
CRank: 4Score: 7960

"Now, we have two different records all over the Internet."

Not only do they edit his comments in the interview to make him sound more intelligent than he truly is (that of a preschool child), he still doesn't have good grammar. Not only does he call a RECORDING a RECORD, but he says it multiple times. Someone post this n4g article on his website & e-mail it to him so he realizes how much he's hated.

5665d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

I don't think they'll remove the drive simply for one thing: piracy. How many of you right now have multiple user names on your PS3 so you can download your friends games he bought from the PS Store? My point exactly, they're going to have to do away with this which brings up another problem, what if you lose your game? Can you re-download it? Etc. etc. There's just too many other issues right now with no answers to be able to do away with the disc drive.

However, we still ha...

5665d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

he submitted his own story...lol.

5665d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I felt like reading your whole post.

Then I read the last sentence instead.

If Microsoft were right just this ONE time...why would they invite him to glamorize him for his achievement 2 days earlier? Doesn't make any sense to me... At the same time, what if multiple roommates play on 1 account instead of purchase 2 - 3 separate accts for 1 360? That means you've got 3 people playing simultaneously on one machine = more time played = more points.

5678d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Kojima Son for President!!!

5679d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

I'll enlighten you, I didn't disagree but I do actually disagree with you.

You can use your avatars to play games? Did you know that in Home you can use your avatar to play games, dance, converse, talk, make motions, emote, chat and type? Also did I mention you don't have to actually be playing a game within Home to do this, you can do them anywhere. Everything in HOME is interactive to put it simple. In NXE your avatar just sits there, you can't move him, you can't make face...

5679d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

30 people? We had 58 people doing it on saturday afternoon, he needs to do some research...

5679d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I didn't even know this place existed, Karate Kid Free online?!?! That's awesome I'm gonna have to start checking this site out on a regular basis!

5679d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Warhammer couldn't do it for one reason only, it's PVP. There's no dungeon crawling, it doesn't make you stay for a whole dungeon for a 2% loot drop etc. etc. The only thing WoW has going for it is the fact that you have to run a dungeon 7 or 8 times (raids are even timed to 1 a week), meaning you have to devote yourself to it. Warhammer doesn't make you do this, and PVP doesn't exactly lash out at casual gamers like WoW does (WoW has a lack of PVP).

5679d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It could be a pre-loaded controller with the software installed making it a closed processor. Can be done, was it done? Who knows, someone buy it and let us know.

Though I do believe the author wrote this wrong and should have said that the aim-bot and the turbo trigger were two different things..1 being a controller mod and the other being a software mod.

5680d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Wow, you didn't even read the first sentence, it has nothing to do with beating the game, it's about beating the record sales, the game experience, etc.

lol you actually made me laugh at you for being so stupid..

5680d ago 11 agree2 disagreeView comment

I disagree, the best graphics is simply that, THE BEST GRAPHICS. Not which game can perform the best on all graphical settings. That's ludicrous. The best graphics are 1080p as of right now and which game performs better, which looks better, which can go farther in the distance, which has screen-tearing etc. etc.

5680d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

If it's manipulating game play it's cheating. As far as modding your controller for quicker trigger springs etc. that's perfectly fine because you're not modifying the game play. The quicker trigger is not giving you a headshot.

As far as modifying your controller for "turbo" play, that could be considered cheating in a way. You're not playing the game it was officially made (aka it's not an automatic rifle, it's a singe-shot rifle). And with the aim-bot you're modi...

5680d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I didn't buy wrath for the simple fact that end-game content was completed by the 2nd day it came out. Where's the fun in that?

5680d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I just think its funny that he makes fun of the hair and people wanting to be japanese etc, but his avatar is an anime style hairdo portrait.

5680d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Why choose the console with more friends? This is a co-op game of 2 people, you and 1 other person. If your friend you really want to play with has it for ps3 but you have more friends on live then why get it for the 360?

Common sense, not so common these days.

5680d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm glad, I still can't figure out why Capcom stated PS3 can't do beta's awhile back when obviously it can and can do them easily but whatev.

On a side note, that fkn sledge hammer dude is BAD ASS!

5680d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I can't tell if silogon is cheering for the ps3 or the 360. He was cheering for the 360 earlier.

I find it funny how they bring down the house on the Wii and PS3 but don't mention the xbox :/

5680d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

"MGS is all CGI!"

That's awesome!!! So you mean when you can interact in every cut scene its CGI, meaning since it's interactive it's not a movie meaning the WHOLE game is CGI! OMG you finally proved that MGS4 has the best graphics since the whole game is in CGI running smoothly!!

Not to mention:
1) GeoW2 is all close combat everything is faded past a short distance.
2) MGS4 has steady framerate no matter how far into the distance you're looki...

5680d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Um...it's a modded controller, meaning you don't know whats inside it. Who knows, there could be some sort of processor in it now with a simple program to detect this stuff. Maybe some software beside the controller even, who knows, but it CAN be done.

5680d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment