
CRank: 5Score: 81850

In a world that has :

Nintendo DS, DS Lite, DSi, DSi XL, 3DS, 3DS XL New 3DS, New 3DS XL, 2DS and New2DS XL
(all of which have a similar dual screen appearance.) This is acceptable.

Meanwhile at MS:
Series X ( big black chunky fridge lookalike)
Series S ( small white speaker)

And some people on this thread are like : mS iS cOnFuSiNg MeEeEeeE??!

These people are either as dumb as rocks, or ...

1372d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

To be fair, Sony didn't handle the TLOU2/Abby memes anywhere near as well + they're still going strong on TLOU 2 reddit page.

1416d ago 30 agree46 disagreeView comment

Craig needs to be a proper character in the game with a story arc and everything. Lol.

1416d ago 16 agree2 disagreeView comment

I really liked both the PS5 and Xbox presentations, I'm going to get both eventually.
I want to wait and see actual real performance before deciding which to get first, especially if there is any major differences in power and performance with multiplat game comparisons - most of my fav games are third party (Yakuza, Res Evil, Tomb Raider) so I may as well get the best versions of each.

That said, there's lots of great games on the way for both consoles.

1417d ago 1 agree11 disagreeView comment

Fun corporate facts:
CEO Bobby Kotick made +$28 million just in bonuses last year in line with previous years- irrespective of the not so good performance of the company.
800 employees where laid off during that time so Bobby could get his bonus.
Activision received over $200 million in tax credits ( that's your tax payer money btw)
Activision were reported to have moved over 5 billion euros into to offshore companies a few years back (apprx 2016/17 it...

1434d ago 30 agree1 disagreeView comment

@redey3 you mean the scene right after she discovers her friends Mel (heavily pregnant) and Owen dead?
Ellie killed her pregnant friend and Abby wouldn't feel justified in doing the same? Same with Joel and Abby's dad?
Her dream sequences represent her state of mind ( down the long dark corridor to the operating room).
Abby choosing to go back and help Yara/Lev even though it put her at odds with everything she knows was her redemption.
How did you...

1441d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I liked the story quite a bit.
Initially I wasn't a fan of Abby but I could understand why she did what she did. When she started to try to redeem herself I liked her a lot from then onwards.
The main cast of characters all have motivations and feel justified (at the time) in their actions, but later come to realise the consequences. There are no good/bad characters just different perspectives.

1442d ago 16 agree2 disagreeView comment

Just finished the game this morning, (check my PSN)
As someone who used to criticise the story (check my comment history) - it really does make sense by the end.
The campaign, set pieces, amazing attention to detail , the sheer range of options - it really is an amazing game, one of the best of this gen for sure.
The death of a key character early on did make me angry, but it makes sense later on , it's a good story but a sad one.

1444d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Maybe the best solution is for games journalists to be more honest, objective and professional.
And for aggregate sites to stop weighting scores in favour of big publications.

In fact, why not let users rate publications and reviewers on aggregate sites? At least that way the decent journalists can get some recognition instead of being tarred with the same brush as those idiots who declared 'gamers are over' a few years back.

Also put the...

1446d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

No he's in the opening scene + flashbacks etc plenty of opportunities to use brief clips, but I think I know why they did this with the trailer.

It was to trick the people who had saw the leaks into thinking the leaks might be false.
The leaks showed Joel dying early on, but the trailer shows an older looking Joel not willing to let Ellie go on a journey alone , suggesting he's alive later in the game , which was a lie.

1446d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

There was no need to be misleading, they could have just showed actual footage of Joel from the game.
The way it was handled was deliberately misleading.

For the people defending this decision:
Imagine if MS used footage of the cloud destruction tech video in the launch trailer for Crackdown 3, and then when people complained they turned around and said "surprise, we subverted your expectations!" Is that the future you want from AAA publishers? ...

1447d ago 1 agree6 disagreeView comment

I'm about half way through Abby's story - overall I'm enjoying the game ( there's a lot to like) but at the same time I feel the writing is the weakest part.


I get it - it's about the cycle of revenge, and draws parallels between Abby and Ellie, there are no heroes it's all about perspective.
At the same time there's a real lack of consistency :-
compare Joel meeting Abby to Joel meeting ...

1449d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

What if it's a streaming service - one that not only covers games from consoles (e.g SG1000, Master system, MegaDrive, 32X, MegaCD, Game Gear, Saturn, Dreamcast and more recent multiplat titles) but Arcade games as well?

1473d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Not an Xbot - I'm currently playing Trials of Mana and Streets of Rage 4 ( check my PSN).

I don't want the game to fail, I want it to be good, and I want ND to keep making good games.
But if the rumours are true, endless crunch, underpaid staff, withheld bonuses, 70% of the original staff have left, people being fired for disagreeing with Druckmann and his political views, false copyright strikes all over Youtube to silence criticism, a story on par with Th...

1502d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

I watched the leaks - pretty sure I saw the debug menu go up at least once. If not a current /ex employee who else would have access to the game?

Also non of that changes the terrible story, or helps the overworked underpaid staff in anyway.
Why are they acting like the leak itself is the only problem?

1502d ago 22 agree7 disagreeView comment

Totally agree, from someone who rushed out to get a X1X Scorpio day one only to find that I still use my PS4 99% of the time anyway - sure higher resolution graphics are nice but it's no substitute for fun games. At the end of the day that's all I want and Playstation has plenty.

Even from before release - PS5 is going to get God of War 2, Horizon 2 and Spiderman 2, the next Gran Turismo, the next Naughty Dog game and the next Kojima game are all pretty much guarant...

1521d ago 20 agree5 disagreeView comment

Great news!
Lost Legacy was decent so I'm all up for another UC with Chloe although I'd prefer if she partnered up with Cutter.
I want the same light-hearted banter Nate and Sully used to have, Nadine is just moody and quiet most of the time, so yeah I want Cutter back.

1568d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I was a big fan of Xbox back in the OG Xbox/360 days, this last gen has been overall pretty disappointing.
There have been good things but they've been few and far between compared to their competitors.
The big realisation I had this gen was that a lot of the things that made me like Xbox in the first place were gone and most likely will never be coming back.

This is coming from years and years of waiting for sequels to a lot of the promising new IP...

1584d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

I agree. it's really bare - I wish it was more like the 3DS home screen with the customisation/themes/music etc.

1623d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

He's being sarcastic....

1783d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment