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Duke Nukem Forever screenshot comparison shows inferior PS3 and Xbox 360 versions

Duke Nukem Forever looks good on the PC, despite the long development cycle. But the console versions show a whole other image quality with heavy aliasing and dumbed-down lighting quality. Check the screenshot comparison for proof.

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MatthewMk24757d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
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Community4757d ago
Surfaced4757d ago

Oh my! 6-year-old consoles can't keep up with the latest PCs! How could it ever happen??!

Oldsnake0074757d ago

Yeah because DNF is gonna be the next graphical benchmark right ? lol.

Give me a break, this game looks terrible no matter what platform, but it seems to have fun gameplay to back it up.

4757d ago
LocO_o4757d ago


Thats very common with Gear Box games. This happend allot in Boaderlands.

Too_many_games4757d ago

PC gamers just do not seem to understand that its Gameplay>>>Graphics.

Angels37854757d ago


It actually very common with the unreal engine in general. Texture pop in is in Gears 1,2 and I'm willing to bet Gears 3.

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UnbiasedGamer4757d ago (Edited 4757d ago )

Big deal there is a few jaggy lines? you PC morons going to magnify and zoom in just to find jaggy lines and low res textures. Newsflash no one cares as long as it looks good and DNF is not exactly the next graphical powerhouse game is it now...

Killzone 3 & Uncharted 2 said hi to PC gamers lol

oh Crysis & Battlefield 3 said hi back to console gamers haha

BeastlyRig4757d ago (Edited 4757d ago )

Bf3 & Metro on pc will say bye to consoles & move ahead!
Do you know how MSaa makes games look better? it's used in bf3!

And 1080p has more pixels and 720p leave some the picture cut out even though you play on bigger screens you see less of the game world than me!

Greater field of view on pc. 180 degree turns, Anti aliasing matters, higher frame rate, monitors are better for first person shooters because of response time unlike tvs & higher frame rate on gaming pc!

Moron there are a lot more things than AA that makes pc better! ok?

hiredhelp4757d ago (Edited 4757d ago )

Wahey im in kindergarden. Is this a private fued or can anyone join in.
OMG really??

DeadIIIRed4757d ago

@BeastlyRig you must not like bubbles very much

metsgaming4757d ago

Is there really a need for an article stating that the PC verions of a game looks better than its console counter parts?

frostypants4757d ago

I have to laugh at these. Yeah, the PC is better than the versions for the now-old console hardware.'s still nowhere CLOSE to the difference we'd see between console and PCs last gen, and the gen prior to THAT wasn't even worth comparing.

So yeah, the PC version looks better, but it's not the night and day we saw back in the old school days.

Jacobite4756d ago

Yes that because consoles being the main platform now is holding the PC gaming back, as Devs go for buck rather than pushing Graphics Hardware. So why push hardware now that they can settle with fixed hardware.
ps When I say holding PC gaming back I mean in graphics.

frostypants4754d ago (Edited 4754d ago )

Nope. PC gaming has simply become commoditized. It has nothing to do with consoles and everything to do with corporate greed.

And sorry, even PC games that push the limits don't reflect the same superiority over consoles games that they did in the 1990s. People can disagree, but they're wrong. Sorry, it's fact. Nobody who gamed back then can disagree with a straight face. There was a massive shift in the playing field when consoles finally started pushing texture-mapped polygons.

As graphics approach photo-realism, it takes more and more horsepower to make smaller and smaller discernible improvements. Thus, it takes more and more money to maintain a smaller and smaller visual advantage for PCs, even after you account for technology cost depreciation. It's a hyperbolic curve.

This is one topic I'm not willing to cede any ground on. I challenge you to find a developer who disagrees.

Vherostar4757d ago (Edited 4757d ago )

Oh no a pc game looking better than console games?? This has been going on since the day the consoles got released lets move on please.

Only thing that worries me if these are real it looks TERRIBLE on consoles..

Rikan4757d ago

Consoles never keep up with PCs--be it 1,2,3,4,5 6 ect years old lol

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SonyNGP4757d ago

Well, I'll get this when I build a new rig in July ;)

ProjectVulcan4757d ago (Edited 4757d ago )

Hit up the image original size link in the bottom right hand corner....

The game has always been a PC game. The console versions are ports really, which is why they are below usual quality i would say. Its built for PC hardware (old PC hardware cos of the game's delays!) and not for console like most games of this type.

Because of the delays and the constant upheavals in development, you can't expect a graphical powerhouse regardless of platform.

jack_burt0n4757d ago

I am gonna get it on steam but differences are minor the most obvious thing is the 360 seems to have half the poly count on the guns, that sucks but other than that they look decent.

mttrackmaster384757d ago

I don't know how you got disagrees. The gun textures on 360 version makes it look like the guns are from ps2.

DigitalAnalog4757d ago

At least the Full-HD would bring out the clarity of the image. Not to mention the crisp frame-rate to compensate. Just played it on the demo and I was pretty stoked.

-End statement

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2D Sidescrolling Version of Duke Nukem Forever Leaked

Duke Nukem Forever originally began its life as a sidescroller instead of a shooter back in 1996, and that canceled version has just been leaked.

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Community531d ago
Rancegamerx531d ago

Very cool, but i don't know how real this is... I'll check it out later to find out.


Duke Nukem Forever “remaster” restores Gearbox FPS to original glory

Duke Nukem Forever, the troubled FPS from Gearbox and 3D Realms, has been restored to more traditional 90s shooter thanks to a sweeping “remaster” mod

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Community631d ago
XiNatsuDragnel631d ago

Awesome this needs to be released

Venoxn4g631d ago

It is out already, there is a download link inside the article too.

Aaroncls7631d ago

kinda of a misleading title.

Mod features:
Sprinting removed and faster player movement
Jump height increased
Swim speed is much faster
Player can now hold breath underwater for 45 seconds instead of 15
Weapon rebalance and screen shake when shooting removed
2/4 weapon limit completelly removed
Quicksaves (F5 by default)
Depth of Field removed and new post processing effects
Driving sections are now in first person perspective

Dandizzle631d ago

God damn Megadeth Duke Nukem anthem is the best.

Snookies12631d ago

It is pretty amazing, I remember being so hyped that they covered the Duke theme back when it happened haha. I still quite enjoyed Forever though personally.

Venoxn4g630d ago

It is great, you should check out Eric Calderone - Duke Nukem meets metal .. thats proper as well


Duke Nukem Forever was ahead of its time, but nerfed before launch

Duke Nukem Forever, the infamous and controversial FPS from 3D Realms, apparently looked much better before launch, as modders discover various cut features

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Community672d ago
masterfox673d ago

"so wrong yet so right"

Only a few will know what Im talking about lol :D

porkChop673d ago

Wow, that advanced lighting makes a huge difference to the visuals. I get that Gearbox tried to slap everything together and release a finished product. But it seems like they cut out a lot of content that would have made the experience more enjoyable. That's a shame.

Number1TailzFan672d ago

Nerfed due to consoles.. and not the first time it has happened.

-Foxtrot673d ago

Kind of amazing the difference a lighting engine makes

Number1TailzFan672d ago

Same, the AI could be pretty dumb but the bosses were fun. I thought the levels (mostly) got better later in the game too.

XiNatsuDragnel672d ago

Devs nerf a game man best quote I've ever heard.

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