It's not that I love MS... It's that I like Sony less.
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Joined 22 Jan 2015 ( 3427d ago )
Last seen 2046d ago
Gender m
Location On my XBOX One
Birthday 13 Dec (184d left)

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Sony exclusives are not my style, and MS exclusives are. It's been that way since 2001. I don't mind being in the minority because their games make me happier than Sony's ever have. You don't have to agree, but should at least have the decency to treat people that aren't like you with respect when you post. Sadly, many people who post here still resort to childish name calling and mockery of someone for having an opinion that differs from their own. If MS doesn't interest you, just stay out of their articles and do something productive with your life... like play the vast array of exclusives you obviously prefer.