’s all they had for us…a candle.

Jesus. Imagine if they didn’t give it to a shitty support studio and tried to sell us a sloppy remake years ago

Now we have (no hate on quality here) two PoP games no one asked for. We could have been anticipating a Warrior Within remake by now.

Elda1d 12h ago

LOL!! They should have even announced it. They should have just waited a year from now to announce it with some gameplay. Lame.

Terry_B1d 12h ago

Sorry for everyone who watched this ;)

LordoftheCritics1d 12h ago

Where's the quadruple A games?

Elda1d 12h ago

No surprises just updates on existing games & games that have already been announced. A lame show.

-Foxtrot1d 11h ago

The "could have been an email" type of show.

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