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Final Fantasy XIII Collector's Edition details leaked?

The Lost Gamer writes "I'm sure many are eagerly awaiting the March release of Square Enix's highly anticipated RPG title, Final Fantasy XIII, as much as I am. However, i'm still waiting for Square Enix to announce the details of the Collector's Edition for the title, which was previously confirmed in December.

For those that welcome a little rumour regarding the contents of such edition, it may come as a surprise then to see that Gamestop's website for its Italian branch has today posted what is apparently to be inside."

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ClownBelt5254d ago

To be honest, I'm just waiting for the Collector Edition before I pre order this game.

kaaos6665254d ago

Me too wish they would announce it already.

Saaking5254d ago

I would buy the CE, but I refuse to give any extra money up for a game made by a company that purposely gimped their game and failed to reach the what they originally promised.

camachoreloaded88065254d ago

stfu with the whole gimping thing. Ha, good, I'm glad he's butthurt about it.

Anyways, I'd get the Collector's Edition for the soundtrack along. The few tracks I've heard from the game have been fantastic. This game's battle theme is my favorite among all the FF titles.

zanzibarlegend5254d ago

im not reserving a dang thing until the CE gets announced. with God of War 3 hype train in full steam they should get the details out now to generate buzz for FFXIII, after all FFXIII is coming out before GoW3. and right now i feel like FF13 is getting swallowed by God of War 3.

SE needs to just spill the beans already. as it is US and EU got shafted with no demo.

Reibooi5253d ago

To be honest this list is unlikely.

The Art book is a given. The postcard thing as well. However SE soundtracks are WAY to big to be packaged with the game. If it comes with any form of a soundtrack it will most likely be a select few songs and not the whole thing.

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Immortal Kaim5254d ago

I hope the collector's edition comes with the 'proper' box art, I don't want any figures on the cover, why change it for PAL regions after all these years...

Lucreto5254d ago (Edited 5254d ago )

If it really concerns you I have a the white cover with a pegi rating. You can print it out and slip it in front of the cover.

I need to find it but I can PM it to you later or you can PM me tomorrow to remind me. :)

edit: If anyone esle wants a copy just PM me and I will get around to it in a few days.

Senden5254d ago

Looking forward to this collectors edition.. next gen ff has been long overdue!

capn_crunch5254d ago

How about a nice case like they did with the FFXII collectors edition... I hope so

Lucreto5254d ago (Edited 5254d ago )

I have a weakness for collector editions or have too much money I don't know which. Thank you Government funded college education.

I ordered Bioshock CE which comes withan LP but I don't have an LP player. I have to look for my dad in the deep recesses of the attic.

The soundtrack for any FF is a good deal as it is nearly impossible to buy it in Ireland.

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The 7 Best Final Fantasy Characters: Unveiling the Legends

While FFVII ranks highly, there's more to the series than one game. Here's Chit Hot's picks for the seven best Final Fantasy characters.

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Community106d ago

The older it gets, the more I respect Final Fantasy XIII

Alex Donaldson: "Hindsight is a hell of a thing, however, and in the years since Final Fantasy XIII, my respect for the decisions its developers made has skyrocketed. In the two Final Fantasy titles since we see both the brilliance and the folly in alternative approaches - and in Final Fantasy VII Remake, we get a more nuanced understanding of what FF13 was trying to accomplish from many of the same development leads."

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Einhander1972169d ago

FFXIII is actually one of the best Final Fantasy games.

I also sort of was disappointed at the time, never as much as the bandwagon. But really all the fantastic 3D rendered cutscenes and I actually liked the characters and the story though convoluted was actually fantastic and the ending was extremely emotional. So much budget and time were put into that game Square had such big plans, I actually have always felt kind of bad for how things played out.

I have been thinking for years how great it would be to get all three games on one disk for PS4 or 5.

Nyxus169d ago

I always liked this game, and I agree, a rerelease for current gen would be nice.

Shane Kim167d ago (Edited 167d ago )

Gotta take off the nostalgia glasses. It's the worst FF. Shiva as a bike, I mean come on.

Elda167d ago

Shiva as a bike is strange but saying FFXIII is the worst FF is not at all a fact, that's simply your opinion.

Terry_B167d ago

*One of the 3 equally bad FF's

DivineHand125167d ago (Edited 167d ago )

When I got my series X a year ago, I bought FF13 for nostalgia reasons but ended up being disappointed. When I first played it around the time it launched, I didn't have a lot of experience with final fantasy games, so I enjoyed it. Fast forward to when I played it again, I found that the game had many unnecessary filler moments instead of just giving us meaningful content.

The game is also very linear and a quote on the article said it best. "It is like a sewage pipe that leads to the ocean until it opens up on Grand Pulse."

The story didn't make much sense either and I believe it is my mistake as I played the FF7 remake on PS5 prior which is a night and day difference in terms of pacing, storytelling and likeable characters even though cloud is aloof.

FinalFantasyFanatic167d ago (Edited 167d ago )

Probably was a mistake to play any of the golden era FFs first (e.g. FF6 through FF10), it makes it harder to enjoy some of the FFs that aren't as good. I think FF12 was where major issues with the series started becoming apparent, and it just got worse from there.

FinalFantasyFanatic167d ago (Edited 167d ago )

I didn't really care for it that much, the only saving grace was that it had a better story than 15 (overall it was better than 15) and possibly 12, and even then, you had to read some of it through primers, like reading a book. Plus the battle system was reasonably fun for what it was, even if it was more the spectacle that was exciting for me (e.g. summoning). And to be fair, the 13 trilogy got better with every games, I still don't like Snow though.

Gamingsince1981167d ago

Ff13 is only good if you haven't played a ff before, or any other games that are decent for that matter.

-Foxtrot167d ago

It is in fact no way the best Final Fantasy game, it's one of the worst

Linear corridors, Cutscene, Fight, Cutscene...rinse and repeat

Dialogue and characters are pretty bad, especially Lightning as the main FF hero, they literally said they tried to make a "Female Cloud" and they failed.

Story was pretty awful

I could go on

I think the only alright thing that came from the game was the music.

Elda166d ago

That's not a fact that's your personal opinion. The game sold 11 million copies between its 2009 release up until 2014 including critically reviewed as an 8 out of 10 or an 80 out of 100. The game does have some issues but it's not at all a fact as one of the worst FF games.

-Foxtrot166d ago


Not just mine mate

A large majority


Traecy166d ago

N4G commenters such as yourself aren't the majority. The game was well received.

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gold_drake169d ago (Edited 169d ago )

i liked the game alot but i didnt like how they handled the terminology.

i dont mind reading data logs but it had soo many.

but i always loved the music and how it looked. the battle system wasnt too bad either.

but i like 13-2 more :)

i still dont understand why we never got a remaster of the trilogy

Eonjay167d ago

Xbox kinda did. Besides the video files of course which are still best on PS3 due to bluray.

Snookies12169d ago

XIII is a pretty solid game, but XIII-2 is WAY better. XIII-2 was one of the few games I decided to go for a Platinum trophy in, early on. Had so much fun the entire way through getting it too!

Eonjay167d ago

Totally agree. FF 13 was okay but 13-2 is my favorite FF game ever.

shinoff2183169d ago (Edited 169d ago )

I hated this to when it released. I haven't much liked a ff game since ff10 as much , aside from ff7remake. I decided to give it another shot on my series x since it's not on a current ps and was liking it quite a bit(just takes me some time to get over things ) until star ocean 2 remake came out I was all over that.

Square should definitely remaster it or something for ps4 ps5

KillerB167d ago

my favorite jrpg trilogy ever

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Interview: Making music with Masashi Hamauzu

Square Enix Blog: "How do you compose iconic songs that help define a legacy? We speak to legendary composer Masashi Hamauzu about his work on Final Fantasy X, Final Fantasy XIII, and Final Fantasy VII Remake, and how to make unforgettable music."

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