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Final Fantasy XVI Will Only Happen if XV Does Well

XV will determine the future of the franchise

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RashBandicoot2741d ago
PhoenixUp2741d ago

FFXV will be successful and of course FFXVI will happen. No way would Square Enix cancel their biggest franchise

RashBandicoot2741d ago

Yup, I mean even if it doesn't the 7 Remake is sure to rake in money.

kevnb2739d ago (Edited 2739d ago )

I don't know, the 7 remake has all the makings of extreme fan backlash. Separating the game into episodes, changing the battle system in a way that will completely break everything in the original game. I mean they could potentially make the battle system more action oriented if they want, maybe make it something like dragon age games or even an improved 12. However, what they showed would take away all the strategy, the ability to control all the characters, the incentive to even want to find hidden characters. and it simply wouldn't even be the same game anymore. I have no problem with the action oriented battle system of xv, but I want a final fantasy 7 remake that includes what made the original great.

Sam Fisher2739d ago (Edited 2739d ago )


Ffxv has turn base, why wouldnt ff7 re wouldnt have turnbase? Back lash yea for the ep but ppl will buy it regardless, i sure am this new president isnt playing that wada bs, seems like a good future might be for se, first se game i ever preordered so that means alot to me

_-EDMIX-_2739d ago

Agreed, but I think their statements are sort of moot.

For a series to keep going, it must be making money in the first place. FF series will be fine, being different always lends to more fans coming in. You don't need to know jack about FFXIII to like FFXV, you don't need to know jack about FFXV to like FFXVI etc

TheDetective2739d ago

@kevnb You need to look into stuff a lot More. FF7 remake is going to be three full games like FF13 was that has already been Confirmed awhile ago. also this is a remake if they where to have made FF7 today the combat would be more action based. as much as everyone loves Turned based combat they need to understand It was a product of it's time. do you think that if they made that game today it would still be turned based ? No they did it because of the limited hardware of the time. they are even expanding on the world from stuff that came out later on after FF7 was out for years. most of the core will still be there but adding far more then what they did the first time around. hints having three full games like FF13. you won't be Downloading the game in chucks. this misinformation crap needs to stop

2739d ago
joab7772739d ago

I am worried because while it may have nostalgia, it will need to be very modern to garner mainstream appeal. The success of 15 will help, but a majority of young gamers today no nothing of FF7. It's my favorite game ever and even I am apprehensive.

rainslacker2739d ago


" "Wait Mode" is not even close to Turn-Based."

Wait mode goes back at least as far as FF7. It was part of the ATB system for those that wanted a more turn based experience on the more action oriented ATB system that is a staple and always changing in the FF main line games. Wait mode works differently in FFXV, but it does what it did in prior games for the most part, although it isn't constant, and realistically, for 99% of trash enemies, you won't even bother with any kind of strategy like it used to be in the turn based days.

So, at this point, since you won't even give the game a chance, and based on that statement, I wonder if you even play the series, because the fluid ATB system has been "real time" like for quite some time now, with the option to pause to some degree when a characters turn comes up.

As far as I can tell, you don't even know what you want, because your idea of turn based hasn't been part of FF since FF7 as far as I can remember outside the online iterations, at least by default, and FFXIII is similar to FFXII in terms of the ATB, and XV is just an advancement on the XIII system with some changes. FFX didn't pause for you to make decisions unless you turned wait on, and FF7-9 all had wait mode ATB's.

So if you want something similar to prior FF games, then turn on wait, try the game, learn how to use the system the way it was designed like a good gamer does, and quite complaining that somehow what you want is somehow the only way forward for a major series so it remains stagnent for what is essentially an outdated game play mechanic used during a time when it made sense for the hardware, because you don't even seem to have a clue what you're talking about.

There are turn based games out there, and I would like to see a turn based in the way you talk about in a big AAA JRPG, but FF ATB hasn't been turn based for quite some time.

2739d ago
rainslacker2738d ago

Nope, time did not stop in the ATB system since ff7 except in wait mode. It's not different here. The commands are simply input differntly without a menu, basically taking out the useless part of FFXIII where it simply recommended your selections and people pressed x repeatedly, just like you would do most of the time now in this game. Same happens in FFXV, just you don't have forever to wait it out as action will eventually resume if you take too long.

"You know this is factually incorrect, and nothing but a weapon used against something that you don't like. Nothing more, nothing less."

It's not factually incorrect. Turn based RPG's benefitted from more complex battle systems and higher variables for battle leading to a more robust combat and strategy system. It also allowed for better graphics in some cases, along with other advantages of not overtaxing the CPU with lots of math for stats calculations. It only required one computation per move, as opposed to 30 per second. Quite a difference. That restriction isn't really a factor anymore due to the changes in architecture and increase in power, so those same, and many more complex calculations can be made in real time.

It's not an attack, it's an observation that for years now you have lamented the lack of traditional turn based JRPG's, and not given anything a chance because it doesn't ft the mold that you expect, despite the fact the one series you are lamenting most, hasn't been what you say you want for almost 2 decades now without turning on an optional "wait mode", and SE finally made it so wait mode isn't a "take your time kalkano so you can spend copious amounts of time strategizing how to kill that green slime".

You say "wait mode" isn't turn based, so based on that, about the only thing I can assume is that you haven't considered FF turn based for quite some time now. And just for the record, even ARPG are turn based, in fact most games are, they all run on some sort of timer with cool downs, just things don't wait for you to input commands.

2738d ago
rainslacker2738d ago (Edited 2738d ago )

No, Kingdom Hearts is an Action RPG. ATB is a real time menu driven game from FF7(possibly before, havent' played them in a while) until FFXIII. FFXIII was more action oriented with a useless menu, although you could set it to wait if you so choose. The actual battle continues from FFVII onward while you're making your decisions unless you turn on wait. Thus not true turn based, as turns are based on your stats and how fast your little meter thingy increases. Kingdom Hearts menu is used to do special things, but most things are assigned to button presses....a completely different game play system.

So again, I'd call ATB a psuedo turn based system. Time does not stop while you use the menu unless you select it. This is fact up until FFXIII, although it was still an option as I recall in that game. FFXV does it more action oriented, but my contention with your comment is comparing it to prior games based on something that was never the case without actively changing the default option to "wait"....which essentially did make it into a turn based game.

The actual way you input commands is different in FFXV, I won't deny that, but again, that's not the problem I had with your comment, or the years I've read you complain about the game, only to even now, continue on without ever even trying to give it a chance to see if it's a good game, as if turn based is the end all be all of what makes a good Final Fantasy game.

I don't need to have an agenda for people to accept FFXV. It appears to be doing fine. People who feel the way you do are in the vast minority. I respect that you want something different, but at some point it's just not worth complaining about anymore, and maybe even worth giving it a chance.

If you can't accept what I say as true, that's on you, it doesn't make it rediculous. Tell me how what I said is wrong. Did time not continue in the older games unless you turn on "wait mode"? ATB is not a traditional turn based system. And hasn't been for a while. Sorry, but it's true, and that's the only issue I take with your comment, and that's why I called you out on it, because your reasons for disliking what is being offered isn't even based on what's been in FF since at least FFVII.

As far as my technical expertise, yes, FF, and many turn based games at the time had much deeper stat calculations which could not run in real time in action RPG's. It was a limitation during the 8 bit days due primarily to CPU/memory register sizes, and number of operations which had to be calculated at once. D&D in particular has a fairly complex stats system, and many JRPG's of the time used even deeper systems. This limitation hasn't been necessary since the 16 bit generation, but since turn based RPG's had been established as a viable medium, they stuck around until today.

But, with main title Final Fantasy games(which FFXV is IMO really just VersesXIII....a spinoff) they have always changed the ATB system to be more actiony. The basis changed a bit here or there, or sometimes a lot like here, and now with this one, it's a more radical departure.

But the big question is, would you have accepted this game as Versus XIII without all the bitching for years now? If so, what's the problem with just a name change?

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fiveby92739d ago

Yea I can't wait for the year 2026 now. ;)

BlahBlahWhatever2741d ago (Edited 2741d ago )

“Is FFXVI being worked on right now? and by who?”
FFXVI is only going to happen if XV does well

According to the game’s director Hajime Tabata, XV has to sell 10 million copies to count as a profit.

ROFL!!! hahahahaha... I can't stop laughing after reading that... :P
They seriously expect that 10 million people are gonna give their money to buy that uninspired, boring, generic turd that have split personality disorder syndrome & doesn't know wtf is it & for who it was made for?
GL getting those sales SE, you will definitely need it, but I suggest you to lower your expectations by a lot in order to not get disappointed as much later on, & it's certain that this is going to happen in the end.

2740d ago Replies(2)
TheFirstClassic2740d ago

Uhhhhh its already sold 5 million in one day...

Segata2739d ago

That was shipped not sold.

Mr-Dude2739d ago

So what? They have their money..

_-EDMIX-_2739d ago

@segata- shipped means sold.....

Did you think retailers just get free copies of FF on Square? lol Retail BUYS games, they then sell it for a profit of the difference. If it shipped 5 million, it means 5 million copies sold to retail, retail stores don't just buy up HUGE amounts of software for not reason, they base their orders on current sales. I used to work for Home Depot in receiving. I literally was at one point in charge of ordering what the departments needed based on metrics and sales volume.

When we would RTV something, it would mean return to vendor and the store would get a we are BUYING the items from vendors. If their crap isn't selling or worst, isn't working ,WE THE STORE get a refund, the vendor then loses money.

When you learn this, you then learn that shipped to any retailer is actually sold ie the vendor, in this example Square, is getting paid money for those 5 million shipments.

sdcard4gb2739d ago (Edited 2739d ago )

Yes, they do. And they will.
And I fully agree on the "uninspired, boring, generic turd that have split personality disorder syndrome & doesn't know wtf is it & for who it was made for" part.

MaximusTKG2739d ago

You quite obviously havent played it. No matter anyones opinion it is not a broken mess of a game. If it were it would be getting 5's and 6's on the regular. Go play it before you open your silly mouth.

Ricegum2739d ago

Lmao. It's so easy to identify people who have played it, and those who haven't.

This game is pretty outstanding. The scale of it is mind-blowing too.

Kingthrash3602739d ago

Lol so true...this guy hasn't even seen broadcasts or gameplay of this game if that's what these guys think. Smh

kevnb2739d ago

you see, reviews dont matter and some high profile reviewers seem to have really gotten it wrong this time. They keep going on about the main story as if its the only thing that matters in a final fantasy game. Final Fantasy does almost everything that fans wanted very well and its accessible to new players as well.

Sam Fisher2739d ago

Like your name implies, all i was reading from you was sh!+

_-EDMIX-_2739d ago guys are pretty clueless.

"They seriously expect that 10 million people are gonna give their money to buy that uninspired, boring, generic turd"

How about stop adding in your personal hate when trying to guess sales. I always can guess how a COD might do even with me no liking it. You don't need to like it to understand that it has a strong fan base bud.

I'm not even sure why anyone was betting against a FF moving 10 million when lots didn't like FFXIII and it moved 8...

Sorry but this isn't 20 years ago and FFVII. The install base of gamers is bigger and I very much called FFXV might end up being the current best selling FF beating out FFVII. FFXIII just wasn't it for them and that did HUGE sales.

Yet you thought FFXV wasn't going to do better? The deep, deep lolz. Dear god, stop adding your bias to sales. You can hate it personally, but leave that out of business talk bud, its just immature and discredits your points.

lunatic00012739d ago

is there any concrete sales on how much the best selling ff games old by nay chance?

2739d ago
cartoonx12739d ago

@EDMIX- no ship doesn't mean sold to consumer, yes square will have money for 5 mil but what about more? most big titles ship big most of time due to hype not just demand. it may sold all 5mil in a week and it may not for a year. still impressive but i was expecting more thn fallout tbh after those 10+ years.

ShockUltraslash2739d ago


You mad?
You triggered? #FeelsGoodMan

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ZaWarudo2741d ago

Will it depend on lifetime sales? Because i don't except the game to be selling 5 million+ overnight. The Final Fantasy brand has been badly damage.

pompombrum2740d ago

That's exactly what it did lol.. well not "overnight" but still impressive.

DarXyde2740d ago

And in that EXACT article that you linked, ZaWarudo has already stated that he was wrong BEFORE you posted this comment and even linked back to this article.

pompombrum2739d ago

^^^ Ah, didn't even notice that, fair play to the guy.

ZaWarudo2739d ago

It's all good. A day later i was proven wrong LOL. I'm glad i'm wrong, it seems the game turned out great.

_-EDMIX-_2739d ago

LMFAO! actually did.

Can you guys not stop exaggerating your stupid hate for a game as equating to DOOMS DAY in sales.

Didn't you guys do this crap with Battlefront? moved 14 million units...

Use logic bud, not personal bias and hate. I don't play COD, but I can't just say "COD brand has been badly damage" BASED ON WHAT SALES?

FFXIII MOVED 8 million units....many hate that game and it STILL MOVED 8 million. Please...use facts and logic, not you stupid hate.

TheFirstClassic2739d ago

I don't think this guy was making this comment out of hate, since he said he is glad it sold that much. Calm down fam.

Golden_Mud2739d ago

You are one cancerous human being, aren't you ? He already apologized for it AND he typed that comment a day ago.

AizenSosuke2741d ago

FFXVI will happen like 17,18,19....100.

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Here Are The Games Leaving PS Plus Extra & Premium In May 2024

Here are the games that will be leaving the Extra and Premium tiers of the PS Plus subscription service in the month of May, 2024.

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Community46d ago
gold_drake47d ago

crazy, glad i own the ones i wanted to revisit and play

ChasterMies46d ago

Absolver Downfall
Final Fantasy VII
Final Fantasy VIII Remastered
Final Fantasy IX
Final Fantasy X | X-2
Final Fantasy XII The Zodiac Age
Final Fantasy XV Royal Edition
How To Survive 2
I Am Dead
Last Stop
Moster Jam Steel Titans 2
My Friend Pedro
Sundered Eldritch Edition
The Artful Escape
The Messenger
This Is The Police
This Is The Police 2
World of Final Fantasy

Asterphoenix46d ago

Glad that I absolutely can't stand subscription services.

Petebloodyonion46d ago (Edited 46d ago )

I don't recall Sony forcing you to subscribe like nobody forced you to go to Blockbuster to rent games instead of buying them.

SonyStyled46d ago

Pay-per-view was almost cheaper than the cost of gas and rental fee from Blockbuster. Blockbuster doesn’t exist today. Are you being sarcastic?


Final Fantasy XV Review – A Royal Road Trip

Gary Green said: With my fondness for (most) Final Fantasy games and my side goal of finishing off games in my collection with loose ends, a return to Final Fantasy XV seemed inevitable. It also serves as my third Final Fantasy platinum trophy after VII and VIII, a reasonable substitute since Final Fantasy IX is nigh on impossible to master.

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Final Fantasy 15 director reveals why he left Square Enix, and announces he's working on 2 new JRPGs

Final Fantasy 15's director has revealed why he left Square Enix back in 2018.

Hajime Tabata famously resigned from Square Enix two years after Final Fantasy 15 shipped in 2016. In a special livestream at the time, Tabata announced his decision to resign from the company, cancelling three of four new story-focused DLC episodes for Final Fantasy 15 in the process.

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Knightofelemia178d ago

FF15 is like FF13 its subjective people either like it or hate it.

raWfodog178d ago

I liked it. I haven’t played the royale edition yet but I’ll get around to it one day.

gold_drake178d ago

no no, 15 wasnt trash.

15 had a tremendous difficult development.

FinalFantasyFanatic177d ago

I really believe 13 was better put together and more complete than 15 ever was.

EternalTitan178d ago

Found the pathetic troll.
How is your jobless life going?
Dot worry, you will never get a job or a girlfriend haha!

Hofstaderman178d ago

Man inherited a train wreck and was expected to release this game in under two years after it spent a better part of a decade in development hell. At one point there was even plans to make FFXIII Versus a musical. He did what he could.

TheColbertinator178d ago

I didn't care much for XV and I always wanted the original vision of Versus XIII but I think the dev team did what they could to salvage the project

Inverno178d ago

And yet people still blame him for the game turning out the way it did, rather than SE for the horrible mismanagement of 13 and Namura for being overly ambitious.

Dwarrior178d ago

Whatever the behind-the-scenes went on over the many years, at the end of the day it was a radical change in direction that I could not go along with. Also why I never bought 16.

gold_drake178d ago

this is also why Sakaguchi (spelling) left.