
CRank: 5Score: 13710

Because of this trailer August for me now is like xmas

5447d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


5447d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Just Shut the Fnck Up!

If you dont like the show... then Fnck you!
Its his opinion about gaming just like yours so stop the fncking drama you GamingFanaticDramatic piece of sh!t!

Too much drama in N4G against HHG. Since he start making negatives (but true) comments against PS3 all this hating wake up against him but funny parts is that those who praise him now hate him.

5448d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

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The Canadian and the Morganfell


5448d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Ok go pay a visit to Gamer Zone. Where is the N4G administration? This is why i bash this PS3 fanatics so much this is the reason why. N4G is just protecting this little b!tches. N4G you are a PS3 fanatics den! YES i say it the administration is doing nothing about them but when somebody (Pro Xbox 360, Pro Wii, Neutral Gamers) else leave comments like that they detete their comments and ban them. Is that fair? That is why this is more concurred by PS3 fony fanatics than others. They ar...

5450d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

No Rally Racing on Forza 3
No Nascar
No Formula
No Weather
Just only 400 Cars
2 Disc

Rally? Well when i played GT i never cared about the fake simulation on it and the Rally mode. Now when in Forza 1 & 2... there was no rally in it. Why should i care now? Why should i care about Nascar and Formula? Well if GT is a real sim im wondering can you work on your Nascar and Formula cars? you know like tuning like in real life and with real impact in ...

5450d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

Reasons why GT sold too many games in the past:

1) There was no competition NO Forza back in the glory days of GT
2) Not many Video Games (console) fans like now. (The video game industry is sellin more than the music industry.)
3) Xbox 360 owners and fans of Forza were fans of Gran Turismo serie too.

The only GT game that was and is better than all others is GT2. If you really are a fan of GT you wont say the contrary.

So im still waiting f...

5451d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment


well... i will buy it anyway :p

5451d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well i wanna see the reaction and opinion of PS3 Fanatics about this game because i remember that ( and there is a lot of evidence in N4G ) that this game and ARMA 2 was heavily bashed by PS3 Fanatics... a lot!


5451d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Can you guys please explain me with details why Gran Turismo is better Racing Sim than Forza? Please no B.S. and no Console brand fanaticism, please just put fanaticism out.

Lets see if you guys know about cars. Lets see if you know about platform and handling and how a tuned GT Car feels. Because apparently all you Forza haters knows about cars and racing driving.

Can you apply (REAL) settings and calculations on Gran Turismo games? because in Forza you can and hav...

5451d ago 1 agree7 disagreeView comment

Well for this ignorant's the sandbox will take more space on Xbox360 discs.

5451d ago 1 agree6 disagreeView comment

For a PS3 Fanatic YES
For the rest of the gaming community NO

When pressed about PS3 price cuts, Stringer was more direct. He explained that if Sony dropped the price of its console it would "lose money on every PlayStation (it) makes. How's that for logic?"

Well i remember that i receive a looooooooooot of disagrees when i commented the same thing here in N4G. But come on is N4G right? the den of PS3 Fanatics.

5451d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

If this looks better than Forza 3 then looks better than Gran Turismo also... right?

-"But, but, but nothing get close to Gran Turismo and Gran Turismo looks real XLiveGamer!"

Before you a comparison of a InGame screenshot (ABOVE) and a Real Life picture(BELOW) >>> http://i40.tinypic.com/27y0...


WOW by reading some comments and many others similar coming from PS3 PSN users in this and other articles about "Xbox Live Lag" i learn one thing... that their connections suck at Xbox Live. Suddenly their connections suck when they use xbox live. For me the time that ive been using live i never crossed between lag problems so my opinion is that... THEIR CONNECTIONS!!!!!!!! SUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And the most funny thing is that i spotted 3 PS3 Fanatics that in other ...

5452d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

"Yeah, the third is looking just on par with Gran Turismo"


Forza have always been better than all GT games and this is coming from somebody who was ADDICT to Gran Turismo 1-3 Specially the 2nd Gran Turismo. GT3-GTP are all B.S. GT2 was and is the best GT in the series till this day.

ALL OF YOU that comment that there is no other racing sim better than GT is because you have only played GT games AND THAT HOW IT IS DONT LIE NOW ...

5453d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment

1.9 - I'm a big fan of the original Splinter Cell titles...
And have to admit that this one is disappointing me. Sure it looks great and will more than likely play great but it is not Sam Fisher to me and seems to have taken the wrong path. I love the original and wish they would have done something more similar to that.

"but it is not Sam Fisher to me and seems to have taken the wrong path"

WTF?! Can u please explain me why? or are you a PS3 fanatic...

5454d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

@ pippoppow
4 - "As long as there are at least two competetive consoles out
Then things will be good. MS can leave for all I care. They brought with them faulty hardware, a pay to play scheme and lack of true exclusives which they can take with them if they leave console gaming. Maybe will give Apple or someone else who will respect gamers to a better degree to jump in"


5456d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

wow fanatics are just stupid

A tattoo in your body its a fncking stupid idea but now a tattoo of a fncking video game name its way stupid. NO MATTER WHICH ONE SONY PS3 GAME, NINTENDO GAME or XBOX360 GAME is just stupid.

5456d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

LOL! i remember when Microsoft give the Xbox 360 Fable2 + Halo3 bundle and all this Sony Fan boys Fanatics call it a desperation move, well... Who is desperate now? PS3 80gb with MGS4 + KZ2 two of the most overhyped and praised games on PS3 end up in a bundle for summer 2009. No doubt a price cut its near but this show right now how fnck up Sony is in their PS Division. To deny it is just ridiculous.

Sony this xmas if they end up like the last xmas THATs it 3rd place secured...

5456d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

wow everytime i read comments on Forza 3 articles i read a lot of desperation from GT fans... i have a question for you all Forza haters... WHY?

If you dont like the game and you believe GT5 its going to be better why the fnck you dont stfu jump on those PS3 or GT5 articles and stay there and defend you miserably god? Why you keep coming to bash Forza? you know what ALL of you the mayority of PS3 fanatics here are full of crap... I bet all my saving that you guys are lonely...

5457d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment