
CRank: 5Score: 23350

If they have and admit it expect their share price to plummet. Single player games are expensive to make are barely breakeven even with 20ml in sales.

With no GaaS games their profits won't grow and they will eventually die, but at this point it inevitable.

179d ago 3 agree29 disagreeView comment
179d ago Show
179d ago Show

Lol that deflection just proves you can't dispute my comment.

Nice :)

179d ago 2 agree12 disagreeView comment
179d ago Show
179d ago Show

This game is going to be crazy.

Looks like typical Arkane style, reminds me a lot of Deathloop a lot.

179d ago 6 agree11 disagreeView comment

Lol don't waste your breath trying to explain.

179d ago 14 agree18 disagreeView comment

Well enjoy all those price hikes and GaaS games you will continue to get then :)

180d ago 9 agree42 disagreeView comment

I don't know why you Playstation guys are so desperate for MS to exit gaming, do you honestly believe Sony will become better when they have no competition?

180d ago 23 agree62 disagreeView comment

Exactly this.

Epic can easily just go ahead and make their own Android storefront like they did on PC but they won't instead they want to use Google's and not have to pay for the privilege of doing so.

181d ago 5 agree3 disagreeView comment

If they are talking about land vehicles I would be surprised if that's part of a free update and not DLC.

Going to be insane what this game becomes in a years time.

181d ago 11 agree19 disagreeView comment

MS knows exactly what they are doing here and it's hilarious to watch lol

181d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Insane the amount of discourse this game has brought it's not surprising MS isn't revealing Blade's platform yet because they know as soon as they do the game will get trashed.

182d ago 2 agree28 disagreeView comment

It's not super weird for a Marvel game announcement when EA announced their Marvel games no platforms were announced it's clearly some kind of Marvel standard.

And I have seen plenty of begging from the Sony clan on this site, every Blade article is always red red hot.

Xbox fans won't be bothered if it's not exclusive since at least it won't suffer from Xbox Tax when it comes to reviews which would be great for Arkane. We only care tha...

184d ago 3 agree32 disagreeView comment
184d ago Show

There were just better games that deserved the awards more than Spiderman, hopefully Sony takes note and ups their game.

185d ago 21 agree57 disagreeView comment

Feels like they are planning another acquisition and don't want to give the FTC ammo that they don't releases on other platforms until the last minute.

185d ago 6 agree8 disagreeView comment

It's not an awards show, it's a gaming showcase featuring awards.

If the trailers weren't there no one would watch it, if the awards weren't there people would still watch it.

185d ago 5 agree7 disagreeView comment

Wow not a single Playstation game got an award.

Xbox killed it with 3 not surprising though this year belongs to Xbox, Nintendo and BG3.

186d ago 17 agree42 disagreeView comment