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With Gamergate, video game community an ugly place right now

The Fresno Bee's Rory Appleton discusses a very dark week in gaming.

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Abriael3514d ago

The only thing that's ugly is the butchered grammar in this title.

cleft53514d ago

Gotta love these attempts at a smear campaign for GamerGate. The thing is that it's not going to work. Gamers aren't going to feel a shame for wanting the gaming media to be more transparent and credible. As things stand now the gaming media has lost a lot of their credibility and now they are being exposed. This will not stop because some people attempt to portray GamerGate in the same fashion as a hate group.

003514d ago

you would think people who report on the game industry would know how gamers work, the harder they push the harder there is a push back. these journalists are living in there own little world and are about to get knocked back down to reality.

frostypants3514d ago (Edited 3514d ago )

Sorry man, but to the media at large, it has nothing to do with the gaming journalism angle and everything to do with misogynists sending death threats to female gamers and journalists. Why? Because that gets clicks and ratings. Blame the idiots making these threats...they ruined the debate and turned it into something else. It doesn't matter why the general public sees it this way or if it is fair...the point is, it does. Thanks to those idiots. The only way to regain control of the dialogue is to admit those guys are scum and throw them under the bus...then refocus on the journalism issue. Until then, nobody is gonna listen and everyone will unfairly label gamers as a whole. I know, it sucks...I'm just calling the situation as it is. The gamers side of this is getting its butt handed to it because of a few jerks.

grailly3514d ago

yeah, I really keep forgetting that gamergate is going on, I'm just reminded sometimes with articles like this one. The community really is as it has always been.

3-4-53514d ago

The worst that it's "gaming" sites, ripping on gamers.

Do they expect those same "gamers" to continue to go to their sites ?

* Journalists with NO skill take the easy road.

They never try and uncover the real truth, by asking questions.....they just try and create the truth.

Should be illegal honestly....

DragonKnight3514d ago

@Abriael: Disagree, you forgot the picture.

jc123514d ago

who gives a shat about this gamergate nonsense? Why do they keep pushing this crap on this site?

DragonKnight3514d ago

Yeah, who gives a crap about gaming journalism being corrupt, censoring and banning people without cause, calling all gamers every vile name they can come up with along with saying gamers are dead. Rabble Rabble Rabble.

TheShrew3514d ago

One day, you could write for a newspaper ;)

jc123513d ago (Edited 3513d ago )

@Dragonknight: I haven't personally seen a major problem with the objectivity of various game reviews, for the most part they seem fair(at least from major websites). Moreover, most games are reviewed by one journalist per site; as such, you're going to see a spectrum of scores as each game's level of enjoyment will be relative to said reviewer. There will never be - or at least it is rare - for a video game review to please absolutely every gamer; that's why its so important to read a variety of reviews from both professional and amateur sources.

Moreover, lets put this in perspective shall we; video games are just that, games. I think the bulk of our energy should be directed towards those media outlets that cover national/global events. Receiving a bit more objectivity - and a bit less of an agenda - in my morning and nightly news would be greatly appreciated from the likes of Fox, CNN, and MSNBC. These are real world issues, these are real world problems, these are not games...

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kingdip903514d ago

There is no way to differentiate between the gaming community, trolls looking for attention, trolls looking for lulz and people setting themselves up as victims to paint the other side negatively.

You can not say the gaming community is ugly as that communities opinion cannot accurately be described through all the fog and bullcrap.

#gamergate is a lost cause, there were some sneaky tactics used to poison public opinion on both sides, no one on either side will look clean and innocent again for a long time.

Sad really because the issue of gaming ethics could use some genuine discussion.

Stallion3514d ago

The only people who are saying #gamergate is a lot cause are people who haven't been keeping up with it.

The hashtag is as big as ever. It's starting to get mainstream media attention. And as far as accomplishments go, through emails and screencaps, pro-GG gamers have successfully gotten many sponsors to pull from websites that have been perpetuating this kind of behavior.

It's literally bigger than it ever was.

cleft53514d ago

I agree, the reason these attacks against #GamerGate continue is because it is successful and that success increases everyday. #GamerGate is being fueled by the truth and all the shady comments by outsiders want cover up the truth. Those who have been getting away with far too much are afraid of having their affairs looked into to closely so they attempt to smear #GamerGate. All this gets is them being scrutinized and most of those against #GamerGate aren't credible.

kingdip903514d ago

That is encouraging to read, unfortunately whenever I Google #gamergate it's always negative on the pro side. It feels very much like public opinion isn't on the side of gamergate.

People like to be heroes and will rush to defend those they see as victims.

Ironic really since the narrative of those victims is that women shouldn't be portrayed as defenseless in media yet cloak themselves in those willing to defend them.... but that isn't a part of gamer gate, the skewed way the media portray the issue definitely is.

Stallion3514d ago (Edited 3514d ago )

Mainstream media isn't on the side of GG. One could argue it's because of their limited knowledge on the subject. Objectivly, your support of GG vs your knowledge of the situation as a whole are directly linked.

Despite the media being against it, (HOT NEW FEMINIST STORY QUICK CONFORM TO THE LOWEST COMMON DENOMINATOR OF PEOPLE), the majority of people in the gaming community are for it. An anonymous employee from Microsoft (confirmed by reddit mods) told people to keep protesting, as GG has more industry support than you may think. Additionally, an anonymous female game dev (also confirmed) essentially confirmed what I'm saying.

kingdip903514d ago

I agree with your analysis of the situation the problem with that being in terms of audience. For sure gaming is huge but main stream media has a much bigger audience, sure not all of the readers care enough to get involved but the more hateful gamers are made out to be the more opposition we will face. It's a sorry state of affairs.

Discrimination at its finest, I hate that being a male gamer automatically labels me as a hateful sexist in the eyes of many, many people. People call them social justice warriors but really... what kind of justice warrior discriminates against one group in order to advance another?

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uth113514d ago

I think it would help if some people started an offshoot of #gamergate, with a name that's clearer and fixed mission statement about what it stands for and what it doesn't and then have people who know how to deal with the press giving the public face. It would make it harder to sidetrack the movement with silly smears.

Right now it doesn't seem like the movement has leadership and it's too easy for the press to paint some emotionally-disturbed kid sending out death threats as being typical of the movement.

Blacktric3514d ago (Edited 3514d ago )

If it had a leadership, it'd be ripe for the picking by the same exact people who condemn it, solely by attacking the supposed leader's personality and beliefs and projecting them onto #GamerGate.

And on the issue of "get a new hashtag!"; we've recently passed the 1.5 million tweets mark and managed to get Mercedes-Benz to drop their ad support for Gawker after they revealed their pro-stance on bullying on LGBT bullying awarness month.

We are achieving everything we want, including driving away the agenda pushing moronic SJW trust fund hipsters and pants on head retarded mainstream media that's always been against gaming...

Qrphe3514d ago

It's only ugly if you pay attention to it. The more attention you give it the more of a problem it'll be to you.

Tom873514d ago

Great article, I totally agree with you

annoyedgamer3514d ago

Try learning some 3rd grade English then come back with your nonsense.

Majin-vegeta3514d ago

At first I was gonna say maybe English wasnt OP first language but after seeing the source.Yup I agree with you. FresnoBee is the biggest newspaper here in Central Cali -_-

ScottyHoss3514d ago (Edited 3514d ago )

I would be surprised if the author knew A is for Appleton. Rory should have proof-read that story, then maybe he wouldn't write so poorly.

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Controversial "Adults Only" Murder Simulator Hatred Is Coming To Nintendo Switch

A game about killing people.

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NecrumOddBoy1511d ago (Edited 1511d ago )

This game was just gratuitous violence. I don't know why it was rated AO. It's no worse than a GTA killing spree, Hotline Miami, or even the 'No Russian' COD mission. Reminded my of a weaker Dead Nation except no zombies.

FlyingFoxy1511d ago

And we have highly sexualised Japanese games like Senran Kagura which are often either borderline, or practically straight up soft core.. and not even rated AO, some even rated lower age than GTA!

Makes you wonder what's wrong with the ratings systems overall tbh, potentially exposing kids to all kinds of nasty stuff.. but then that's more the parents fault anyways, and the upper age ratings are definitely nowhere near kid friendly, yet you still get little kids playing certain things they shouldn't be.

StormSnooper1510d ago (Edited 1510d ago )

Sex should not even be an issue. Violence, on the other hand, should have restricted access. I don’t know anything about this particular game, but sounds like the difference between this and GTA is that GTA is a game about mafia, so violence itself isn’t the lure of the game. It’s telling a story. But a game about murder, is a game centered on murder as the selling point. I Don’t know, I see a difference here.

1510d ago
StormSnooper1509d ago (Edited 1509d ago )

We are confusing a number of issues here:

1) I think we all agree that any outright censorship is bad.
2) violence does in fact have negative impact on young kids.
3) as a matter of public welfare, some things are not better left to the unchecked discretion of people, in this case parents. This is why we all obey traffic laws.
4) while the right to raise your children how you see fit is a fundamental right, not all parents know how/are able to raise their children in a proper way, and the rights of the child and society should also be considered. Unfortunately, while we get a manual with everything, and attend classes for things like driving, a child does not come with a manual and no classes are offered to parents about how to raise a child.
5) there is a strong interest in protecting those in our society who do not have a means of protecting themselves. This includes children who cannot protect themselves from bad parenting.
6) we do in fact have experts in every field, both inside and outside government, who have dedicated their lives to specific fields, and DO know more in that subject than the general public. (To argue otherwise is called anti-intellectualism, which is a major problem in our society today, i.e. flat earthers)

Therefore, we should have regulations that guide parents, and also prohibit them from allowing their young to engage in activities that are either damaging, or have the propensity to derail their development into functioning positive members of society.

Lastly, the issue of politicians using video games as a means to seem tough, is an altogether separate problem as these individuals should not be allowed to take the reigns from experts on matters of public policy without scientific support.

PurpHerbison1510d ago

I guess the biggest difference here is the goal of Hatred is to murder where as GTA isn't all about killing sprees, Hotline Miami is too cute to be taken seriously, and COD isn't all about wiping out Russians. Best comparison is probably Dead by Daylight where 50% of the game is being a serial killer trying to kill survivors in gruesome ways and it is only rated M.

Kostche1510d ago

shooting and killing people is shooting and killing... dont matter what form it is

1510d ago
CptDville1510d ago

Have you ever tried Manhunt? It was quite disturbing when launched.

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Tetsujin1511d ago

I'm surprised Switch is getting this and PlayStation/Xbox isn't. The game was basically Postal with better graphics and more realism.

LOGICWINS1510d ago

I'm not. Sonys the one that's been caught censoring anime bikini girls. Nintendo has been vocal about being against censorship.


REALAS1510d ago

Haha. Only with the switch, because money. Nintendo has censored more games than anyone.

Segata1510d ago

Nintendo will censor their games but not 3rd parties. That's what tey said since few will click any links.

MadLad1510d ago


So only with either company's most recent consoles? The ones most relevant here in 2020?

REALAS1510d ago

@ Ted
I just find it funny that people make it seem like Nintendo has always championed non censorship. They have only relaxed their stance to deliver to their shareholders. Good for them, I guess.

MadLad1509d ago


What I think you're noticing is people going at Sony, because they have been the censorship kings of this generation.

I've never seen people voicing Nintendo's anti-censorship stance, because they've obviously been bad with that in the past. But we're talking about now, and Sony is the one always seen censoring content nowadays.

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Activemessiah1511d ago

Brace yourselves for the incoming bitching about this by journalists.

NecrumOddBoy1510d ago (Edited 1510d ago )

Or more likely: "Best on Switch - 10/10"

QuePasa871510d ago

Hmm I wonder if some retail outlets will refuse to sell it

Kabaneri1510d ago

Every open world sandbox game is Hatred for me.

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Why Games, Politics and Podcasts Don't Mix

Boogie2988 recently appeared on the H3 Podcast, and before long the conversation turned to social issues and politics. Unfortunately for Boogie, the internet took exception and he once again found out that no good can come of this.

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-Foxtrot2169d ago

I like how Twitter took a 13 second CUT of an answer which made him look bad yet everyone rolled with it.

coolbeans2169d ago (Edited 2169d ago )

I mean...let's not pretend those clips are just devoid of context. He's literally doubled down on his argument of gays should wait to receive equal rights under the law until the country was just more comfortable with it. And, even if in the abstract, trying to tie 'videogame feminism' of Sarkeesian to what some violent alt-righter did in Charlottesville by PLOWING into a group of peaceful protestors is straight-up loony. Who cares if the interviewers just rolled with it? Doesn't defeat how absurd he sounded in some of those highlights.

NewMonday2169d ago

His bad analogy doesn't erase the fact Anita Sarkeesian is part of the problem, her ridiculous positions and assaults on anyone who disagrees with here feeds the Alt-Right, many of them are famous because of her.

coolbeans2169d ago (Edited 2169d ago )

By this logic who isn't part of the problem that has some kind of a public platform? This implicates basically any "SJW" channels as well, just b/c certain figureheads of that movement constantly produce response videos to the worst ones. "Oh if certain people just stayed silent they wouldn't inflame this destructive, opposing ideology." Having a more milquetoast composure didn't do much for her when she simply announced the Tropes v. Women In Videogames series, so I'm not so sure how much would've changed had she stayed that course.

Friendly reminder: the optics of this aren't really in your favor. Still trying to parse blame on someone who's just been unfairly connected to the traumatic death of another person? It's true you acknowledge that boogie made bad analogy; however, hand-waving that part away and then subsequently going "but..." isn't the best approach. It's kinda despicable.

NewMonday2169d ago

"Oh if certain people just stayed silent they wouldn't inflame this destructive, opposing ideology"

see this is the problem, I didn't say anything like that, but you shove me into it as to put pressure on me. why would you do that? can we argue within the boundaries of our comments please.

"By this logic who isn't part of the problem that has some kind of a public platform?"

Anita Sarkeesian is consistently bad, Boogie is no Alt-right nut but she turned him into an antagonist because she attacked him for disagreeing with her, and her followers constantly target him since then.

respectable discourse is not much to ask and will help her cause and ignoring it hurts

Cueil2168d ago

no... he's saying you need to take this in steps... you don't convince people on your point of view by shoving it down their throats... Only a person who is to emotionally attach to the problem can't see that.

coolbeans2168d ago


-What are you talking about? My "Oh if..." rebuttal is taking the inverse of what you just stated previously.

You: "her ridiculous positions and assaults on anyone who disagrees with here feeds the Alt-Right."

Therefore: "...if certain people [such as Sarkeesian] just stayed silent they wouldn't inflame this destructive, opposing ideology." Even if being condescending, that is not an unfair rebuttal to present against your first response, especially when taken in the context of that whole paragraph. Still within the boundaries, just to boundaries you're perhaps uncomfortable with.

-"Boogie is no Alt-right nut but she turned him into an antagonist because she attacked him for disagreeing with her, and her followers constantly target him since then."

I don't condone how she conducted herself after that discussion. But to my recollection: it seems like they had a short spat then things cooled off and they went their separate ways. I know nothing of what harassment and/or criticism he's received from her fans since then; however, considering how he recently made this Anita/Charlottesville connection (EVEN IF just to abstractly discuss the fears of political escalation) on a popular podcast I'd expect her fans to rage. Also, how much responsibility should she have for what her fans do--IF not directly commanded by her to target him? If we're going to go down that rabbit hole, then so too must you acknowledge every other anti-SJW/alt-right/etc. channel for its nastier fans targeting her as well. It's a two-way street in which neither side is sinless.

@Cueil just restated what I said in a different way, and it's still an ignorant take of how equal rights have been historically pursued. Read up on the Stonewall Riots for example. Countless parades and gatherings have happened since then, which has resulted in changes to law. Whether a large cluster of people are still uncomfortable with it or not, it's the principle that should matter. The argument for incrementalism was also something MLK faced from fellow clergyman back then ('we support equal rights for blacks but perhaps you shouldn't rile people up'). I think you'd find his response to that rather enlightening.

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DialgaMarine2169d ago

Games and politics definitely don’t mix. Just make good games. Stop trying to use entertainment as a front to push political agenda.

Omnisonne2169d ago

Agreed. I'm not against devs making whatever they wish though, they are free to create whatever. But if it has that peculiar scent of forced politics to it, I don't want a part of it.

fiveby92169d ago

I agree. Make what you like but don't be surprised that people don't purchase your product. I enjoy video games mostly for escapism. The last thing I am entertained by is some game director pushing their own moral code regardless of whether I agree with it or not. Sure they're free to make social commentary but don't be surprised when customers stay away.

kneon2169d ago

Since the dawn of man, entertainment in all it's forms has been used to push a political agenda, get over it.

RainbowBrite2169d ago

Wow that dude loss a lot of weight

DialgaMarine2169d ago

He’s still going too. It’s crazy to look at some of his older vids, and compare to even now.

Kabaneri2169d ago (Edited 2169d ago )

Yeah he had a stomach reduction surgery, good for him.

calactyte2169d ago

I love how the author of the article says that Boogie shouldn't talk about politics since he runs a youtube channel about video games, whilst simultaneously commenting on Boogie's political commentary on a website about video games. Hypocrisy at its best. Also, yikes, calm down before writing a rebuttal. It was really difficult to follow what he was actually trying to say. I had to read it twice and I still don't know. Also I'll never get those minutes back in my life again.

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5 Titles That Critics Hated but Gamers Loved

A look at five games that gamers loved but most critics hated.

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iofhua2357d ago

Advent Rising is another good example. It got panned by critics but it has a good story and I enjoyed playing it. The graphics are dated, the enemies all look the same, but it was made in 2005 so what do you expect? I wish they made the sequel so I could finish the story but I think the critics killed it off.

2357d ago Replies(1)
Aaroncls72357d ago

I don't trust critics.
I'd value more the feedback from a random user.

nommers2357d ago

I seldom trust gamers or critics anymore. A lot of times high scores just mean how likely you are to enjoy something from the game, but rarely anything about how much you would enjoy said things, or whether the highly preferred type of qualities in a game you’re looking for are even in it. My initial gut feeling of the premise of a game is usually all I need.

quent2357d ago

Silent Hill: downpour another example

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