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Hatred: Ban this filth

The GameOnDaily crew have a debate over whether Hatred should be banned

[Note- contains some NSFW language]

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Bansai3512d ago

"Ban this filth" - ahhh, gaming "journalism", you never cease to disappoint.

I'll be buying this day one, just to piss of SJW.

Rimgal3512d ago

So for you having a different opinion equals SJW?

I might not agree with the guy, and I think people are overreacting over nothing. But I do not label other people just because they have a different opinion than me.

Conzul3512d ago

Same here, Day 1.

Love how because someone has a different opinion than you, that it automatically makes the content of their opinion unassailable.

Opinions are like a-holes. Everybody has one.

TFJWM3512d ago

I don't buy games to piss people off...I will not say I will buy/not buy this game but I need more then what they have shown so far.

rocketpanda3512d ago

I just don't listen to any side of this playground argument. Make up your own opinion and decided if you want to spend your earned money on or not, not just to piss off some group for whatever reason you think is valid.

Mankey3511d ago

Funny thing, these day many people are so quick to say "I'm offended" or "This should be banned, because it offends me." But what is being offended? Essentially, as it's most base level, it's being in a state of discomfort.

I wonder if any of these people who seem to get offended by things have ever considered the idea that maybe, just maybe, it's a good thing that they are offended. Maybe, being out of your comfort zone isn't such a bad thing. Maybe if you weren't so busy preaching how you don't like your sensibilities and your understanding of the world being challenged, you would be able to learn a thing or two.

But hey,
dats just me doh.

aliengmr3511d ago

Spite purchasing? Really?

Yea yea, don't ban the ridiculous game, fine, but purchasing a game even partly based on other's reaction to it, further proves that gamers are awful consumers.

We are slaves to marketing to such a degree, that we actually attack anyone that disparages the games we love.

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d0x3603512d ago (Edited 3512d ago )

In have absolutely zero intention of ever playing this game but I will fight tooth and nail for its right to exist.

Once you start banning never stops and soon before you know it everything is banned because everything offends at least someone.

Catdawgg3512d ago (Edited 3512d ago )

Couldn't agree more. We, as gamers would be kicking ourselves if we start completely doing a 180 on our plea for games not to be censored or banned. i won't support this game for a few reasons. First but not even most importantly because they seem to be glorifying mass murderers and that puts a bad taste in my mouth. but more importantly its not even creative! Other games may have the option to kill random civilians but at least the entire game has an end goal and plot. This game could have been good but the developers copped out and decided to be edgy and stir controversy instead of creating an original experience.

Having that said, you'll never see me signing a petition to ban or censor it. Even though it seems like they're trying to push the limit with this game, almost asking for it to get banned or something, it would be the start of an awful path of censorship that will effect everyone who plays videogames.

3-4-53512d ago

I would never play this game. It just doesn't appeal to me at all, but if that is what the dev's want to make then so be it.

Nobody is forced to buy it. If nobody buys it they will be out of business soon or be forced to have to tone it down a bit.

If you don't like it, speak with your wallet.

CaptainObvious8783512d ago

People that think censoring is acceptable because they're offended: ban these filth.

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Majin-vegeta3512d ago

Don't like it?Don't buy it.

I dont like cigarettes but you dont see me going a crying spree asking for a ban on them.

Thatguy-3103512d ago

Exactly!!Even though I don't like the game and find it offensive I am in no position of controlling what people can and cannot make. Just like I have the right to hate the game and the people that make I think others have the right to think otherwise.

Gazondaily3512d ago

Tell me something. If a game came out where you go around raping little kids would that be okay?

How about if you could go and find a little baby in a pram, put the gun in its mouth and pull the trigger? Is that okay?

Tell me how the "don't like it? Don't biy it" excuse would work here?

Its not a crying spree, its about understanding the value of responsibility in this medium instead of diluting the issue down to, "if you dont like it don't buy it".

SuperDan-Dare3512d ago (Edited 3512d ago )

Strictly speaking you rape a kid in Southpark with a massive anal probe. Or you were meant to. Censoring in the uk/eu sorted that out sadly.

Xsilver3512d ago (Edited 3512d ago )

they are movies were kids get raped soooooooooo yeah but hey i don't complain about things that don't affect me.

Bimkoblerutso3512d ago

Well, the trick is to have a little faith in the human race, melodramatic as that sounds.

The vast, VAST majority of people out there thankfully would not really ever want to play games with that kind of crap in it, so the ones that are literally created for shock value almost always die with little attention given to them outside of their initial controversy.

"Banning" is not the right course of action because it's such a slippery slope. Let the public's disinterest and disgust do the "banning" naturally.

Jyndal3512d ago

Dude, it's an art form, and art is sometimes dangerous.
Learn to accept that which offends, or you will live a life of constant anger and outrage.

If consumers don't purchase it, then the medium won't gain traction, and that will be the end of it.

For myself, I'm SO buying it!

Thatguy-3103512d ago

The material in the game is trash and wrong. By defending it beign released I don't change my view towards it. All that you mentioned is wrong but if someone sick wants to make something like that then let them do it. The controversy is what make these games the talk of the town up until release. Let it release I assure you that it won't sell a lot and the game will be forgotten in no time.

Gazondaily3512d ago

"More importantly, what does it say about you and your own mind when you bring up raping little kids and killing babies in a "thread" about a game where "adult" AI NPCs are killed"

Lol wtf? What it says about me is that I have the ability to take a scenario and push it to the extreme to make a point. Somehow you've the idea that for someone to even formulate a thought like that means there's some personal link to it? Lol right...

Also, interestingly, people in the official Hatred forums are asking for mods to allow babies, pregnant women and kids to be killed. No lie. Go check it out (you have to register to see the posts).

Conzul3512d ago (Edited 3512d ago )


As backwards as Septic's logic is, yours is even worse. Also Ad-Hominem is arguably worse than Red Herring. Don't be a sophist.

Your bringing up a game where one goes around "raping little kids" is utterly irrelevant. You are trying to marry the arguable indefensibility of such a game with the arguable indefensibility of a murder-spree game. Apples and Oranges.
Also you, and MOST others, have proactively determined that this game has no redeeming story/twist/theme that might make it more than a murder simulator. To borrow the common tween retort, "Where did YOU get a TIME MACHINE?"

You are just as bad as Sarkeesian berating Watch Dogs for its sex-slave scene, purposing to look no farther than the surface, ignoring the possibility of greater effects/themes at play.

coolbeans3512d ago (Edited 3512d ago )

The problem I have with the examples you're bringing up is that you're now moving goalposts and not discussing anything that's been shown to be in Hatred (thus far), which to me...only reinforces the slippery slope arguments others have made in the past regarding this whole kerfuffle. Your first example has already been handled by many courts in the Western World. In the US (and I'm sure many other locations), child pornography is already considered a free speech exception.

"Its not a crying spree, its about understanding the value of responsibility in this medium..."

While I do adhere to a similar philosophy in that games as an art form does put them on an equal playing field as any other medium--in both its praises AND criticisms as some seem to forget, the best way to go about appealing for that sort of responsibility is through individual assessment and response. Deliver your own set of criticisms of the game's artistic expression and inform others on why you challenge it. Having it not only be something you abhor but also ensuring that it doesn't exist just puts us back in the same fights made during the 90's.

What's the strangest thing about this whole 'ban it' controversy for Hatred is how this is where some are drawing the line when we've had past games display this level of glorifying violence before.

Omegasyde3512d ago (Edited 3512d ago )

Septic go play grand theft auto and then tell me the difference and which is worse.

Your argument is moot.

d0x3603512d ago

No I would not buy it and I wouldn't want anyone else to buy it either and considering it would be child porn it would be illegal so NOBODY could buy it.

I see the point you are trying to make but you went the wrong way. Any argument can be made when you take it to absurd extremes so please...never ever argue again, you are bad at it

thorstein3512d ago

Nice use of slippery slope fallacy. Care to add any other argumentative fallacies while you're at it?

How's this, you don't have the moral authority to decide what I can and cannot partake.

Dirtnapstor3512d ago (Edited 3512d ago )

Agreed Septic. I think many people are completely missing the point here. This says a lot about the downward spiral of the society we live in. Depravity.

Lets make a game about strangling puppies and dismembering kittens; how many alkaseltzers will it take to suffocate a seagull? These gaming themes would raise hell...but not senseless human murder...that would be artistic freedom, right?

How many snuff fans, huh?

CoLD FiRE3511d ago

Well, it depends. Is the gameplay good and fun?

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donthate3512d ago

Actually, I don't like cigarettes and I would like to see them banned. Why?

Because when people smoke them in public it affects me and others health. It also cost tax payers a lot of unnecessary cost.

However, I do not think we should censor "hatred", but frankly I have no idea what kind of game it is.

KrisButtar3512d ago

If this game was about killing zombies instead of humans no one would care, why should killing humans be taboo?

Hatred is all fiction not like the "Super Columbine Massacre RPG!" which is based on the true events. That's where you should draw the line. Keep it fiction not nonfiction.

Gazondaily3512d ago

This is basically like the Columbine massacre rpg except that it isn't linked to those events. It serves no purpose. Just kill everyone. What kind of narrative is that?

Nitrowolf23512d ago (Edited 3512d ago )

it exists for the same reason all those slasher, taboo films that directors make. Cause it has an audience. I'm not saying this game isn't wrong or anything, cause that's my view, but I can't be a hypocrite about it if I play games like GTA, which has the same thing in terms of killing civillians.

3512d ago
Dirtnapstor3512d ago

@Nitrowolf & LogicalReason

Help me out then. Is the point/objective of GTA and most current FPS's to kill innocent bystanders?
Wouldn't it be safe to say there is a degree of a moral code in most games, books, movies? Good vs evil. Or in some cases, the lesser of two evils? Even villains have a code.

I'm not one for censorship, but there is really no excuse for this type of game.

KrisButtar3511d ago

This is nothing like that game.
In that game as you got furthering into it, it actually showed photos of the students and of the family members of the students who died.

Whats the narrative you ask but no one knows as its not released. Could be a spoiler but if this game was killing mass amounts of zombies or monsters of some type there wouldn't be an issue.

I think that if they wanted to swap out zombie pixels to innocent people pixels so be it. Would you have the same problem with the game if the innocent were replaced with zombies? No I doubt it, you wouldn't be asking about the narrative then would you? I don't see the big deal. It wouldn't be a problem if it were monsters so why should it be a problem with anything other kinda of pixel?

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Mulletino3511d ago

Have the lines really been that blurred between murder and combat? That kind of scares me... The difference between hatred and gta is that killing innocents in gta is an option while in hatred it's the whole point of the game. In gta I can chose not to kill innocent people while they beg for their lives and in hatred it's been portrayed so far that I have to. I know these are "lines of code" but that's not the argument here and I personally wouldn't play it and I personally think that It can negatively affect someone who might be on the fence about doing something like this. But by all means feel free to make it, that's your right as an American.

KrisButtar3511d ago

My impression of the game is that the whole game plays out like one of those GTA or SR "rampage" missions.

SuperDan-Dare3512d ago

The whole shooting civilians has been done. Let's not forget the airport chapter in modern warfare 2 and those who are a bit long in the tooth may have played the controversial game - Postal 2.

Hoffmann3512d ago

I remember the time when Mortal Kombat, Doom and even Populous were controversial :-)

uth113512d ago

Populous? Why, because you play God essentially?

I don't remember any controversy around it though.

SuperDan-Dare3512d ago

That's true! I remember some of those later levels in doom being messed up. Looking back, it's nothing really. Soldier of fortune was another dodgy one.

SaveFerris3512d ago

I wonder how far the developers of the game will go to 'push the boundaries'?
Children, minorities and animals should be included in the game if the developer wishes to make a statement with "Hatred'. Don't be half-hearted with your ideas.

Still, I doubt this game will end up on consoles. Sony, Nintendo and MS won't want to upset the majority of their customer base.

Regardless of my thoughts on the game, I should not have the right to deny another person of legal age his/her choice to get the game either, and neither should anyone else.

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Controversial "Adults Only" Murder Simulator Hatred Is Coming To Nintendo Switch

A game about killing people.

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NecrumOddBoy1516d ago (Edited 1516d ago )

This game was just gratuitous violence. I don't know why it was rated AO. It's no worse than a GTA killing spree, Hotline Miami, or even the 'No Russian' COD mission. Reminded my of a weaker Dead Nation except no zombies.

FlyingFoxy1516d ago

And we have highly sexualised Japanese games like Senran Kagura which are often either borderline, or practically straight up soft core.. and not even rated AO, some even rated lower age than GTA!

Makes you wonder what's wrong with the ratings systems overall tbh, potentially exposing kids to all kinds of nasty stuff.. but then that's more the parents fault anyways, and the upper age ratings are definitely nowhere near kid friendly, yet you still get little kids playing certain things they shouldn't be.

StormSnooper1515d ago (Edited 1515d ago )

Sex should not even be an issue. Violence, on the other hand, should have restricted access. I don’t know anything about this particular game, but sounds like the difference between this and GTA is that GTA is a game about mafia, so violence itself isn’t the lure of the game. It’s telling a story. But a game about murder, is a game centered on murder as the selling point. I Don’t know, I see a difference here.

1515d ago
StormSnooper1514d ago (Edited 1514d ago )

We are confusing a number of issues here:

1) I think we all agree that any outright censorship is bad.
2) violence does in fact have negative impact on young kids.
3) as a matter of public welfare, some things are not better left to the unchecked discretion of people, in this case parents. This is why we all obey traffic laws.
4) while the right to raise your children how you see fit is a fundamental right, not all parents know how/are able to raise their children in a proper way, and the rights of the child and society should also be considered. Unfortunately, while we get a manual with everything, and attend classes for things like driving, a child does not come with a manual and no classes are offered to parents about how to raise a child.
5) there is a strong interest in protecting those in our society who do not have a means of protecting themselves. This includes children who cannot protect themselves from bad parenting.
6) we do in fact have experts in every field, both inside and outside government, who have dedicated their lives to specific fields, and DO know more in that subject than the general public. (To argue otherwise is called anti-intellectualism, which is a major problem in our society today, i.e. flat earthers)

Therefore, we should have regulations that guide parents, and also prohibit them from allowing their young to engage in activities that are either damaging, or have the propensity to derail their development into functioning positive members of society.

Lastly, the issue of politicians using video games as a means to seem tough, is an altogether separate problem as these individuals should not be allowed to take the reigns from experts on matters of public policy without scientific support.

PurpHerbison1515d ago

I guess the biggest difference here is the goal of Hatred is to murder where as GTA isn't all about killing sprees, Hotline Miami is too cute to be taken seriously, and COD isn't all about wiping out Russians. Best comparison is probably Dead by Daylight where 50% of the game is being a serial killer trying to kill survivors in gruesome ways and it is only rated M.

Kostche1515d ago

shooting and killing people is shooting and killing... dont matter what form it is

1515d ago
CptDville1515d ago

Have you ever tried Manhunt? It was quite disturbing when launched.

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Tetsujin1516d ago

I'm surprised Switch is getting this and PlayStation/Xbox isn't. The game was basically Postal with better graphics and more realism.

LOGICWINS1515d ago

I'm not. Sonys the one that's been caught censoring anime bikini girls. Nintendo has been vocal about being against censorship.


REALAS1515d ago

Haha. Only with the switch, because money. Nintendo has censored more games than anyone.

Segata1515d ago

Nintendo will censor their games but not 3rd parties. That's what tey said since few will click any links.

MadLad1515d ago


So only with either company's most recent consoles? The ones most relevant here in 2020?

REALAS1514d ago

@ Ted
I just find it funny that people make it seem like Nintendo has always championed non censorship. They have only relaxed their stance to deliver to their shareholders. Good for them, I guess.

MadLad1514d ago


What I think you're noticing is people going at Sony, because they have been the censorship kings of this generation.

I've never seen people voicing Nintendo's anti-censorship stance, because they've obviously been bad with that in the past. But we're talking about now, and Sony is the one always seen censoring content nowadays.

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Activemessiah1516d ago

Brace yourselves for the incoming bitching about this by journalists.

NecrumOddBoy1515d ago (Edited 1515d ago )

Or more likely: "Best on Switch - 10/10"

QuePasa871515d ago

Hmm I wonder if some retail outlets will refuse to sell it

Kabaneri1515d ago

Every open world sandbox game is Hatred for me.

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5 Titles That Critics Hated but Gamers Loved

A look at five games that gamers loved but most critics hated.

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iofhua2362d ago

Advent Rising is another good example. It got panned by critics but it has a good story and I enjoyed playing it. The graphics are dated, the enemies all look the same, but it was made in 2005 so what do you expect? I wish they made the sequel so I could finish the story but I think the critics killed it off.

2362d ago Replies(1)
Aaroncls72362d ago

I don't trust critics.
I'd value more the feedback from a random user.

nommers2361d ago

I seldom trust gamers or critics anymore. A lot of times high scores just mean how likely you are to enjoy something from the game, but rarely anything about how much you would enjoy said things, or whether the highly preferred type of qualities in a game you’re looking for are even in it. My initial gut feeling of the premise of a game is usually all I need.

quent2362d ago

Silent Hill: downpour another example

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Shock Value Alone Won't Sell Sh*tty Games

Joanna Mueller writes: "Since the 1980's, video game advocates have been arguing for the protection of games as a medium of free speech. Frankly, I consider myself in that camp, but just because a game can push against the boundaries of common decency doesn't mean it should. Especially if the developer is just hoping to ride the wave of pearl clutching controversy to the bank."

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garyanderson2831d ago

Nothing wrong with pushing for controversy, but the game still has to be worthwhile. Lots of games in the 90s showed that.

ShaunCameron2831d ago

Because the novelty will eventually wear off and the audience will eventually wise up.

2831d ago
Cy2831d ago

So what? If there's a market for something then why should anyone care if it gets filled, as long as it's not something illegal? You can dislike so-called "edge lord" games all you want (in fact, you can like or dislike whatever you want, full stop) but even if games like Hatred are just trying to take advantage of anti-SJW backlash to make a quick buck, the fact that they exist at all is important in a culture that's becoming increasingly puritan and censorship orientated. Art is supposed to push the envelope. It's supposed to make you think. And even if all a game makes you do is think about why certain people are so desperate to ban it.

Enigma_20992830d ago

Yeah, it makes me think WTF is this s***?

Skankinruby2831d ago

Sure seems to be working for gta

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