
CRank: 5Score: 34130

How about the lease is up next year and yea, Sony better deal soon.

445d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

I can give you one that almost happened how about that? Now let's got back to the year 2019 and these events just happened. Sony just announced Deathloop and Ghostwire Tokyo as exclusives and they (Sony) were courting Bethesda for Exclusive Starfield. Let's not forget the additional context. A publisher needs to show they've worked exclusively with said Publisher before they can make a purchase of a Publisher. Sony was working Bethesda for a potential knockout of MS by taking o...

548d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

"This deal will be denied and the Xbox fans will cry foul without realizing how much harm this deal will do for the long-term of gaming community"

Question how does this benefit Sony? Do you really think Activision will do business with Sony if they (openly and they are!) try to destroy a deal clearly Activision wanted? Actually, I see Xbox gaining because after Sony's deal is concluded it'll be clear Sony has to go to Activision and Activision will make...

551d ago 0 agree11 disagreeView comment


Buying a license to a game still locks it up doesn't matter if you own it or not! Spiderman made sense and it was a good move for Sony but, don't think that (Sony) didn't remove a title that was multiplatform. Sony doesn't hide this they want exclusives just own up to it, Sony does. I wanta Play Spiderman or FF I buy a PS system. It's not rocket science. Now you have reason to buy an Xbox. Remember "Xbox has no games" atleast ...

551d ago 3 agree25 disagreeView comment

And you would be wrong from the start. Look up Spiderman for starters.


This can't be Spiderman is exclusive to Playstation? No it wasn't and it never was just like Final Fantasy. They (Sony) paid to keep the games on Playstation. It's ok its called a gaming market for a reason but don't pretend Sony'...

551d ago 8 agree33 disagreeView comment

Looking at GOTY on VGA this year. Can you feel it??

941d ago 2 agree9 disagreeView comment

Expected and I'm ready. This just the start, I bet this game ends up over 150 - 200 GB once all the DLC starts rolling in!

1058d ago 4 agree4 disagreeView comment

You might want to walk this statement back. Why else do you think this game goes for over $200 now?


1058d ago 0 agree5 disagreeView comment

(Didn't finish the post)

True fact: before 1995 E3 was never open to the public. I was able to go under business marketing to the Atlanta 1997 Show. (I miss those days) I was able to go once again (for marketing in 2002 at the LA convention show). Too bad you guys will never see what I saw those years! The shows of today pale in comparison and man did they give us a lot of stuff. The last day of E3, they just gave controllers, shirts, accessories etc.. away beca...

1059d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Hmm take the advice of unknown internet posters or take your on experiences at E3 from marketing? Tough choice there. (majiebeast) I'll forgive your dumbass statement because you didn't have a chance in this fight.

1059d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

You know what E3 and Gamescom are right? It's not for you (well it wasn't in years past) its for developers to meet together in one place to talk about the future and even create / lockdown future deals. Yea, your right Sony should stay away from these shows you wouldn't want to give Nintendo or Microsoft more time to talk to all these companies that attend. Ooh you wanted Sony to stay home, oops.

Edit: WoW so many comments below and none of them know why the...

1060d ago 0 agree14 disagreeView comment

BigMalk three things put Sony on the map as a gaming gaint in 1994.

1) Sony's hardware as a 3d platform
2.) The Sony's purchase of a multplatform company Psygnosis (yes multiplatform) (This is just one of those companies as an example.)
3.) The ultimate betrayal of the pay off of Square to exclusively launch Final Fantasy VII on playstation only platforms (after square had agreed to launch on the Ultra 64 and yes it was a pay off).

1088d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

Stop this lie please Sony didn't nurture most of their studios in the beginning. Please just stop.

1088d ago 4 agree9 disagreeView comment

Easy, they (MS) didn't announce "GT7 as PS5 exclusive" or others for that matter. MS stood up and said we can't be completely exclusive to Series X/S so, we're full on Back Compatible with our games and for the first 3 years Xbox One will play most Series X/S exclusives. MS took a lot of hate from this very board (and others) about it for being straight up with its consumers. Look who's having to back track (over a few weeks of praise) over something that was nev...

1104d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

Sony will have to break its own policy of "never release an exclusive for a IP that's on another system". Will they do it? I don't know but, they haven't in the past!

1124d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I the States we're getting use to this, it's called "Cancel Culture". I mean the Muppet Show now has a warning on it! It's the the Muppet Show how bad can it be?

1205d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

It's thinking it's about to be apart of XGS.

1229d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Welcome to the 1980's and 90's this was the way gaming use to be!

1287d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

If this is true (which I doubt) then why did Sony try to lock up this specific title as a Playstation exclusive???

1299d ago 7 agree2 disagreeView comment

Just ignore the fact that both Sony and MS are having supply issues due to COVID. However go ahead and believe the launch was worse if it help's you sleep at night. You've got many sleepless night ahead so, get that beauty rest now.

1304d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment