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RPG Site Final Fantasy XIII (X360) review

RPG Site has reviewed the X360 version of Final fantasy 13. The PS3 version was reviewed before which got 8.5/10.

"Fifteen points may seem like an awful lot to dock for things that are essentially graphical issues, but Final Fantasy XIII puts so much importance in its story and visual presentation that the loss in quality here doesn't leave just a less crisp picture - it leaves a ripple of negativity that sullies a significant chunk of the experience. "

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thorstein5202d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
Bad Editing
"RPG Site has reviewed the X360 version of Final fantasy 13. The PS3 version was reviewed before which got 8.5/10." This is unnecessary and has been written by the submitter.
DMason5203d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
✔ Fixed
Wrong story type
Should be
This should only be in the Xbox channel if it is a Xbox 360 only review.
DMason5203d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
✔ Fixed
Bad spelling
ps3 = PS3
knifefight5203d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
godofwar3335203d ago

anyway i guess almost everyone is getting the ps3 version which got 8.5

Genesis55203d ago

Well at least one site actually has the balls to call it as they see it.

godofwar3335203d ago

Then ps3 version would have scored way less

i mean how on earth can u ignore 1080p vs 576p rez for FMVs
and 576p vs 720p ingame rez

i am specifically pointing to FMVS where ps3 version has 300% more rez than x360 version

snaz275203d ago

bravo to them, still not interested in buying this game, but im really pleased to see atleast 1 site tell the truth, gives me a little ray of hope that game jornalism isnt completely dead!

snaz275203d ago

im glad they saw fit to dock points, however, after actually reading the thing they dont really make sense. one minute they are saying that its no big deal (graphics) then they say it is, then it isnt again lol, whats it to be? then he says the ps3 version cut-scenes take up 30gig, but hes confused as to why the 360 version got compressed and upscaled ones... erm disk space maybe? just a wild guess lmao... say the 360 version had uncompressed fmv, how many disks would they need? im thinking about 8? now how would that make the 360 look?

AAACE55203d ago

Now that it's been established that the Ps3 version is the best... can the fanboys leave this alone, because I am tired of hearing about this and seeing the same comments in every post!

So there you have it folks... If you want the best version of FFXIII get it on Ps3! If you can't afford one or just want to play the game and don't care if the graphics are 1080p get it on 360!

There! Done! Settled! Let it go now! Move on! The point has been made!

snaz275203d ago

its been known for a long long time that the ps3 version was the better one, but then look at when those screenshots were released! you know the photoshopped ones lol, SE came out denying it was done on purpose (yeah right), even saying they had no reason to make up pics as they look "comparable"... well the truth came out! they were lying! my question is why? why lie? they knew the truth right? then we have jurnalists just brushing off the differences, as though they were nothing! they dont dock points, even in the case of edge, they review the 360 version, then post their review in the ps3 section only! again why? when ps3 got a bad port with bayonetta and ghostbusters (even though for the most part bayonetta got fixed) it was shouted from the roof tops by reviewers! making no doubt at all that ps3 version was poor! im merely commenting on the bias in jurnalism... anyway im not even gonna bother with this game, in my opinion it got gimped due to 360 anyway, probably why it is linear and no towns.....

Valkyre5203d ago

Μajor RESPECT for a website that has the balls to award proper scores for both versions and not to ignore the problems of 360 like most reviewers did...

and its ironic because those that ignore the problems now where actually the first ones to hammer PS3 version of Bayonetta.. how ironic...

IrishAssa5203d ago

xbox 360 version is good, ps3 version is brillant

JokesOnYou5203d ago (Edited 5203d ago )

Why weren't ps3 loyalists so vocal on all the Bayonetta 360/ps3 reviews that scored the games the same???? -Yet here they are on every 360/ps3 review begging for a lower 360 score, lmfao wtf ????

How does it really affect ps3 fanboys when #1 all the reviews even if they don't score 360 version lower say the ps3 version is better so they can't say that UNinformed readers won't know which is better and #2 Most importantly no matter what other people buy either way it won't change your experience on the ps3. Those are the only reason's why I could think a UNbiased gamer would be concerned, but there really is no issue here because its widely reported in the contents of every review that the ps3 version is better, so again why do some care so much?????

-We already know the answer, ps3 loyalists are STILL butthurt this game is on the 360, they hate micro and SE for it so this whole "media is bias" act is BS excuse to find any reason they can to bash micro/SE, simple truth is SE didn't do a very good job of porting the game when it comes to FMV, compression, resolution>>>> Now if you're the sort of person that wants to speak of fairness across the board then you should be in at least 1 or 2 of the Bayonetta reviews that scored the game the same for the ps3 saying the same type of comments you've been posting in 360/ps3 FFXIII reviews>>>>>If you were RAISE YOUR HAND. -I haven't seen any, hypocrite much?....but here's the difference between pro 360 gamers and pro ps3 gamers if you look back at many of those Bayonetta reviews you won't see 360 fans crying because of the tons of sites who NEVER rated the ps3 version lower, in truth it was only a few sites that did, they explained why= PERFORMANCE WAS AFFECTED, in this case the only major difference is the pixel count, never seen a game rated lower ONLY because the graphics weren't as sharp. At any rate FFXIII looks like a good game on both consoles for jrpg fans, unfortunately its not looking like its going to be enough to warrant a purchase for me, I want to like jrpg's but its hard for me to get into them, I guess I'll wait until its cheap, that way I won't feel bad if I never play it again after 2hrs= SO4.

Hey mod's its a good thing you have this great reporting system, god knows all I have done is insult, name call, and make the most offensive comments, oh wait, no I haven't, although many members have done so to me, yet look at their bubbles, well I'm used to it, this usually happens when a hot topic is raised and I DON NOT "conform to n4g thinking"....lmfao, good thing they can't take my last bubble. In the words of the Terminator "I'll be baaack." lol


sikbeta5203d ago


Congrats to for not being bias and tell the Truth

PS3 Version is the Better Version, deal with it

Gaming FTW!!!

moomooakai5203d ago

Did 360 fans leave things alone when there was a multiplatform comparison for other games?

True enoughthis horse has been beaten to death, however it's good to know that the PS3 version was the best one all along.

DatNJDom815203d ago

They actually reported what other media sites do when PS3 has an inferior version of a multiplat. If you all dont see what is happening here with 360 favoritism in the western media, then I dont know what else I can tell you guys. Bravo

By the way a 7 is not a bad score. That means the game is still playable and I bet if anyone buys it on 360 they will enjoy it.

Godmars2905203d ago

The PS3 version of Bayonnetta was suspiciously getting overly slammed by reviewers as if it had been the console's fault, just like the 360 version of FFXIII is being forgiven.

Yes its more Square's fault it coming in at a lower resolution, DVD9 and only three discs is another issue, but that shouldn't be stopping reviewers from at least knocking it down the point to half point it deserves, just like the PS3 version of Bayonnetta did. Instead many are making excuses not to.

snaz275203d ago

we went over this last night mate! bayonetta DID for the most part have points knocked off, and the bad ps3 port WAS talked about in reviews, so why would people come out asking for something that WAS happening? ok does that answer your question? now i would like you to answer some, why is it that when a ps3 game gets a bad port it must be talked about till the end of time, but when 360 gets a bad port it must be brushed under the carpet? why do you think edge reviewed only the 360 version, yet its only posted on the ps3 side of metacritic? why was the 1 day blip fat ps3s had the other week akind to rrod? when most of the ps3 was infact functional! lmao and one last question, why do you refuse to see or admit there maybe just maybe something fishy going on here? what about SE releasing ps3 shots, with 360 buttons photoshopped? why did they say it was an accident? why did they say the games were comparable? so 1080p is comparable to 576p now? (cut-scenes) 720p gameplay is comparable to 576p? really? come on!!!

gaffyh5203d ago

@JOY - Bayonetta PS3 did have points docked from almost every website.

But yeah, the 360 version shouldn't really be docked points for FF13 imo, because there are no performance issues, it just doesn't look as crisp.

snaz275203d ago

at the time of release for bayonetta, it had a bad frame rate, and as it was an action game should of been docked points and it was... i have no problem with that, it was sorted out via a patch but as jokes on you said yesterday the reviewers were not to know that... anyway FF is not an action game! its turn based so frame rate really doesnt matter does it? it wouldnt really effect the game, FF is all about story and the world in which its set, plus its heavy on cgi cut scenes... now cos the 360 version suffers in these areas i do indeed think it should be docked points, you see? its only fair dont you think? anyway im off to play some pool now in a bit.

Godmars2905203d ago

In most if not every case the frame-rate problem was mentioned in afterthought to how Bayonetta looked or loaded.

gaffyh5203d ago

Okay, it shouldn't be docked 1.5 points, imo it should only be docked 0.5 points because the graphics look similar. Still, does it even matter? People who have both consoles get the game on PS3, and people who only have a 360 get it for 360.

I know Xbox fanboys go crazy when there is an issue with a PS3 game, but there is no need for us to go down to their level.

JokesOnYou5203d ago (Edited 5203d ago )

I'm honestly curious do you guys really care about "fairness" or is this more about your emotional attatchment to the sony brand? Again I'm not particularly interested in this game, however I do find the thinking behind how its being treated interesting, funny really....

@Godmars290 "The PS3 version of Bayonnetta was suspiciously getting overly slammed by reviewers as if it had been the console's fault, just like the 360 version of FFXIII is being forgiven."

-You see this is the problem right there, I've read countless reviews, I even commented on one Bayonetta review that while the 360 version is better its really the folks on this site, and particularly ps3 loyalists who make what little differences there are seem soooo much bigger/important than what they are in terms of the overall experience, what I mean by that is as soon as we heard there were issues if you look at many of the comments it was the ps3 folks slamming the game so hard, calling it terrible and how they weren't going to support "sloppy" ports and so on. I'm sorry but you sound so "fanboyish" when you use terms like "suspiciously" when referring to anything that points out a ps3 game flaws, especially when DF has side by side comparisons showing ps3's hiccups but then you say "forgiven" when referring to 360, as if its a apples to apples comparison, I'll say it again in the case of Bayonetta there is a PERFORMANCE differnce which ONLY to SOME merits a bit lesser score, in the case of FFXIII there is no performance difference, ONLY less pixels 576p to 720p gameplay, 1080p cutscenes= less sharp. Again I've read 10 or so Bayonetta reviews and NOTHING SAID IN THOSE REVIEWS IMPLIED THAT THE DEFICIENCIES BETWEEN THE TWO VERSIONS WERE DUE TO PS3 HARDWARE, but that's exactly how you twist the situation to make it sound as if the FBI is out to ruin sony....your problem is you always speak with emotion which inhibits your ability to decipher truth from reality, EVERYONE KNEW THE PROBLEMS WITH THE PS3 VERSION WAS DUE TO PORTING ISSUES HELL IT WAS A DIFFERENT TEAM THAT DID THE PORT AND ITS WELL KNOWN.

@ gaffyh, No Bayonetta did NOT have points docked in almost every review? In fact most reviews ONLY mention problems for the ps3 version but simply do one review for both(typical of multiplats) and give 1 score.

@ snaz27, YES we did talk about this, as I've said before there has been mistakes made both ways on metacritic and in the media, 360 games advertised as ps3 games etc, but obviously if you're looking for a conspiracy against sony those are the only ones you will remember. Now you still never answered the point of my rebuttal.....ONLY a few sites, chose to mark the ps3 version of Bayonetta lower, although you yourself like everybody else knows 360 version was superior, WHY do you make absurd statements as if Bayonetta had points deducted by ALL THE SITES, no the issues were simply discussed by MOST SITES WITHOUT A DEDUCTION, look for yourself, while at the same time you IMPLY NOBODY IS TALKING ABOUT THE DIFFERENCE IN GRAPHICS FOR THE 360 VERSION, lol thats BS, the differences are being talked about everywhere, hell I look at Amazon and I noticed there are a couple threads about the differences, fact is most of the reviews do state the ps3 version is superior, most just didn't deduct points, so far this site has deducted points and I imagine a few others will also, just like with Bayonetta will that make you ps3 loyalists feel better, we know the answer. Still I'll ask again the same questions, I'll take it slowly with #'s:

1. If it's just a matter of principle= "fairness" then why weren't ps3 loyalists so vocal on all the Bayonetta 360/ps3 reviews that scored the games the same?

2. How does it really affect ps3 fanboys when all the reviews even if they don't score 360 version lower say the ps3 version is better, essentially that is enough to tell anybody with both consoles which version to get right?

3. Most importantly no matter what other people buy either way it won't change your experience on the ps3, will it?

4. Why don't we see the 360 community calling all those site who didn't do a seperate review for the ps3 version of Bayonetta biased, and why aren't you there with them ranting on your soap box?


gamesmaster5203d ago

gosh joy, the fact that you're going into such length over this issue kind of shows that you are the most butthurt in this whole situation.. i personally dont give a sh!t what score either the ps3 or 360 version gets comparatively , as an FF fan ill play it regardless.

Godmars2905203d ago

Yeah, that's actually my point.

With Bayonetta it was well known that its dev team wasn't doing the port, and that was taken into account as the PS3 version was repeatedly and pointlessly put through the ringer. Yet now we have the Square team standing behind the 360 port, "accidentally" confusing press photos, and now we're getting sites like 1up explaining why both versions of the game are getting the same review score.

pixelsword5203d ago (Edited 5203d ago )

It breaks the stereotype that 360 sites cover for bad ports of games or that they'll bend over for Microsoft.

They actually shame the "professional" gaming sites as RPG players demand a accurate review and you can't get one if one game is "lesser" in some way visually and aurally, and that fact is obscured with sayings that confuse the issue.

RPG players play for the story mainly, and visuals, plot, sound, music, and character development are valued a little more to them (er, us).

Let a plot come out with the "gears of war" mindset of writing and RPG players wouldn't wipe their "discs" with that game.

4Sh0w5203d ago

You bash JOY but it seems to me he was only responding to a overwhelming amount of critcism directed at reviewers from many on this site, then he goes on only to further explain his response to those that pointed him out by name and questioned the things that he said. I found it to be very well laid out point for point and very rational. I don't see him sounding butthurt at all, the only thing I thought after reading it is that he is waisting alot of time and going out of his way to make a thoughtful post that will be over-looked by many on this site. You simply confirmed that, now I'm just wondering why you have so many bubbles and he only has 2. Show any non bias gamer this site and we know exactly what conclusion they would make why that is.

Tavaras5203d ago

You are by far my favorite poster. You speak truth and are not afraid to tell these other so called "gamers" a thing or two about themselves. There is a reason you have so few bubbles... The truth hurts. And you hurt alot of these guys feelings all the time. But you do know that you will never get through to all these Sony loyalists... I have already considered them a lost cause. If you enjoy arguing with these buffoons, then more power to you, but if you want to discuss and have intelligent discourse about games, I know this great website about games. There is little of this console war stuff going on there. I won't post the site up on this board in fear that it would get infected by these clowns... but if you want the info, then hit me up... To all you other cats, Play the games and not the systems. The consoles come and go, but the games are forever. If you enjoy Final Fantasy, then you'll enjoy a new FF no matter what you play it on... know what I'm playing right now? FFIV! My favorite in the series... I don't see the ugly, outdated graphics... all I see is a great game... but alas, I know my words will fall on deaf ears, so be it...

snaz275203d ago

you talk about a couple of threads on amazon? really? wow wee! i remember when bayonetta was about to be released, there would be 10-20 stories everyday about how bad the ps3 port was lol, i read countless articles and posts implying or even down right saying, its cos of the ps3 hardware, and come on after seeing u2, k2 etc we all know what the ps3 can do... anyway you make out like a few reviews marked it down but the truth is loads did! they all had something to say about it! not so here it seems, there are sites making seperate stories about the differences and even explaining why it didnt have its score reduced! why didnt they just talk about it in the review? strange... now you imply im a sony loyalist, when nothing could be further from the truth... you see this is the first gen ive owned a sony console! i dont own a sony tv etc etc, i couldnt give a crap what company makes what! if its good i want it! simple as that ok? playstation 1 vs n64 (i was n64 better hardware, faster load time with cartriges...

snaz275203d ago (Edited 5203d ago )

etc etc) ps2 vs xbox (i was xbox, better hardware, built like a tank, built in hdd, music in-game, better graphics etc etc) now xbox 360 vs ps3 hmmm i bought a 360 day 1 pretty much (ps3 wasnt out then so no competition) it was ok, i mean better than anything else out there. i was forced to sell it through circumstances (debt lol), anyway time came around i sorted myself and i was in the market for a console again, this time ps3 was out.. after looking into things i decided to go with the ps3 (blu-ray! hdd, internet broswer! graphics, free online play) how this makes me a sony loyalist ill never know... but anyway ive figured you out, your a DEBUNKER no matter what evidence is in your face you will only want to debunk it, guess you get your kicks from being oposite to the truth or what not, maybe you like to argue? you get the drift im sure anyway lol.... you want me to answer your little list but you fail to answer 1 of mine? so why sir should i answer yours? (some of which i already have)... oh and on....

snaz275203d ago

that note i actually answered something you said in one of my posts to gaffyh... you were saying bayonetta got points deducted because of performance issues, as i said in my reply to gaffyh i agree with that, it being an action game it was right points were knocked off, but this game not being action, if one version did have poor framerate i wouldnt say points should be deducted because its not action! it is however heavy on cgi which is what depicts the story so therefore if one versions cgi isnt up to par then it should have points knocked off!!! why not? anyway answer my questions via pm or whatever then i will answer your little list ok?

mrb3ar5203d ago (Edited 5203d ago )

I appreciate your comment, brute-honesty, and opinion; however, it is unfortunate that your comment will fall upon deaf ears. The sheer amount of cat-fights over this game is really out of hand and goes to show how us gamers have become. It's not about games anymore, but about who has what console and how they are [insert obligatory insult] because they don't have the same one I do. I can understand wanting to support a superior version for those of us with both gaming systems, but all I see amongst the comments are overly-emotional, close-minded, irrational, put-downs on the 360 version. It is rare to see someone just outright talk about the game itself in a positive sense. Whether the comment is about ps3 or xbox version - it is contains 3 main points:

1)How the xbox version is just ABSOLUTE GARBAGE
2)How Microsoft has ruined gaming(oh, the lawlz).
3)How [insert jouranlist] is right or wrong, depending on the difference in scores

See a problem there? The game could get a 6/10 score on ps3, but everyone would be fine.. of course, as long as the xbox version gets a 2/10. It goes both ways for sure, with plenty of xbox fanboys crapping on previous multi-platforms, but when is it all going to end? When will we finally open our eyes and see that both consoles have great libraries and games made so that WE (aka the gamers) can enjoy ourselves. *Sigh*

That will never happen. It is a cycle that will continue to repeat itself, almost like the world of Spira (sorry, I am in FF mode, haha). It's crazy but at the same time, extremely amusing - because amongst this sh*tstorm of idiocy, there is one person that tries to go against this wave, and naturally, he is met with indignation and disrespect rather than a rational discussion. I am not supporting just microsoft because there are plenty on their side too that just promote this ridiculous behavior. Again, I am sure this is falling upon deaf ears, but I felt you offered a pretty logical argument that was completely taken into a "you vs us" situation. This reminds me of the film Idiocracy .. "but it has electrolytes" scene.

Anyway, as a Final Fantasy fan, I am excited about the game. The reviews have been pretty solid, and the linear factor does not bother me at all. FF X was linear, but was absolutely amazing. Can't wait to try this battle system out!

mikeslemonade5202d ago

Bayonetta doesn't count as ammunition for you xboxers. Because that game was fixed and the two games are pretty much identical. FFXIII cannot be updated because it's gimped by DVD9.

FACTUAL evidence5202d ago

graphics, audio, amount of wonder it got a 15 point deduction....This is basically telling you to get the superior ps3 version, get a bigger bang for your buck...lmao...i actually like saying that now....i see a lot of 360 guys saying that every time a MP game beats ps3....lmao BIGGER BANG FOR YOUR BUCK ON THE PS3.

+ Show (27) more repliesLast reply 5202d ago
godofwar3335203d ago

which do u prefer?

576p FMV
576p ingame
compressed audio
3 DVD discs

or 1080p FMV
720p ingame
uncompressed audio
1 Full Blu Ray

u tell me?

commodore645203d ago (Edited 5203d ago )

what you somehow forgot to mention is that the action and fmv sequences in the ps3 version dip down to 20fps quite frequently, while the 360 version does not.

You know it's true!

So yeah.
Which do you prefer?

ps3 20 fps?
360 30 fps?

darthdevidem015203d ago

BS the xbox 360 version can't be worse than 15%!

n this is coming froma PS3 fan

godofwar3335203d ago

576p (x360) ingame vs 720p (ps3) ingame
ps3 version has 37% more rez when it comes to ingame

576p FMVs on x360 version vs 1080p FMVs on ps3 version
ps3 version has 300% more rez when it comes to FMVs

compressed audio on x360 version vs uncompressed audio on ps3 version
3 DVDs vs 1 blu ray

Those 4 HUGE differences are just enough to dock off 15 points

IrishAssa5203d ago

I sorta agree with you, just because the ps3 versiom is superior graphics and sound(and disks) doesn't mske the 360 one s***, if the ps3 version didn't exist then we'd be praising the 360 version(except fanboys)

FanboysWillHateMe5203d ago

360 port of FFXIII in terms of comparing it with its competing version, and although I haven't taken a look at any scores, I highly doubt Bayonetta was docked off THAT many points. From a solid B to a C-? Just for technical aspects that don't really affect gameplay? That's a little too harsh, man. At most I'd think 5 points would be enough, like from an 85 to an 80, or an A- to a B/B+.

snp5203d ago (Edited 5203d ago )

Well, i don't really agree that the differences between Bayonetta on the two systems were all that much (i was surprised just how presentable/playable the Ps3 version was seeing it first hand after all the urban myths about it), but i do agree that docking this much off the 360 version of FF13 is a little over the top.

Basically, it's just best that sites are consistent. I mean, they can have whatever curious reviewing system they want within their own standards, but just make sure it's applied across the board. If you don't dock games for non game-breaking problems in one version versus another, fine, but just apply it across the board with reviews (and vice-versa if you do dock points).

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 5203d ago
mrv3215203d ago

I like whena PS3 version has a tiny difference EVERYONE makes a big fuss. Check Bayonetta but if a 360 is considerably worse then barely any reviewers points it out. For 2 reasons.

1. They feel sorry for the 360 version
2. When Microsoft announced FFXIII on 360 they ALL made big articles about PS3 being doomed and now PS3 is outselling the 360 and the PS3 has a superior line up.

godofwar3335203d ago (Edited 5203d ago )

576p vs 1080p
ps3 version has 3x the amount of rez when it comes to FMVs

also 576p vs 720p ingame
ps3 version has 50% more the amount of rez when its ingame

also 3 DVDs vs 1 blu ray

immensely compressed crap box 360 audio vs uncompressed ps3 audio

you could well say that x360 version is finished since no sane person will buy it

also DIFFERENCE between 576p and 1080p is HUGEEEEEEEEEEE

difference between subHD 576p and 720p(ps3 version) ingame is HUGEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

Immortal Kaim5203d ago

Though it does seem like a fairly large disparity in scores given that the only difference is graphical quality, I do respect this site (and AP), so it must have particularly bothered them.

Anyway, my PS3 CE will arrive on Tue, can't wait.

godofwar3335203d ago

there are huge differences in both versions

especially when u consider the native rez of the FMVS(300% more rez on ps3)
and even ingame when ps3 version has 37% more resolution

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The 7 Best Final Fantasy Characters: Unveiling the Legends

While FFVII ranks highly, there's more to the series than one game. Here's Chit Hot's picks for the seven best Final Fantasy characters.

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Community101d ago

The older it gets, the more I respect Final Fantasy XIII

Alex Donaldson: "Hindsight is a hell of a thing, however, and in the years since Final Fantasy XIII, my respect for the decisions its developers made has skyrocketed. In the two Final Fantasy titles since we see both the brilliance and the folly in alternative approaches - and in Final Fantasy VII Remake, we get a more nuanced understanding of what FF13 was trying to accomplish from many of the same development leads."

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Community162d ago
Einhander1972164d ago

FFXIII is actually one of the best Final Fantasy games.

I also sort of was disappointed at the time, never as much as the bandwagon. But really all the fantastic 3D rendered cutscenes and I actually liked the characters and the story though convoluted was actually fantastic and the ending was extremely emotional. So much budget and time were put into that game Square had such big plans, I actually have always felt kind of bad for how things played out.

I have been thinking for years how great it would be to get all three games on one disk for PS4 or 5.

Nyxus164d ago

I always liked this game, and I agree, a rerelease for current gen would be nice.

Shane Kim162d ago (Edited 162d ago )

Gotta take off the nostalgia glasses. It's the worst FF. Shiva as a bike, I mean come on.

Elda162d ago

Shiva as a bike is strange but saying FFXIII is the worst FF is not at all a fact, that's simply your opinion.

Terry_B162d ago

*One of the 3 equally bad FF's

DivineHand125162d ago (Edited 162d ago )

When I got my series X a year ago, I bought FF13 for nostalgia reasons but ended up being disappointed. When I first played it around the time it launched, I didn't have a lot of experience with final fantasy games, so I enjoyed it. Fast forward to when I played it again, I found that the game had many unnecessary filler moments instead of just giving us meaningful content.

The game is also very linear and a quote on the article said it best. "It is like a sewage pipe that leads to the ocean until it opens up on Grand Pulse."

The story didn't make much sense either and I believe it is my mistake as I played the FF7 remake on PS5 prior which is a night and day difference in terms of pacing, storytelling and likeable characters even though cloud is aloof.

FinalFantasyFanatic162d ago (Edited 162d ago )

Probably was a mistake to play any of the golden era FFs first (e.g. FF6 through FF10), it makes it harder to enjoy some of the FFs that aren't as good. I think FF12 was where major issues with the series started becoming apparent, and it just got worse from there.

FinalFantasyFanatic162d ago (Edited 162d ago )

I didn't really care for it that much, the only saving grace was that it had a better story than 15 (overall it was better than 15) and possibly 12, and even then, you had to read some of it through primers, like reading a book. Plus the battle system was reasonably fun for what it was, even if it was more the spectacle that was exciting for me (e.g. summoning). And to be fair, the 13 trilogy got better with every games, I still don't like Snow though.

Gamingsince1981162d ago

Ff13 is only good if you haven't played a ff before, or any other games that are decent for that matter.

-Foxtrot162d ago

It is in fact no way the best Final Fantasy game, it's one of the worst

Linear corridors, Cutscene, Fight, Cutscene...rinse and repeat

Dialogue and characters are pretty bad, especially Lightning as the main FF hero, they literally said they tried to make a "Female Cloud" and they failed.

Story was pretty awful

I could go on

I think the only alright thing that came from the game was the music.

Elda161d ago

That's not a fact that's your personal opinion. The game sold 11 million copies between its 2009 release up until 2014 including critically reviewed as an 8 out of 10 or an 80 out of 100. The game does have some issues but it's not at all a fact as one of the worst FF games.

-Foxtrot161d ago


Not just mine mate

A large majority


Traecy161d ago

N4G commenters such as yourself aren't the majority. The game was well received.

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gold_drake164d ago (Edited 164d ago )

i liked the game alot but i didnt like how they handled the terminology.

i dont mind reading data logs but it had soo many.

but i always loved the music and how it looked. the battle system wasnt too bad either.

but i like 13-2 more :)

i still dont understand why we never got a remaster of the trilogy

Eonjay162d ago

Xbox kinda did. Besides the video files of course which are still best on PS3 due to bluray.

Snookies12164d ago

XIII is a pretty solid game, but XIII-2 is WAY better. XIII-2 was one of the few games I decided to go for a Platinum trophy in, early on. Had so much fun the entire way through getting it too!

Eonjay162d ago

Totally agree. FF 13 was okay but 13-2 is my favorite FF game ever.

shinoff2183164d ago (Edited 164d ago )

I hated this to when it released. I haven't much liked a ff game since ff10 as much , aside from ff7remake. I decided to give it another shot on my series x since it's not on a current ps and was liking it quite a bit(just takes me some time to get over things ) until star ocean 2 remake came out I was all over that.

Square should definitely remaster it or something for ps4 ps5

KillerB162d ago

my favorite jrpg trilogy ever

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Interview: Making music with Masashi Hamauzu

Square Enix Blog: "How do you compose iconic songs that help define a legacy? We speak to legendary composer Masashi Hamauzu about his work on Final Fantasy X, Final Fantasy XIII, and Final Fantasy VII Remake, and how to make unforgettable music."

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