Love the weather this time of the year!


CRank: 21Score: 221730

Are you serious? Right there with your comment,i can tell you dont own a PS3 or ever even played on the PSN.

im on PSN from 12 pm (daily wake up time)

till 3am (my "bed time")

and during those hours on Warhawk,Resistance,Cod4,GTAIV, Rainbow six vegas 2,turok,hell even guitar hero. EVERYONE'S got a mic,i turn mine off half the time because i dont feel like listening to them all.

so for you,and obvious xbotism to spew out s...

5854d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sony and blu-ray suck?

The "Blu-ray Disc Founder group" was started in May 2002 by nine leading electronic companies: Sony, Matsushita, Pioneer, Philips, Thomson, LG Electronics, Hitachi, Sharp, and Samsung. Spearheaded by Sony Corporation, on February 19th 2002 the companies announced[2] that they were the "Founders" of the Blu-ray Disc and later changed their name to the "Blu-ray Disc Association" on May 18, 2004 to allow more companies to join t...

5854d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment


5854d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yeah your right it is Sony's year (its about damn time) but you forgot to mention the other wave of great games coming!!

White Knight
Valkria chronicles
Eight days
Heavy rain
L.A Noir (Rockstar exclusive)
Coded arms
Killzone 2
God of War 3
Driver (title pending)
Final fantasy 13
Syphon filter (New one coming)
Twisted Metal (New one coming)
Uncharted 2 (in the works)
Genji da...

5855d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

You cant honestly compare MGS4..

Like wow..

i've never even herd of shenmue thats how terrible it must be..

And you expect it to rival the little slice of heaven that is Hideo Kojima's imagination?

5855d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Must be nice to live in your fantasy world...

comparing GeOW2 to MGS4?

GeOW2 doesnt even trumph Little big planet in my opinion.

5856d ago 5 agree2 disagreeView comment

The hell are you talking about? download what..? its cominng to PS3,its confirmed.

Yes i am a goof.And atleast i have a pic up,im not shy what-so-ever

what do you have? a PS3 & 360 pic?

o0o0o0o0 arent you unique.

5859d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

I still wont buy it

it'll reak of the 3fixme

5859d ago 11 agree13 disagreeView comment

Hey! its your opinion! i couldnt dissagree more,but hey! thats my opinion.all i know is,June 12th is gonna be a great day.

5859d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Ohhhh did i hurt your feelings? "for the REAL gamers" LOL! that really made me laugh,excuse me for calling out on your hypocrocy..but arent you the same kid who's always in the PS3 forum bashing it with ridiculous facts and false dreams? as for my comment,hey,thats all it is.its my opinion im entitled to one no?

as for your "ashamed to be Canadian" remark,i could say the same for you.You've got to be the least mature person on this site.ESPECIALLY talking a...

5859d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well,this article confirmed my theory.M$ Really is in denial.

5859d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Oh this is priceless...i really wish i had a printer to print this page out,carry it with me,and smile knowing a year and a half ago i really did make the right choice.even tho after a year and a half of non-stop-sony-bashing day in and day out,site after site. PS3 is taking the win,this year,and for years to come.

And what do the infamous xbots have to say about it? nothing.they KNOW there lineup sucks donkey shlong.

heaven forbid they'll swallow there pride and adm...

5859d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I was actually really looking forward to those 90 minutes!!! grrr...guess thats what i get for buying into all that hype =(

Still...MGS4 is going to be one of those game's where i "hermitize" myself for 3-4 days straight and barely leave my room ahhh snake...soon enough o'l freind

5859d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

C,mon man..i thought we Canadians were smart? change your name,your giving the rest of us a bad rap

P.S agreeing with P.O.G (Psychotic old grandpa)
just goes to show how little you understand the gameing industry.Considering he never has facts,but merely pure fantasy.

shame on you

5859d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yeah,here we go matter what link i click,article,comment's i read.your everywhere.Like an ugly zit on societys ass. why are you even in the PS3 section? its more then obvious your a M$ Fan,and why are you on the MGS article? there's no reason.not like it's going to 360. need a life aye? LOL! and what game was that you were saying to obama bioshock?? another game coming to PS3.. LOL!! oooohhh man..thats gotta sting.. as i said in another comment.quit talking sh*t behind your keyboard...

5859d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

360 & wii fans are the only one's b*tching. there sneaky tho...they try an say "i'm a big MGS fan but those 90 minute cut-scens are stupid" etc etc. that's like Michael jackson hosting B.E.T its just not right,and you can tell somethings REAL MGS fan would NOT want to sit through 90 minutes of beautifull awe inspiring story telling. hell,if i had to pay 5$ a minute for those 90 minutes i STILL would.that's cause im a REAL MGS fan. weed out the haters,make them feel lik...

5859d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I think Reality needs a Reality check.

5859d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Even tho i completly adore that series.that's not why i think it'll win. Not only is it the first game in history to use up a FULL 50GB blu-ray disc,but it has 29+ hours of gameplay,and i was reading somewhere last night a 90 minute cutsceane. thats...longer then most movies actually...And its all with top-knotch graphics.familiar chracters,Amazing storyline.god damn..the list goes on and on..i'll be amazed if it doesnt win Game of the year

my predictions for the rest will be ...

5860d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

hmm where shall i start with this one.NO! sony did no rip off wii for the motion control.They've had one since the PSX controller in 99.your facts are false

As for the games you mention.your obviously living in denial,EVERYONE loves those games.EXCEPT the 360 fanboys such as yourself..oohh but if they were on the 3fixme oohhh what a different story you'd be telling.

And yes that is one of the MAJOR reasons they sell so much.That and the pathetic failure rate,most...

5860d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Now you've got like what..3 decent "exclusives" left? (which i can play on my PC) Not like i'll buy it anyways. played it on 3fixme it was pathetic. ALMOST as bad as lost planet.either way,it'll be in the 20$ bargin bin soon enough

5860d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment