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Former ‘Donkey Kong’ King Billy Mitchell Loses Case Against Cartoon Network

Competitive gaming’s favorite heel Billy Mitchell has case against Cartoon Network tossed out by Jersey Judge.

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Community3122d ago
derkasan3122d ago

At least he's got his hot sauce.

dead_pixels3122d ago

You know, I've always wanted to try it for myself.

JMPetrequin3122d ago

"They said being the Donkey Kong King was enough...I should have listened."

gangsta_red3122d ago

I saw that episode of Regular Show (which is a hilarious show) and instantly knew who that character was a parody of.

dead_pixels3122d ago

I honestly feel that Regular Show is one of the best damn cartoons of all time.

gangsta_red3122d ago

Agreed. It has been consistently funny and creative whenever I watch it. Love how most episodes that gang does something that seems harmless but turns into something dangerously epic.

PurpHerbison3121d ago

Regular Show is great but not the best. It is best watched while waiting for other shows, such as Rick and Morty.

Android3122d ago

Damn! I never even made that distinction! Agreed, regular shows humour is right up my street.

-Foxtrot3122d ago

Cartoon Network is crap these days anyway...all the new shows now just rely on complete randomness like what Adventure Time started OR try to fill a show with culture references like Regular Show to be funny.

I miss the old days of Cartoon Network...hell even Nickelodeon and Disney.

They just aren't the same no more. Wouldn't mind if in the UK there was a channel dedicated to the old favourites but there isn't. Even late at night during 10pm - 5am the shows on are the same crap as through the day. Why not fill it with old school ones.

Kurisu3122d ago

Cartoon Network was my favourite channel as a kid xD

Johnny Bravo, Cow and Chicken, Ed, Edd and Eddy, Dexter's Lab...oohhhh, those were such simple times!

-Foxtrot3122d ago (Edited 3122d ago )

Yeah those shows or even ones further back like 2 Stupid Dogs, Freakazoid, The Jetsons, Johnny Quest etc

When they actually could tell a story without being completely random or full to the brim of culture references. That's not funny. I'm sorry but Adventure Time, Gumball, Regular Show are overrated as hell.

Shows today are so dumbed down...even become PC friendly in some places

gangsta_red3122d ago


I'm sorry but 2 Stupid Dogs, Johnny Bravo, Freakazoid Ed, Edd and Eddy were terrible shows, and when Dexter changed their animation and voice went down hill super fast.

"That's not funny. I'm sorry but Adventure Time, Gumball, Regular Show are overrated as hell."

Adventure Time is a shadow of it's former self but Gumball, Clarence, Regular Show and even Steven Universe are some of those most creative, hilarious and smartly written cartoon shows I have ever viewed on television that's geared towards kids.

SUCKxITxEZ3122d ago

cow and chicken kinda sucked tbh. there have always been crappy cartoons, we just dont remember them as well because they sucked. You just miss being a kid because trust me, you had just as many shows based on complete randomness in the 90s/00s.

-Foxtrot3122d ago

"and smartly written cartoon shows I have ever viewed on television that's geared towards kids"

lol...really? I don't think so

"I'm sorry but 2 Stupid Dogs, Johnny Bravo, Freakazoid Ed, Edd and Eddy were terrible shows, and when Dexter changed their animation and voice went down hill super fast"

Still better then the crap we have today. Most stuff wasn't based on just randomness but actually had a plot most of the time.

And that's not nostalgia talking. Going further back to the old Scooby Doo Cartoons or the Flintstones and they are still good compared to the crap most kid channels spit out today

babadivad3121d ago

I will give you Dexter's lab Powerpuff Girls, and Ed Edd and Eddy. But gtfo with cow and chicken. That show was ALWAYS trash. Regular Show and Gumball are probably the funniest cartoons out there right now. Somebody said 2 stupid dogs, that shit was lame AF even when I was a child. Catdog was shit as well. Courage the cowardly dog and Foster's was pretty clever as well*though that one is kinda new*. Point being, there were crap shows back then as well as now. Spungebob sucks, Chowder is clever and funny.

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gangsta_red3122d ago

Going to have to disagree. A lot of shows on CN (Nick, Disney) tell some very good stories with witty and smart humor. Yes, some shows are completely random and others have gone completely off the tracks recently (Adventure Time).

But they're hit or miss just like shows of yester-year. You can't let nostalgia cloud your vision.

CN (Nick, Disney) used to have a lot of crap cartoons too all those channels have gotten way better with shows that are actually watchable.

SUCKxITxEZ3122d ago

One of my coworkers is a total nostalgia whore and swears by all the crappy old disney shows from the early 2000s. He also argued that he'd rather lose his sense of hearing than his sense of smell, so il let u judge his intelligence.

-Foxtrot3122d ago (Edited 3122d ago )


Disney shows today are even cheesier then what they were. Live action ones especially. Dinosaurs, Honey I shrunk the Kids, Home Improvement are better then some of the god awful cheesy kid crap Disney has today

Even the animation ones were better back then. House of Mouse, the Disney films TV shows like Aladdin, Lloyd in Space, Recess etc.

Android3122d ago (Edited 3122d ago )

I'm kinda old school, and I can tell ya Gumball is too hilarious! The humour and jokes eludes to the writers being from my era. Same goes for regular show. They take me back to my early youth days!

DragoonsScaleLegends3122d ago

I agree all of these channels are just a shell of what they used to be.

scark923122d ago

Didn't they used to play old school cartoons late at night? I wonder if its the same where I am...

-Foxtrot3122d ago

They used to.

In the UK you used to have this program called "Cartoon Cartoons" late on at night. It used to have Ed, Edd and Eddy, Cow and Chicken, Courage, Samurai Jack, Grim and Evil etc but now when you click onto it it's the same shit you get through the day. Adventure Time, Uncle Grandpa, Regular Show, Gumball etc.

I mean what kids who watch those shows are going to be up that late. You may aswell show the older ones. Nothing like sitting down and looking back at some of the old cartoons you used to watch.

Closest people get these days is the odd Looney Tunes, Scooby Doo Where are You and Tom and Jerry.

Lighter93122d ago

You don't have the Boomerang channel I take it.

iceman063122d ago

THAT is the place for the true old school cartoons!!!

Skate-AK3122d ago

I hate the new branding they gave Boomerang. They are slowly phasing out the old cartoons.

-Foxtrot3122d ago

The UK does but unfortunately the Boomerang we have is filled with crap like Cartoon Network aswell

Even instead of Looney Tunes, Scooby Doo or Tom and Jerry we get the new versions of those shows.

Our Boomerang is kind of pointless actually.

gangsta_red3122d ago (Edited 3122d ago )

"Still better then the crap we have today.'

Hahaha, well then we are going to have to seriously disagree then.

"Most stuff wasn't based on just randomness but actually had a plot most of the time."

Like what exactly? Today's cartoons, in fact almost all of them have an overall story that covers a whole season. Way different than the shows you mentioned.

"try to fill a show with culture references like Regular Show to be funny."

And cartoons like Flinstones, Jetsons and especially the old school Loony Tunes did nothing but this back in their day. In fact Loony Tunes and MGM cartoons were made famous because of their parodies of then famous actors of that era. Even Freakazoid, Animainiacs and Tiny Tunes tried it when they were out.

I think you are blaming these new cartoons for doing the exact same thing that cartoons have been doing since the dawn of time.

If there is one thing to complain about it's the ambiguity of these cartoons and how they are now not geared to any specific gender. I find it troubling how these networks don't want to cater shows to just boys or just girls anymore. I guess it's silly to complain about that but I loved shows that were testosterone filled and violently made for boys.

Like Lighter said...the Boomerang channel plays all the old school cartoons. But I would like to know where I can find all the MGM, Loony Tune cartoons UNCUT.

iceman063122d ago

It's VERY difficult to find the Loony Tune cartoons fully uncut. Even the compilation DVD's don't include many of them. I still remember an episode of Tiny Tunes where the gang got drunk off a beer. It was hilarious....and only played that ONE time (to my knowledge).

gangsta_red3122d ago


Shhhhhh...never teach the Wu-tang!

MicrosoftMackin3122d ago

I disagree I like both Tom cat,cat dog angry beavers and Rocco's modern life for examples and modern cartoons like regular show,gravity falls,Stevens universe are better to be honest with a actual and continuing plot which get referenced throughout they're stories. Just approach new shows with a open mind and maybe you'll understand the jokes(don't know your age so..maybe to old? or to stubborn lol)

-Foxtrot3122d ago

" which get referenced throughout they're stories "

Yeah because that makes a cartoon good alright ¬¬

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The Mario vs. Donkey Kong demo just hit Nintendo Switch.

Guess I know what my kids and I are playing tonight! Looks just our speed. (They sure as heck aren’t playing Sony’s stealth-dropped free Silent Hill.)

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World's largest Donkey Kong arcade game to debut at The Strong Museum

After a collaboration with Nintendo of America, the Strong Museum has managed to build the world's largest Donkey Kong arcade game machine.

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gamefreaks365428d ago
Snookies12426d ago (Edited 426d ago )

Is it the Seth Rogen version? Oh wait, that's part of the season pass, isn't it?


MAR10 Day: 10 Games To Play Before The Super Mario Bros Movie

It's Mario Day! Celebrate with these ten Mario games referenced in the upcoming Super Mario Bros. Movie!

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