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Konami Announces Metal Gear Solid: the Essential Collection

Konami Digital Entertainment, Inc. today confirmed speculation that Metal Gear Solid ®: the Essential Collection is currently planned for the PlayStation®2 computer entertainment system. Now Metal Gear Solid fans have the final chance to fully immerse themselves in the Metal Gear Solid universe before the release of Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots.

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Blankman5964d ago

haha are you kidding me 30 bucks. Hopefully they make it fully ps3 compatible. I gotta play mgs again starting with 1

ruibing5963d ago

Yeah I know, I had to pay $30 just for MGS3 Subsistence. It's available now on Amazon for preorder. Available in mid March.

Kleptic5963d ago

Yeah I may grab it too...I own MGS2, and owned MGS...but let a cousin borrow it back in like 2000, and haven't seen it since...

I never owned MGS3 in any form though, just borrowed it from a friend...

either way though...this makes 2 cheap PS2 games that I will pick up...Twisted Metal: head on; extra extreme nuclear twisted volume edition should be in stores by tomorrow hopefully...will grab that right away...

spec_ops_comm5963d ago

For someone who has yet to play MGS1&2 :)

I can't even call myself a true gamer until I complete those games. I rented and beat MGS3 - and now I'm so glad I only rented it, as this package is PERFECT for me!

I got lucky here - not only will I have played the 3 games in proper storyline order (3->1->2), I'll get em brand new for $30.

Okay, I'll shut up now :D

fusionboxer5963d ago

And played them in the right order, but I can't wait for this package cause i'll be getting all 3 in mint condition, which I thought would be impossible unless I was willing to pay some major cash.

Also i bet there will be plenty of extras on the discs for some of the more hardcore fans.

ravinash5963d ago

Wo Ho!!! Count me in!
I was thinking of picking these up to get me ready for MGS4, so this is perfect!

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Yuprules5964d ago

That's $10 a game! Awesome, I really do hope it works with the PS3, but since the MGS 1 is for the Playstation 1, it might not work. Hence the "for the Playstation 2" written in the story.

rofldings5964d ago

Why wouldn't it work? As long as you have a BC model PS3...

Homicide5964d ago

Every PS3 sku plays playstation one games.

Yuprules5963d ago (Edited 5963d ago )

True, but is it 100% working? :)

rofldings5963d ago

Yes, PS1 games are 100%

PS2 games are 99% if you have an NTSC 60/20gb and like 85% (improving) if you have an PAL 60gb or NTSC 80gb.

Kleptic5963d ago

the discs will most likely be playstation 2 format...even MGS probably, although every PS2 will play PS1 who knows...but obviously the other games will be DVD PS2 software...

is it true though that even 40gigs can play PS1 games?...I know they can play software emulated titles, like those able to be downloaded...but if you put a physical PS1 CD-Rom into the drive, it will play it?...I thought the 40gig had no legacy PS media BC at all...just those put onto the store for download...

its times like this though that I am glad I bought NTSC 60gig...shouldn't have any problems...

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INehalemEXI5964d ago

Good deal ! I got the DMC , and GTA triple packs will get this one too.

pwnsause5964d ago

great deal, although I already have them all. XD

niall775964d ago

I need a new copy of MGS1.

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Analysis: What the Metal Gear Solid Series Teaches Us About Centralized Power

Fans of the Metal Gear Solid series can attest that there is no shortage of deep topics and criticism in their beloved games, many of which appear as recurring themes in each installment.

One of the more overlooked recurring themes is the criticism of centralized power and its consistent push for decentralization. In each game the message is clear: centralized global power by one government or organization is a major threat to world peace, more so than terrorism, political unrest, or economic instability.

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Bloodshedder5016d ago

i actually did good on a history exam from the cuba missile crisis and all that stuff, thanks to MGS 3 Sneak Eater

Orange5015d ago

did good? i guess you failed your english exam.


PS2 Titles in Need of HD Remakes

RespawnAction writes: "The God of War collection was released last month and offered an HD visual upgrade to God of War 1 and 2. This got me thinking about what other games could benefit from an HD remake. Remember the great titles you played way back when on the non-HD systems? Remember how great they were? Could you imagine how they'd be when played on your home theater setup in 720p? Or possibly full 1080p? If one of your favorite games doesn't make the list, please add it in the comments..."

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snipermk05280d ago

And if no BC, then I'd like to see Resident Evil 4 as a HD remake. :(

Serjikal_Strike5280d ago

but I'd still love to have ICO and SotC on bluray HD!
and the first 3 devil may crys!

theusedfake5280d ago

heck yes FFX, and I wouldn't mind getting
Persona 3 FES and Persona 4 in HD as well.

DatNJDom815280d ago

All the Metal Gear Solids. MGS2 and 3. Even MGS1. Fcuk it while your at it make MG and MG2 Solid Snake in hd. Yea I know they are 8 bit, but I wouldn't mind playing MG and MG2 in 8 bit hd glory. MGS1 with PS1 grafx in hd would be cool as well. Well, for me at least.

SilentNegotiator5280d ago

But they would run out and buy the Halo collection (On 2 DVDs of course) in a heart beat.

sikbeta5280d ago

4·RE DA (Think I'm the only one in Earth that love this game)
8·TM Black
9·J&D Series
10·Many more....

Mainman5280d ago

MGS2, MGS3 and ZOE2 rerelease for PS3 and I'm cool.

I never played SotC, so if Sony would rerelease it for PS3 I would go buy it.

Prototype5280d ago

DDR (all versions on one blu ray with every song available from the start)
Street Fighter Alpha Anthologies
Silent Hill 2
Namco X Capcom
Dark Cloud 1-2
GTA 3-San Andreas

There's a lot more but I can't think at the moment, Uncharted 2 online calling

Rumor5280d ago

well, basically just hit my two right on the head.

Black and Kh series FTW

FamilyGuy5280d ago

Only if those CGI scenes can be made HD as well and since they weren't able to with the GOW Collection what hope is there for FFX?

CobraKai5279d ago

I'd much rather have HD upgraded games than BC. I have a BC compatible PS3 and some games did not age well for HD.

rockleex5279d ago

If they do, they could just go back an re-render it in HD.

But it really depends on how much the original company takes part in the HD remake.

Santa Monica barely took part in the GOW collection, mainly because they were still working on GOW3.

rockleex5279d ago

Killzone and Black introduced the most realistic animations in FPS.

But Black beat Killzone, and every other FPS game during that era, in graphics.

PS: We need more Mech games like ZOE2.

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reintype5280d ago

The Xenosaga series, and Dark Cloud 1 and 2 plus Rogue Galaxy on 1 disc.

Redempteur5280d ago

i agree any PS3 hd remakes without ZOE is pure FAIL

kraze075280d ago

Agreed, but personally I'd rather have ZOE 3 than a remake of the first two.

Redempteur5280d ago

of course everyone would want to zero shift IN hd ...
KOjima is busy right now but he said he will make it ( zoe3 ) so if konami want a reassurance( given how many units the game sold in europe alone ) a hd remake might be good

Capdastaro5280d ago (Edited 5280d ago )

I would love to see GTA Vice City and San Andreas, remade with the GTA IV engine... That would keep me very happy for a LONG time.

gunnerforlife5280d ago

devil may cry 1 and 3(an 2 >_> ) in HD :)

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Google's New OS Runs On Metal Gear

Kotaku: In case you missed it, Google unveiled for the first time today their fancy new Chrome operating system. Why do we care? Because its debut trailer managed to sneak in a little Metal Gear, that's why.

Get to around the 1:49 mark of the clip and you'll see that somebody on the Chrome team likes their coffee. And their Kojima Productions crew. And we also find that Snake would be far more punctual, if only he subscribed to Google's particular brand of task management.

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pippoppow5310d ago

PC is an open arcitecture and is about time there will be an OS to compete against MS. Competition is good, right? Hopefully the days of MS' dominance in the PC OS arena will end soon. MS has gotten away with marginal improvements their OS for too long. I hope gaming becomes a focus and that Devs support both Windows and Chrome OS equally. Look at the competition between Nvidia vs ATI or AMD vs Intel. Competition has helped push those companies to new heights and will most likely have a similar affect with PC OS'.

darthv725310d ago

so what happened to linux all of a sudden?

I really would like to see more optional OS support for the "PC" segment. Being able to purchase a new PC with an OS of my choice would be nice. I would like a new Dell or HP but instead of windows I would like either Leopard or Mandrake or this new Chrome.

If cars can be made with options from color, interior, engine displacement and practically everything else...why can't a PC.

ezcex5310d ago

just build a pc yourself.

pippoppow5310d ago

but for the more tech savvy users. At least the last time I tried it a few years ago. Google Chrome OS is geared more for the mainstreram. Beautiful thing about the PC is it's customization and it would be nice to have another option other than Windows when buying a new PC. I'm sure Chrome OS will be cheaper to boot. I just hope PC gaming is a focal point which will help push the OS. I really want someone to duke it out nose to nose with MS. Kind of like when AMD first went against Intel. It's at least just another viable option. Yes options are great and it's the beauty of PCs.

Soldierone5310d ago

Omg I couldnt stop laughing, that is great! SNAKE BE ON TIME!

As for the OS if 7 didnt come out, id say this looked good. However its too basic and lacks the "looks interesting" display that 7 and Mac OS brought to their respective parties. I think Google needs to make it look better no matter how well it runs. To me its basically just google chrome the internet browser taking over your entire PC.