I play on Playstation , Xbox and PC. Im not a PC Elitist or console fangirl.


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What sony need to do is make the graphics ram at about 2 gigabytes and the system memory at about 1 - 2 gigabytes separate from the graphics ram. Also they need about 32 - 64 megabytes memory for sound. Then they just need to keep the main Cell processor thats in there already because that is still good for a console and will be for a long time to come. But they need to put a decent graphics processor in there too. Also add a 500+ gigabyte sata II harddrive

What I am saying is th...

5725d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Dream on. The RROD wont totally disapear but the ammount of RROD's will be reduced a bit. I will buy the jasper Xbox360 but I will buy the Lian-Li case for it and maybe even watercool it.

5725d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I see the no.1 problem with games is the games player. 90% of gamers expect too much from dvelopers.

5726d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

People expect too much from developers these days. I will get this game just for its fun factor.

5727d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I had a 4870 which was a fantastic GPU for its price. My problem was as soon as I enabled Anti Aliasing the performance went to the dogs. I sold the 4870 and now have a GTX 280 which I overclocked. This GPU is a whole workld faster than the 4870 I had and I can enable 16x aa in all games. I also had the 4870 overclocked but it was poor with AA enabled.

5727d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

So Edhe tell us why the rushed out the Xbox 360 when they knew it wasnt ready? They knew it wouldnt RROD when they rushed it out? I think not. Dont get me wrong. I am not biased againsed the Xbox360 but they need to work out the cooling before shrinking it. I know someones going to say it doesnt overheat anymore , but that aint true.

5728d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

Very grown up to spam that childishness

5730d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Looks like a slimmer XBOX 360 <but they dont have any extra ventillation in the case. I can see it going RROD crazy unless they improve the way the thing is cooled.

5730d ago 2 agree5 disagreeView comment

If you look close enough at those screenshots you will see why the performance is 60 - 70% better. The guy reduced some of the graphics settings. I will look for Cubans setttings instead.

5730d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

A Gamestop store just opened here two weeks ago with just one very small section for PC games. How do they expect PC games to sell if theres very little PC games in their store. We need more PC games in there.

Also Gamestop is the only game store in this small town in Ireland.

5735d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

They expect us to buy a game that has no Demo. Not likely. I loved LFS all the way to Underground 2 then it went downhill from there real fast. Pro Street does not work properly with my Logitech G25 and wen I asked for a patch to fix this at the EA forums I got bashed and the official from EA deleted my post.

I will download this need for speed as a benchmark from a torrent site and if it fails to work with my wheel then I wont buy the game.

5735d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Cant give it a try. Twice its been posted on here about getting a free key but both times (friday and today) I have been told all keys are gone. What kind of public beta is it if theres no keys available?

5748d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

some devs expect us to buy their games without even giving us a demo to play the game before we buy it. In such cases a game is downloaded to try before you buy. As far as I can rember there was a demo for Crysis but I cant see the Piracy for the game being 1:15. Thats just a redicolous number pulled out of a hat to make things look worse than they are. If games developers stop making games for the PC then the PC hardware market sales will skydive and its the normal consumer only will buy PC'...

5751d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I would definitely buy an Xbox 360 if microsoft teamed up with lian LI and put it in one of those cases as an option. It may not be beautiful but it the Xbox 360 will definitely run cooler. Another thing I would do is buy a silent 90mm fan and install it in the front of the case for extra cooling.

I might even buy the new 60 gig Xbox 360 and install it in the Lian Li case.

5772d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

The guys at the Inqurer website can never post truthful news. This is another example of news that you should not believe from that site.

5782d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

That new cooling solution wont totally get rid of the RROD. They should have put more ventilation on the top of the casing and slapped a small fan on the low profile heatsink area to help a bit more. Still this should get rid of ABOUT 80% of the RROd's. If the new 60 gig 360's come with this cooling solution I will definately buy one.

5786d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

@Yanikins theres much better cooling on the new Xbox 360 OPUS motherboard which would help solve the overheating and RROD problems. Maybe you should have crawled out from under your rock and read the report about the new motherboard before commenting. Just incase you havent seen the report yet heres a link for you to read about it http://www.n4g.com/xbox360/...

5786d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I had an Xbox 360 and it was a fantastic console until it gave me a RROD. But that was march last year. the Xbox 360 only lasted 11 months but because I lost the reciept for it I couldnt return the console for repair. The only thing that bothered me about the Xbox 360 was the nosie from the cooling fans and the DVD rom drive was noisey too.

I have a PS3 with just over a year and its still running. But I might buy one of the new 60 gig Xbox 360's that will be coming out if its re...

5787d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I didnt even know this game was released. Ill pick up a copy as soon as I can. Hope it hits Ireland soon.

5806d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Lets hope they use a better cooling solution for the new console. They need it to be good enough so thet the console wont have a nuclear meltdown (RROD) every 6 months. I will hold out for a year the next time to see what if any failure rate is. I hope they do justice to the next console. I loved my Xbox 360 before it RROD on me but I wasnt willing to go through more than 1 RMA so I switched to a PS# which has been working Flawlessly since I bought it.

5824d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment