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Sonic Boom to Use CryEngine and Release Date Revealed

Sonic Boom will be available in North America and Europe in November 2014, Nintendo has announced.

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Community3657d ago
Perjoss3657d ago

sonic boom eh? cheeky, in the next SF Guile will likely have a new move called the hedgehog punch.

sonic9893657d ago

not the best Sonic game it looks way too skylanders for me and its a slow game i mean not platforming puzzle solving slow but pace and combat slow which could kill any sonic game .
hopefully they do something about or mediocre reviews will hit it hard .

contradictory3657d ago

i love how you're rating a game that's not even released.
that's great.

sonic9893657d ago

there was a bunch of videos released for it .
and if you bothered yourself to read my comment i said i hope they do something about it before it gets released which implies i want the game to be something good .

ChickeyCantor3657d ago

"something about it before it gets released which implies i want the game to be something good ."

Implying it's a bad game.

MegaRay3657d ago

How is it hard for Sega to make a game like generations/colors/Adventure? Heck even Sonic 4 ep 1 and 2 is better.
Hope I am wrong really, I hope it turn out great. But till then ill keep replaying Generations again and again.

sonic9893657d ago

the sad part is i watched the combat section and it seems like sonic and knuckles are the same thing except of course different moves .
Sonic looked slow knuckles is OK .
the animation also needs work .

OtakuDJK1NG-Rory3657d ago


Not done by SONIC TEAM

Are you dense?

thehobbyist3657d ago

You can't judge a game based on early videos that are at less than 30fps because they were still in ALPHA stages. But I guess it's too difficult to hold your judgement until more videos are released with MUCH more complete builds. Seriously, wait until Sega shows it off at E3 when it'll be in a more polished state.

gjruk3657d ago

I love Sonic, but haven't enjoyed a single game since Sonic Adventure games, hopefully this revives that feeling.

voodoochild3463657d ago

I feel sorry for Sega that they have to deal with Sonic fans who are never satisfied no matter what Sega does.

sonic9893657d ago (Edited 3657d ago )

it seems like sega always take the wrong steps when making a sonic game with some exceptions like generations and colors .
also the reviews back my claims precisely.
from what i saw this game is no game of the year material remove those speed sections ( dull aniamtion ) and you have a tmnt game .
not expecting 9s or 10s from this game ( if it stays at this form doesnt get better with time honestly i really hope this game becomes something special ) .

sonic9893657d ago

play generations its a really great game .

OtakuDJK1NG-Rory3657d ago

then you missed out on Sonic Colors on Wii

XiSasukeUchiha3657d ago

Cool release date, and I'm interested of what can the CryEngine do to Sonic?

CouldHaveYelledUiiW3657d ago

1 Guile of Capcom should sue SEGA.

2 The game looks great, considering the CryEngine can't work on WiiU...
Hmm, Maybe it can.

3 What's the deal with these Scarfs? Sonic and Link.

4 I hope it is a good game, it looks good artistically- It's cool of SEGA to make an exclusive for Nintendo.

CouldHaveYelledUiiW3657d ago

Point no. 2 was sarcasm.
I forgot that I was on the Internet and people say things like that all of the time-
- and are serious.


Sonic The Hedgehog: 6 Classic Sonics We'd Love to See in The Movie's Redesign

Here are some classic Sonic designs that could replace the controversial original debuted in Paramount's latest trailer.

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Community1861d ago
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FallenAngel19841861d ago
SegaGamer1861d ago (Edited 1861d ago )

Just scrap the whole thing. Nobody wants a Sonic movie, especially the fans. Hollywood rarely gets game movies right.

PhoenixUp1861d ago

How can any studio executive look at the time tested and proven Sonic designs over the years and come up with that monstrosity

Just look how how the Detective Pikachu movie successfully adapts so many of Pokémon to the big screen to mostly everyone’s visual pleasure.

Why would you deviate from that? The blueprint is already in front of you!

jaymacx1861d ago

This is why it is important that a movie maker form their vision around the source material instead of having the source material conform to a movie maker’s vision. Hollywood usually does the later unfortunately.

FlyingFoxy1861d ago

Eh, people are going to find a way to bash it IMDB style no matter what. I personally rarely pay attention to those kind of sites since taste differs anyways.

chris2351861d ago

the only people who are goin towatch this is toddlers with their parents. no need to get too elaborated about this project.


Sonic Boom series: Not a Total Failure

The Sonic Boom series get a lot of flack from the Sonic and gaming community at large. And in a lot of ways that's very much earned. But not all is bad when it comes to Sonic Boom games if you're willing to step around (or forgive) Rise of Lyric.

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Community2474d ago
PhoenixUp2475d ago

The tv show is the best thing to come out of this spinoff franchise

lellkay2474d ago

The TV show is so good, way better than it has any business being.


Sonic Boom Can Finally Die

The Sonic Boom games have all been bad. Some gave Fire & Ice a shot, hoping for a revival, but things haven't changed.

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Community2805d ago
PhoenixUp2807d ago (Edited 2807d ago )

I hope Sega stops producing Sonic Boom games. The TV show is great though

-Foxtrot2805d ago

The TV series is just as bad

You want something to die for got to get rid of everything.

XisThatKid2804d ago

I'm into some pretty dumb shows but Sonic Boom is certain garage. There way to comedic relationship with Robotnik and Sonic friends is a deal breaker for me off the jump despite everything else wrong with this abomination.

SegaGamer2804d ago

The show is awful too. Everything surrounding Sonic Boom is just not what Sonic is. The Cartoon, the games, the voice actors, the character designs, it's all terrible.

wonderfulmonkeyman2804d ago

Knuckles should never have skipped leg day at the gym...

2804d ago
quent2804d ago

Kill It with acid, bleach and then fire