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Top-10 graphic highlights to dethrone Uncharted 2

Until now Uncharted 2 is probably the best looking console games of all time. Videogameszone is showing 10 games to dethrone Uncharted 2 in terms of graphic.

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Please keep this crap off N4G. I have seen better writing on a box of cigarettes.
DoucheVader5060d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
Lame + flamebait.
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Community5061d ago
Quagmire5061d ago

Black Ops...? *looks around confused*

seriously? Black Ops? You gotta be fucking joking.

Uncharted 2 did for gaming what Silicon did for Pamela's Boobs. giggity.

brazilianbumpincher5061d ago (Edited 5061d ago )

any bullshot picture can look better than any game then you see the actual retail game and its completely different

this article is pure flamebait

Active Reload5061d ago (Edited 5061d ago )

Uncharted 2 is the only game out that I've seen actually look like the bullshots. I would say Gears 2, but some of the locations weren't fully detailed although it too is a gorgeous game. Uncharted 2 is detailed at every inch of the game.

Edit:I just want to state that Rage and Brink are using the same engine. I don't know if that matters to some or not. Or if the article stated this.

Lombax5061d ago

Yeah... On to the next article.

dinsurya5061d ago

Only a PS3 exclusive can dethrone an other PS3 exclusive..

JoySticksFTW5061d ago (Edited 5061d ago )

The graphics keep getting better and better on a large scale year after year.

I own both 360 and PS3 and think that their capabilities are pretty similar with the PS3 having atleast a slight edge in the graphics department

But I really believe that the PS3 graphically leaps are due to the 1st and 2nd party devs pooling their talent and discoveries

Maybe I've been missing it, but I don't see many articles about MS or Nintendo devs pooling talent.


"Uncharted 2 is the only game out that I've seen actually look like the bullshots."

Everyone forget the infamous, anti Killzone 2 campaign? Why it could NEVER look as good as the footage shown... oh, wait. Nevermind. It actually looks better

Nihilism5061d ago (Edited 5061d ago )

Rage is using ID Tech 5

Brink is using ID Tech 4

There is about 10 years difference between the 2 engines, no they are not using the same engine.

They are about as similar as DX7 and DX11 in graphical capabilities


Even though ID Tech 4 is heavily modded for Brink, it will still be nowhere near RAGE, I say again...there are *literally* 10 years apart. No amount of modding can add 10 years of graphical advancements into Brink, and don't get me wrong, Brink looks really really good, but next to RAGE it looks very dated.

John Carmack: "Doom 4 will look significantly better than RAGE" *salivates*

Active Reload5061d ago

You're right in that it is different. Thanks for the mistake. But I think you're exaggerating on the differences though. Its heavily modified iD4 tech, yeah, but its heavily modified with the help of iD.

Perjoss5061d ago

i know this article was about consoles but even old PC games make the best looking console games look somewhat weak. anyone who has seen metro 2033 on max settings knows exactly what i mean :)

sikbeta5061d ago


Seems like you didn't Play it, dude you're missing a HUGE Game...


I'm as Confused as you, Black Ops, WTF?

This Gen all the COD Games used a Modified Version of the Id Tech Engine 3, unless they use a New Engine, How The Hell they're going to Improve the Graphics....

Christopher5061d ago (Edited 5061d ago )

I think they're confusing art direction with technical prowess.

I can see how some people may prefer the art direction of some of these games, but when it comes to technical prowess hardly any of them even up to Uncharted 2.

The games that shouldn't even be there: Brink, Deus Ex 3, AC Brotherhood, CoDBO, GeoW3, Crysis 2.

Dude4205061d ago (Edited 5061d ago )

I would of easily replaced Brink with Reach.

aaronisbla5060d ago

i think a lot of people disagreed with brazilian because they thought he was questioning graphical heavy hitters on the ps3, but from what i gather from his posts, he is questioning the bull shots and wondering why articles keep claiming " better than this ps3 exclusive"

IHateYouFanboys5060d ago (Edited 5060d ago )

@Active Reload : "Uncharted 2 is the only game out that I've seen actually look like the bullshots."

well it doesnt look like the bullshots, but whatever. everything in the officially released screenshots is in a higher res, has a higher LOD model, and has anti-aliasing out the wahzoo because of the fact that the 'screenshots' are rendered at something stupid like 3000x2000 and then downscaled to 1280x720 to give the appearance of 'in-game'.

on technical prowess alone, many games are much better than Uncharted 2. whats it doing technically? 30fps? 60fps has been done, 30fps is the minimum. 720p? been done before. minimal anti-aliasing? many games have better AA.

all Uncharted 2 is is pre-scripted events, linear platforming, and shootouts in a big room. technically, theres nothing special about it.

there are many games that already are graphically above Uncharted 2 IMO. and games like Crysis 2, Gears of War 3, and Rage are so far above it its not even worth mentioning Uncharted 2.

and anyone saying that the original Uncharted looks better than Gears 1, let alone Gears 2, well they need to go get their vision checked.

onanie5060d ago (Edited 5060d ago )

Were you being sarcastic, fanboy?

I guess Wipeout 3D trounces everything else that has ever been released, for having the best stats evarrr... like 1080p, 60FPS and 3D. It definitely is better than Gears3 and Rage, even before they come out.

Seriously? Idiot

Then on a technical level, you must concede that wideout HD is also better than Rage and Gears3 - or for that matter, anything else on the 360. LOL

IHateYouFanboys5060d ago

@onanie: read what we're talking about: technical prowess.

on a technical level, yes, wipeout HD is a better achievement than Uncharted 2.

WipeoutHD vs Uncharted 2
60fps vs 30fps
1280x1080 up to 1920x1080 variable resolution vs 1280 vs 720

im not saying wipeoutHD is a better game, moron. im just pointing out that on the technical side of things, Uncharted 2 is average.

MRMagoo1235060d ago

lol semms like what you just said was a fanboy comment i suspect you must hate yourself, geow3 better than uncharted 2 lol give me a break thats bull right there.

badz1495060d ago

LOL you're funny as always!

"all Uncharted 2 is is pre-scripted events, linear platforming, and shootouts in a big room. technically, theres nothing special about it." - sure, a "nothing special" game won countless awards! who would have guess?

"there are many games that already are graphically above Uncharted 2 IMO. and games like Crysis 2, Gears of War 3, and Rage are so far above it its not even worth mentioning Uncharted 2." - people are expecting new games to outdo Uncharted2's graphic but so far above? HAHAHAHA...funny!

Dee_915060d ago

but itl be like a 2 hour long game lol

ProjectVulcan5060d ago (Edited 5060d ago )

Uncharted 2 is a technical monster because of what the engine does at once. It manages 720/30 but triple buffered and vsynced so it NEVER screen tears(few console games triple buffer because it chews up 50 percent more framebuffer memory, as 360 only has a 10mb framebuffer most developers dont even attempt it). The engine maintains this at all times, While supporting per pixel dynamic lighting and soft shadows, FP16 HDR + NOA32 2 x AA and anisotropic filtering (high end 360 games usually do FP10 which is lower precision with their AA solution and 360 does not natively support anisotropic filtering), SSAO, Realtime generated animations, procedural textures, subsurface scattering, soft body physics, per object blur, parallax mapped textures....etc etc. Even the character has dynamic elements with water and weather like ice and snow affecting drake's clothes and hair. Seen that on Gears of war 2 start of chapter 3? No?

Half of those things are ultra high end features currently. Few games on PC nevermind console implement them all like uncharted 2. Gears of war 2 and the Unreal engine 3.5 isnt even close. It cant even do proper AA on 360 because of UE3's render pipeline which includes its alpha textures, its 'dynamic' hard edge shadows are rubbish (just watch the character's shadows how they shift around madly and redraw) and its 'HDR' is a glorified bloom filter. I could go on. But i wont because the point is made

+ Show (16) more repliesLast reply 5060d ago
Rainstorm815061d ago (Edited 5061d ago )

my moneys on Killzone 3 or Gran Turismo 5

Putting faith in a multiplat to best U2 graphically normally ends up in disappointment.

Im not saying its impossible, just improbable

Really Gears 3? Havent we been down this road?

Edit below:
Gears by far isnt a bad game graphically but at the same time Gears 2 barely could keep up with Uncharted: Drakes Fortune, So i wouldnt be surprised if the sequel to Gears 2 couldnt best the sequal to U:DF in graphics............yep, same road

Active Reload5061d ago

Yup, Gears 3. And what road are you talking about? Only thing anyone can comment about Gears 3 is from the demo and everyone agrees its premo!

brazilianbumpincher5061d ago (Edited 5061d ago )

it will still be a good looking game regardless

edit@double toasted..the fanboy googles look ridiculous take em off,many people me included prefer gears 1 to gears 2, kz3 is pre-alpha with nine months to go so to say it looks like kz2 already even though you dont a HUGE compliment,

Socrates5061d ago Show
Rainstorm815061d ago (Edited 5061d ago )

Its been posted to death but hey whats one more time for the guys who just dont get it.


Didnt the devs say that gears 3 is the biggest jump we have seen in the series, which indicates the jump from 1 to 2 being minute.

Dont get me wrong Gears isnt a bad game or a bad looking game, it just cant compare to uncharted as a franchise (graphically) but hey Gears 3 isnt out so maybe time will tell what the unreal engine can do but i doubt it.

Its not that it isnt up to snuff...looks at Mass Effect 2....its just that when compared to some of the PS3's exclusive engines, there isnt any comparison.

Edit @ below
Its the character's facial models that really draw me into ME2 graphics, some of the best facial models in gaming not to mention how big the game is.

Active Reload5061d ago

ME2? Why do people hype the graphics of that game? *SMH*

Pistolero5061d ago

oh...pulling out the old ps3 fanboy kineticninja blog huh...lame.
that comparison was a was completely biased....all it really compared were character models up close in unnatural positions that you would virtually never see while you actually play the game.

i guarantee that if you wanted to be biased in the other direction you find angles that would make the uncharted models look a lot worse.
but like i said, the whole thing was biased and didn't even look at a whole bunch of other aspects that go into how good a game looks.
we don't stare at characters up close the whole game.

starchild5061d ago

All this talk of PS3 exclusives only being possible on the PS3 is so meaningless. We were told MGS4 couldn't be done on the 360 and now Metal Gear Solid Rising comes out looking better than MGS4. Many fanboys also said Heavenly Sword was something we couldn't expect to see on the 360 and now Enslaved looks better.

The fact is, none of those claims held an ounce of water. The real determining factor in how good games look is simply the talent of the developers behind them. We are seeing a whole new wave of games that truly surpass what came before them. I saw Rage at E3 and I can tell you it looks absolutely amazing when it's running in front of you.

DigitalAnalog5061d ago

"We were told MGS4 couldn't be done on the 360 and now Metal Gear Solid Rising comes out looking better than MGS4."

I'll quote from Tetsuya Nomura, creator of FINAL FANTASY VII and this is what he got to say about your comment:

"It’s not just about how pretty the graphics are but more of how much limited amount of movement we can put on one go and how big our imagination and ideas are. The PS3 is the machine that is closest to being able to express our imagination."

====>limited amount of movement we can put on one go and how big our imagination and ideas are.<======

THAT is the significant difference between the 360 and the PS3. NOT graphics.

-End statement

Kleptic5060d ago (Edited 5060d ago )

pisteloro save it...that is hardly a 'ps3 fanboy' simply illustrated how dated UE3 is...and how gears 2 did little to push it forward visually...all the UE3.5 tech demo stuff shown before Gears 2 didn't even make it into the the procedural water effects (still out done by the original Uncharted...)...where are the soft body physics?...the improved lighting?...the hundreds of enemies on screen at once?...none of that made it into Gears 2...

that blog is used a lot, yes...but its because people still sit back and claim Gears of war 2, and UE3 are the best looking console game/engine...which is ridiculous when you actual compare one is saying gears 2 looked bad...only that is has been 100% topped visually by a game that released a year before it...

all i am saying is that I can almost guarantee Gears 3 won't touch uncharted 2, from a technical standpoint...UE3 simply doesn't have it...its not the 360...its not Epic...its just that UE3 and how its coded for consoles simply won't keep up with newer cutting edge rendering engines...period...

convenient how every time a credible comparison comes up with just how good even the original uncharted looked..its written off as fanboy drivel...

heroprotagonist5060d ago

No, that blog is absolutely biased. If you can't see it then it's because you share the same bias.

Like others have pointed out he spends 90% of his time just comparing character models, as if that was all a game was about. There are about a million other things he could have looked at, but he only mentioned areas where Uncharted was strong and avoided areas where it is weak.

One example of his obvious bias is when he compares particle effects he says "I noticed in Gears 2 that many of particle effects such as flames, smoke, and torches are 2 dimensional." But he fails to mention that many similar effects in Uncharted are no different. Did he miss in his own screenshots the fact that the smoke cloud after a grenade explosion in Uncharted are 2D sprites? In fact, the smoke looked so silly that many reviewers went out of their way to mention it. He also fails to mention that if you go up to flames in Uncharted they are also flat if you look at them from the right angle. For example, in the spot where you find your crashed airplane and all the remaining burning wreckage you can see the same kind of 2D flame effect.

Ironically, in the few screenshots he shows of Gears of War 2 that aren't ridiculously zoomed in on the characters, such as the shots of the part inside the giant worm, it is easy to see that Gears 2 looks exceptionally good and easily compares to Uncharted, if not surpasses it.

The whole thing was slanted and biased.

Theonetheonly5060d ago (Edited 5060d ago )

I dont like this at all.
i feel it now.... PC has no developmental talent. NONE!!!!!!!
besides valve.

blizzard i love you but still.

No effort has been put into the platform since these consoles came out.

F&*#@*G HELL! Im tired of hearing about the PS3 and how it is god and S%$t. last generation NONE of this mattered No one was like ps2 has better graphics than the xbox or nothing people just played the games.

And if you want the Bleeding Edge graphics Come to PC and develop. Thats what its for No Power Ceiling just endless performance.

Uncharted 2 has the best graphics on a Console.
Big F%#@$*G WHOOP!!!!!

I have the shiniest turd but its still a turd.

you may say Im mad or jealous and you'd prally be right. But F%$@#%G GIMME a GOD D#@%#D BREAK.

If half of people had the patience and knowledge to put together a computer as they do for these outdated console pieces of S&&T youd get the better graphics and youd get them FAST, developers would be all over an expanded market. And you'd have a Gaming Device that would truly BE "THRONED"

all this talk about dethrone this and dethrone that makes me sick.

I Feel sorry for what this site has become. WTF

disagree_= PS3 FB

god this is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Irritating.

oh well

"I want some developers to DESTROY the LIMIT, not just raise the bar"

N4G Suicide :P

Kleptic5060d ago

heroprotagonist...if you think that volumetric particle effect is a '2d sprite' obviously know nothing about rendering technology...which makes it even more clear why you are defending UE3 and Gears 2 against even uncharted 1...let alone uncharted 2...

+ Show (11) more repliesLast reply 5060d ago
FURY__UNLEASHED5061d ago (Edited 5061d ago )

Article fails by claiming the Unreal 3 engine has a chance to dethrone Uncharted 2.

Socrates5061d ago

I agree, Black Ops isn't up there, but Rage most certainly is. It looks at least as good as Uncharted 2, but is 60 fps instead of only 30 fps.

thewhoopimen5061d ago (Edited 5061d ago )

The animation so far shown in Rage three is nowhere near UC2. They all seem to be old hand animated stuff like all other FPS/Shooters out there excluding KZ2. Neither are the explosive and lighting as good as even Crysis 2.

mrcash5060d ago

the lighting on killzone2 wasnt that real, there was a bunch of fake light sources, throughout the whole game theres lighting in the environment that doesnt coincide with the light fixtures or anything that would create the lighting seen in the levels, the developers were just smart and placed some great lighting in certain places of the game.

Tachyon_Nova5061d ago (Edited 5061d ago )

@ 1.0 - Made them popular but shit?

On topic, Brink looks good, except for very flat ground texture, otherwise all other games on the list look good. Oh, Except Black Ops, looks more or less the same as other COD's.

@ 2.1.4 - Sure the picture you showed is all good, but it's from a pre rendered cutscene, so who cares?

@ 1.2.2 - Killzone 3 may be in pre alpha, but it is not going to get any better graphically. You see, the only reason games look bad in pre alpha is because the engines are un finished and unoptimised. This uses more or less same engine as KZ2, so all the optimisation has already been done. Hence, it's not compliment.

brazilianbumpincher5061d ago (Edited 5061d ago )


same engine as uncharted 1 didnt look much different from uncharted 1 in pre-alpha yet retail game blew every other console game away graphically,thats why its called pre-alpha,never judge a game in this state

how can optimisation be completely done in pre-alpha with nine months to go? seriously go back to the drawing board and try again

starchild5061d ago

Gears of War 3 and Rage have even further to go than Killzone 3, but that doesn't stop some fanboys from judging those games either. Why is it only PS3 games get to use the excuse that "it isn't done yet"?

You do know that the overall look and quality of the graphics are unlikely to change very much at all. They almost never do.

BBAM5060d ago

Killzone 2 got better and better looking as they made the newer builds. Even to the point where the preview build was what amazed everyone.. then they even bettered that build.
Your very narrowminded to believe the graphics won't get better than the PRE-ALPHA...

dinsurya5061d ago

Only a PS3 exclusive can dethrone an other PS3 exclusive.

ALFAxD_CENTAURO5060d ago (Edited 5060d ago )


And who will dethrone God of War 3, Killzone 3, Infamous 2, Final Fantasy Versus XIII, Gran Turismo 5 Graphics?

Only PS3 Exclusive Graphics can dethrone another PS3 Exclusive.

Croaker5060d ago

Go look at PC games. PS3 exclusives just got dethroned...

One game has dethroned them all. Crysis on PC. Graphically speaking.

ALFAxD_CENTAURO5060d ago (Edited 5060d ago )

I agree, PC.

But in Consoles?

Please I want to see who will dethrone God of War 3, Uncharted 1, Uncharted 2, Gran Turismo 5, Killzone 2, Killzone 3, Final Fantasy Versus XIII, Infamous 2, The Last Guardian graphics.

I have no doubt there will be games with better graphics than God of War 3 or Killzone 3, but those will be designed only for PS3, using the best performance and Anti Aliasing MLAA.

Croaker5058d ago (Edited 5058d ago )

Why is it that you guys always only argue within the branch of consoles? This is a gaming website is it not? There is a PC tab up on the bar with all of the other gaming platforms is there not? Is the PC not to be considered a gaming platform? This "war" going on, I consider to be apart of gaming on the whole.
Why should this be limited to consoles only? Why not add the PC into the fray? Is it, perhaps you know as any one does with two brain cells to rub together that the PC is undisputed?
We're not talking how many units were moved and whatnot. We're talking graphical prowess here. This debate is centered around graphics alone.

You've said that twice now. Who will "dethrone" those games you've listed. But they all have been already. I consider the PC a viable contender due to the irrefutable fact that the PC is a gaming platform. Granted, this was not the primary task of a PC originally. But the PC has evolved. Like everything else.

I guess I'm just sick of hearing about how no game can touch Sony exclusives when that is just full of shit.
So, again I'll say that no, it does not have to be a PS3 exclusive in order to beat another PS3 exclusive graphically speaking.
As where game play is concerned, the meat of any game, as well as as the storyline. No game has yet to beat MGS4 in my humble opinion.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 5058d ago
Jaces5061d ago

Rage is a beauty but it doesn't have much going on at any particular time, once it shows you being blasted at by a helicopter in a crumbling building while fighting baddies and all the while the graphics stay solid and gorgeous, then you can tell me Rage is the better game.

But for now it's nothing more than a pretty game with a gun.

pixelsword5060d ago

It looks nice, but I'll be keeping an eye out for particle effects. I remember that ATAC exploding close-up on the next to last stage on Killzone 2, and right there I said I haven't even seen PC games do that.

ProjectVulcan5061d ago (Edited 5061d ago )

From a technical standpoint Uncharted 2's game engine is as good as it gets on this generation of console. The combination of world class art direction makes it the best looking console title, you can have a really superb game engine but without the art making use of those tools you have a clean looking game but not an astounding looking one.

If your art direction hides the weaknesses of your game engine well then you can make do with a less than superb feature set, a lot of games however have good engine technology but art that really plays to the weaknesses of the technology, thus coming out fugly.

I am however a bit tired of so many unreal engine 3 based shooter titles, they start to feel really generic and almost merge into one in my memory. UE3 is starting to become as much a curse as it is a blessing for development times, as so many games look and feel so similar with all the same canned foliage/bulky characters/flat vistas/vaseline coated shiny textures. Custom game engines are going to take a lot longer, but really- They usually work out so much more interesting

blazBlue5061d ago

...The only thing that will surpass Uncharted 2 is more PS3 exclusives. Other than that, this is laughable.

jammy_705060d ago

Don't forget k2, though it's a lot darker, I think it looks better than u2

mrcash5060d ago

There's a whole lot more going on screen in k2 than in uc2, i love uc2 but in uc2 the explosions and effects look really cartoony in comparison to killzone2

Nevers5060d ago

were way WAY better prior to the augmentation... so I don't follow you at all. And yes... I actually own her original PB spread from stealing it from my father <dates self>

EvilBlackCat5060d ago ShowReplies(2)
colonel1795060d ago

By the time a game dethrones Uncharted 2's graphics, Uncharted 3 will be out.

Spenok5060d ago

I hate this website. Usually i cant even look at it, much less the content they talk about. I need to start avoiding this site at all costs.

phiro5060d ago

why are you here now? why did you take your time to post on a website you absolutely cant stand?

Rumor5060d ago

you type n4g in the adress bar, log in, pick discuss tab, scroll down, and say you hate this site and should avoid it. lmfao fail somewhere else

Donny5060d ago

uncharted 2 beats any game on consols to date, stfu JEALOUS XBOXS.

Shepherd 2145060d ago (Edited 5060d ago )

Eh, Uncharted 2 is one of the best looking console games, but the original Crysis from 2007(PC) on medium settings still looks better than Uncharted 2.

Shepherd 2145059d ago

You can disagree with my above comment all you want.

The truth hurts doesnt it?

sid4gamerfreak5060d ago

Lol Crysis a 2007 game has already not only dethroned Uncharted 2, it has destroyed uncharted 2 in its visuals.

So many pc games have dethroned Uncharted 2...

As for console game, I havent seen one to overpower uncharted 2, rage maybe, brink maybe not

TengkuAmir105060d ago (Edited 5060d ago )

Everytime I log in to this site, I never fail to find an article (usually on the front page) about -insert game title here- dethroning Uncharted 2 but when the game is actually released, people tend to be disappointed and we here, would never hear about that single game ever again.

"Bayonetta and Dante's Inferno is Godz of Warz Killerz! Enjoy your Dod of war droids!"

"We don't need Killzone 3, Crysis 2 looks WAY better"

"Was Uncharted 2 over-rated?"

And now they dare compare Uncharted 2 to a multi-platform game like Brink, Black Ops, and Dues Ex who is no where near Uncharted 1's level let alone Uncharted 2! I'm LMAO'ing right now. Just can't take it. LOL.

pustulio5060d ago

I never saw so much agrees, putting Black Ops there is retarded.

But Killzone 3, Crysis 2 or Rage maybe can dethrone... MAYBE.

+ Show (16) more repliesLast reply 5058d ago
Hyrius5061d ago

Only a PS3 exclusive can dethrone an other PS3 exclusive.

T9X695061d ago (Edited 5061d ago )

Na, personally I think RDR looks better than U2. Playing U2 I never really just stopped and looked around to see the environments and how well done they where or even the characters. With RDR, even after completing the game 3 times and putting dozens of hours into the MP, I still find myself stopping and looking how beautiful the game is.

EDIT: Not hallucinating at all, the graphical art style of U2 didn't do much for me, the colors where often to bright making it have a cartoony effect.

Even the character models have the effect to them, it looks like they are to smooth and it doesn't look that impressive.

Uncharted 2

Red Dead Redemption

@DigitalRaptor - lol inFamous 2 does not look better than U2, you havn't even seen gameplay yet. Killzone 3 graphics look exactly like Killzone 2, which isn't bad because IMO Killzone 2 looks better than U2 as well.

MysticStrummer5061d ago

RDR is beautiful, but you're hallucinating if you think it looks better than UC2 from a technical standpoint.

callahan095061d ago

"Playing U2 I never really just stopped and looked around to see the environments and how well done they where or even the characters."

Really? Truly? Because I did. A lot.

DigitalRaptor5061d ago (Edited 5061d ago )

Nope sorry, pal.

The only games I can see that give any indication of looking better than Uncharted 2 are Rage, Deus Ex 3, Killzone 3 and by recent comments, inFamous 2 is set to look better.

FURY__UNLEASHED5061d ago (Edited 5061d ago )

Nice fail. You show a high-res pic of RDR but a blocky, low-res pic of U2.

I've beaten U2 multiple times (still playing it) and I remember that scene perfectly. There are no blocks or poor black-levels present in the actual game, but the picture you showed has both issues.

EDIT at the disagrees: You're trying to tell me Drake's beard was all blocky in the actual game? And that the game had poor black levels and blurry lines? GTFO! The picture he posted is clearly a compressed, low-res image that's been enlarged. It's so bad, it looks like it's a screen-grab taken from a standard definition YouTube video.

This what the actual game looked like: http://playstationlifestyle...

Great textures and no blockiness, except for some shadows but all games have issues with real-time shadows.

Ri0tSquad5061d ago (Edited 5061d ago )

It looks much better.

Also, I like how you choose a shiity compressed picture to represent Uncharted 2 but found the best looking picture you could find for RDR.
^Random picture I took from U2.

Nice try, buddy, but you failed. And trust me, there's way better pictures than that.

dj555555555061d ago (Edited 5061d ago )

I like the way you know that from the Pre alpha graphics. Something tells me you have never played Uncharted 1, 2 or killzone

Jab-dees-nuts5061d ago (Edited 5061d ago )

please try again. i own Red Dead and its a good game, the sound, the graphics and game play are good and all but it doesnt match U2...sorry

im wondering what kinda monsters will appeare at the end of uncharted3


Pistolero5061d ago

"i owen Red Dead and its a good game, the sound, the graphics and game play are good and all but it doesnt match U2."

really? must be playing the ps3's too bad.

i assure you RDR on the 360 is one of the best looking games on either console...well at least in terms of overall technical achievement in terms of scale, physics, interactivity, dynamic gameplay and so on.

ColossusReaver5060d ago (Edited 5060d ago )

Maybe your definition of what looks better is just different than most people's....Seriously, RDR is good looking (for an open world game) but even something like Infamous 2 is already going to look way better. RDR is a R* game, they're more about gameplay than graphics, whereas a company like Naughty Dog with the Uncharted games, they're just the most amazing developers out there, they created the best looking game currently availabe within 18 months, there is no in-game loading, no pop-in, little to no clipping, it never drops a frame (unless there's something wrong with you ps3), it has amazing lighting, textures, shaders, shadows, etc. etc. The fact that they created something that is this much better, in that much less time than most developers means that they are a force to be reckoned with. what other developer out there has been able to accomplish all of these things together in less than 2 years? Nobody man, nobody

@ Pistolero: I don't think so man, sure in terms of scale it's good, but it isn't even as big in game as San Andreas was, try walking from one end of the map in San Andreas to the other and then try walking from one end of the map in RDR and then compare it, I guarantee that San Andreas is bigger. Really, RDR is a great game but there's nothing that they do better than any other game that does similar things (look at GUN, it did half of what RDR did but on last gen consoles). The cover system could be better, the shooting could be tighter and more distinctive (every gun feels about the same), Shadow Of The Colossus still has better horse AI and feel (If you've ever been on a horse or worked with horses you'd know that they don't act like four-legged cars). And with all the glitches, freezing problems, AI bugs, clipping issues, platforming bugs etc. etc. etc. the game is a mess. Uncharted 2? RDR can't even touch it.

jemarval5060d ago (Edited 5060d ago )

I think youre just talking sh*t and never played an uncharted game. Im almost sure U1 looks better than RDR. I also think the only game that can compete with U2 in terms of graphics are GOW 3 and good ol Killzone 2. Maybe with KZ2 slightly leading.

@ColossusReaver "a company like Naughty Dog with the Uncharted games, they're just the most amazing developers out there" I agree with you dude, Naughty dog, Sony Santa Monica and guerrilla are the top game developers out there. I think Bethesda are good too, but not that much, and I dont fancy anything from Rockstar games really.

MysticStrummer5060d ago

Yeah you're talking about art direction there, not the technical aspects of the graphics which is what this argument is always really about.

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BubblesDAVERAGE5061d ago

Give me some of what u been smoking ..or you need your eyes checked

Socrates5061d ago (Edited 5061d ago )

Blah, blah, blah.. uh huh, sure. Most ps3 exclusives look ordinary and some look downright bad, like Warhawk and Twisted Metal. Only a couple ps3 exclusives look really good and even those are somewhat overrated.

Gears 3, Crysis 2 and Rage all look better than any PS3 exclusive.

Edit @ below

Texture quality is a function of memory for the most part, not disc capacity. I find it so funny that some of you don't understand these very basic things.

dj555555555061d ago

Yes because you can really fit a lot of HQ textures and poly counts on a dvd far more than a blu ray I guess that is why you are telling us these facts

huzzaahh5061d ago (Edited 5061d ago )

Twisted Metal isn't even out yet. It is PRE-ALPHA, buddy. Many of the most critically acclaimed PS3 titles have incredible graphics and are absolutely NOT overrated.

Gears 3 looks like Gears 2 and Gears 1. They looked good for 2006, but honestly, they haven't improved much since then. The only reason why most people think they look amazing is because they're super shiny. Everything glistens and it's all very deceptive.

I'll admit that Rage does look better than most PS3 exclusives (not going to say all since I haven't seen a build personally yet), but Crysis on consoles looks pretty lackluster. Of course it'll look great on PC, but it won't do too much wowing on consoles.

EDIT: Oh, and back on the topic of being overrated, Crysis and Gears are among the most overrated games ever.

starchild5061d ago

Gears of War 3 doesn't just look like Gears of War 2. Far from it. Go read about some of the major differences. The lighting has been dramatically improved for one thing.

You have no problem trying to make excuses for Twisted Metal by saying it's pre-alpha, but somehow you're ready to judge Gears 3 even though it doesn't come out until next March. That's around 8 months away. But to be honest I don't expect either game to look that much better. A bit more polished, sure, but they aren't going to fundamentally change. The difference is, Gears of War 3 already looks outstanding, while Twisted Metal looks quite poor.

sikbeta5061d ago (Edited 5061d ago )

"Most ps3 exclusives look ordinary and some look downright bad"

Hmmm... Seems like someone doesn't have a PS3 and by that never played a PS3 Exclusive...

You're missing Loads of Amazing Games dude, I'm sorry for you... :(

thewhoopimen5060d ago

@Starchild: Sorry buddy, but after doing some lookups most of the lighting stuff being FINALLY implemented in Geow3 were done already in UC1. You can look it up yourself.

@Socrates: Texture is a function of memory huh. So i guess all that streaming tech people are trying to develop like ID Tech's megatextures must be some kind of fluke huh. Where did you learn to read?

heroprotagonist5060d ago

Streaming techniques don't change the fact that all textures have to be put into memory to be used. He is right, memory is what decides how good your textures can be.

Next generation a developer could make a game that looks 5 times better than any game we have today and they could theoretically put it on one DVD. It might only be 2 hours long, but they could put it on a DVD. In other words, having more space on the disc allows you to make your game longer (if you can afford to), but it doesn't change the quality of the textures.

Conversely, you could have a disc capacity 10 times that of Blu-ray, but if your memory was only 256MB then your textures would still look like crap.

To be honest, though, I haven't noticed PS3 exclusives to be longer than other games. Uncharted, Uncharted 2, Killzone 2 and God of War 3 all have very normal lengths.

masticating5060d ago (Edited 5060d ago )

Absolutely it does heroprotagonist. We need look no further than the so called "megatextures" technology being developed by ID Software.

It is clear through this wiki that Rage uses the Hard Disk/Disc Drive to stream ground textures (as an example) for use in the game. TheWhoopiMen is not wrong in his assertion. Texture quality is a matter of bandwidth as it is of memory (in this case disc space even).

Conversely, here is my argument. If Texture quality was simply a function of memory, why is it that PCs games aren't a generation ahead in terms of texture quality? Sure they are sampled at a higher res. The answer is there is much more than texture quality going on in the making of Uncharted2's game technology than just texture streaming and frame rates.

nunley335060d ago

socrates lost the fight already when he lists the only games that he says have better graphics are games that aren't out yet so how can he truly judge those games visuals? just like a 360 troll!

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XactGamer5061d ago

You guys really need to get a gaming PC

ChilliDemon5061d ago

Disagreed for irrelevently bringing up the old 'gaming PC' argument.

MysticStrummer5060d ago

I once was a PC gamer. Not gonna happen again. You really need to comment on articles in the PC section.

DigitalRaptor5060d ago

Alan Wake for the most part doesn't even look better than Uncharted 1.

Try again dude!

baodeus5060d ago (Edited 5060d ago )

this prove this site is owned by Sony fanboy. Just a simple comment, with nothing to back it up or even a slight example of why PS3 exclusive are better, and you get 52 agrees easily.

But then again, they only played game on PS3 so i can understand. What do they know about other consoles (NOTHING).

So why UC2/KZ2/GoW3 are technically superior to anything else? Care to give some examples?

Since you talk about the physical aspect of KZ3, heck how about just KZ2, care to give examples?

jerethdagryphon5060d ago

uh its not just textures that need to be good to show what a game can do

ive been playing tomb raider underworld and while some of the enviroments and detials are phenomenalt the single animation /animation limits break imersion

nd blends there animations fluidly meaning when you change animations its nota significant pause in the mesh as it changes

aditionally comments on the memory

ps3s rsx has 256 dedicated ram running at 700mhz it also has access to the cpus ram running at 3.2ghz

so not only does it have enough ram for its own jobs but it can get faster ram when needed

360 uses a unified ram system meaning it pulls cpu and gpu alocations from a single pool, thats fine
but if a part of the game ai physics or what ever it taking up a large amount of ram the amount avalible for gpu is reduced same goes for vice versa,

theres tricks you can use to save ram and such tesselation textures backface culling and deffered lighting shadows are one way

but its not the amount of ram you have its the speed of the ram and not just that oyu need a good ballence

Croaker5060d ago

That is absolutely absurd. It doesn't have to an exclusive.

What is it with the mentality of some of you people here. The PS3 is not the greatest thing to ever happen folks...

I think RAGE has a really good chance to be the best looking game on consoles when it comes out. Gran Turismo 5 will look better than UC2 that is a given. Seriously though. RAGE is looking indredible and it looks that much more incredible when you realize that id is doing this across three platforms.
The only version they've shown publicly is the Xbox 360 version. And man, does it look good. I'm waiting to see how the PS3 version and the PC version will look. I'm willing to bet that they'll be better looking than the 360 version. The PC is a given, of course. I meant the PS3.

Wait..Let me get this right. Gears of War III looks just like Gears of War II (it does) but Killzone 3 doesn't look just Killzone 2? (they look identical, which isn't a bas thing at all) Fanboy goggles??

Uncahrted 2 does look better than RDR, though I enjoy the art style more in RDR than in UC2. Perhaps it is because I enjoy western films and history both.

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Snakefist305061d ago

Yup Only Ps3 Exclusives Can Beat Uncharted 2

Commander_TK5061d ago

Metro 2033, let alone Crysis and Warhead. Yes, I know it´s unfair to compare PC games to console games, but since we all agree that if a game is on one console and PC, it´s not an exclusive, then it´s OK to compare PC to console games

meetajhu5061d ago

God of War 3 demolished Uncharted 2 in terms of graphics.But GOW3 has no physics. Still i love both of them to the core

theEnemy5061d ago

not really.

In terms of scale, God of War III trumps Uncharted 2.

But on Active Cinematic Experience, Uncharted 2 is above all games.

I'd say both of them are pretty equal in graphics and sound.

Damn and both are Only.On.PlayStation.


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Recharting Uncharted 2: Among Thieves – Retrospective Review

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Abnor_Mal1467d ago

Currently playing Drakes Fortune on crushing, next will be to replay Among Thieves, but I'm sure it still holds up today.

P_Bomb1467d ago (Edited 1467d ago )

Recently re-platinumed 1-3. Uncharted 2 aged better than I even expected. I enjoyed it more now than I did a decade ago. It’s more polished than 1, tighter than 3 and Yemen in 3 was gorgeous. Shambhala out-prettied Ubar though. 60fps w higher res’ made for a damn good rerun.

Abnor_Mal1466d ago

Question: When you say Uncharted2 aged better than expected, are you talking about the original PS3 game or the remastered collection on PS4. I ask because I think that a remastered version of the game would look and play better than the original.

I doubt that the original ran at 60 frames, how many years old is the remastered collection anyway.

I need to replay the original trilogy along with the collection, not a fan of the collection trophy of beating levels in a set time and don't think the originals required that for platinum.

P_Bomb1466d ago (Edited 1466d ago )

It’s true that the remasters have upped the resolution and given it 60fps, but the base game is the same. The art design and base textures/physics/ animations are the same yet still look contemporary. More-so than UC1 which isn’t as tight, or UC3 in some cases which I found a bit clunky in close quarters.

UC2 level design was a great evolution in bringing the verticality from the jungle into rural/urban settings while maintaining smooth animation transitions. Drake still moves better than the ginger in Star Wars Jedi. Outdoor areas are better lit.

UC2 also has more action and better pacing imo, which helps when replaying a game 10 years later. Kept me engaged.

You don’t need to time trial for platinum. They stuck the speedrun trophies in a seperate extended dlc category so have no fear.

MadLad1467d ago

I thought the originals were good, but not great. I understand that puts me in the minority here. That said, Uncharted 4 was freaking fantastic.

Profchaos1467d ago (Edited 1467d ago )

Yeah I understand the hate for 4 prior to playing it I was firmly against it and felt like 3 wrapped things up already but now after playing it I think it was the best in the franchise.

Now I look back at two and I feel like I'm playing an on the rails shooter everything is so tightly scripted including the infamous train scene you simply can't make a mistake

Rimeskeem1467d ago

I think Uncharted 2 is a lot like AC2. Both games took the idea and basically improved it in every single way.

Movefasta19931466d ago

Uc2, AC2,Halo2, Soul calibur 2, Killzone 2, Infamous 2 , Dishonored 2 and a few more. The only negative thing I have against uc2, and imo it annoyed me,are the blue apes, uncharted 1 handled the super natural far better.


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Imalwaysright1502d ago

My favorite is the building collapsing on Uncharted 2.

goldwyncq1502d ago

The entire final chapter of The Lost Legacy is the best setpiece in the series and it wasn't even mentioned.