CRank: 5Score: 99890

Because outside of a fee games, most don't sell that well

22d ago 3 agree5 disagreeView comment

This is pure stupidity.

23d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

This is false

26d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It isn't true. They cleared things up. The internet connection is to down the game. It does not require being online to play

26d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment


You shared a fact they don't want to hear

27d ago 10 agree12 disagreeView comment
27d ago Show


That might work for some games, but not most. I mean people were claiming Xbox games were going to sell more with day on PC. Tell me, how is that going? Also, keeping single player games exclusive is far more valuable than day 1 on PC. A new user's who buys a new Playstation for Spider-Man 2, GOWR or the Last of us 2 has far more value to Sony than a PC gamer.

27d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment


You would be right if we all pretend Helldivers is the only game Sony has. As a business man, you look at history, not just one example. There is a reason Rockstar can release their games on consoles only, sell 10s of millions, then release them on PC later. Xbox has been doing day 1 and tell me, how high has their sales been? It's understandable for a live service game, but for single player games, Sony is better off doing what they planned. Release excl...

28d ago 8 agree4 disagreeView comment

Will not happen. Some games do better on consoles and some extra money 2+ years later and I expect companies such as Sony and Rockstar will keep doing that

28d ago 7 agree7 disagreeView comment


There was no censorship, just a dev updating their game with a day 1 patch to the intended design. Honestly speaking, this whole thing has been as entertaining to watch. I hope Sony/Shift up keeps ignoring these fools

34d ago 4 agree8 disagreeView comment


You might not be smart enough to know this, but the game went gold weeks before the official release date, allowing for the game to be printed on physical disk. That is why the devs said, there will be a day 1 patch. Devs don't stop working on games when it goes gold, they keep working on it, then release the new updates with a day 1 patch. If the released digital only, this wouldn't be a problem with this much fake outrage over fake tits.

34d ago 3 agree5 disagreeView comment

If anything, they should ignore all the crying man babies.

Director: This is the desig we intended

Man babies: Noooooooooooo, you are lying. Censorshiiiiiiip. Sony forced you to add 6 inches of lace, while leaving out far more revealing outfits. Yes, that must be it. You were forced to change it. Now we have justification to keep crying online

Pathetic. Sony/Shift up, should just stay quiet 🤫

34d ago 12 agree24 disagreeView comment

Nothing wrong with SB, just a bunch of incels angry they can't beat off to a design the director wanted. Best Sony/Shift up ignore all of them.

35d ago 8 agree9 disagreeView comment

I take a break for a day or two and this is the 1st thing I see? Wow

35d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Or maybe, just maybe, they have all the data and all those countries make up a very very very % of the overall base. An insignificant number. Am sure if they lose all those players, no body will notice of even care. The player base for the game has been decreasing over the last 4 weeks. I have seen people claim people are leaving the game, using the the numbers from last week, while ignoring the bigger drops from the previous weeks. If the player base stays around 20K on PC alone and they are...

37d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment


Yeah, that is some hard lesson by taking the money

43d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


You mean like Spider-Man 2, GOWR, BG3, TLOU? Let a dev put a gay person or flag in their game and watch all these fake anti censorship because pro censorship. All this over lace. Pathetic.

43d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment


Actually this doesn't impact you one bit. This is nothing but a pathetic excuse to pretend to be anti censorship over 6 inches of lace, because you can't see a bit more of her tits, nothing more. Tell me, what did you do, when the same Grumz idiot who started all of this wanted to have Spider-Man 2 censored, because the gay flag hurt his feelings? Nothing? How about when TLOU part 2 got censored? Nothing? How about when he called EA jealous because their ga...

43d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Yeah, that would show them. Am going to cancel and not buy your game, then buy it again. Sony will surely learn their lesson

43d ago 10 agree1 disagreeView comment

These people are far gone. None of these guys care about censorship. The guy who started all of this not too long ago was trying to get Spider-Man 2 censored because of 🏳️‍🌈 flag, he was also laughing at EA and calling them jealous because Dead Space was censored and banned in Japan. Care to guess what all these anti censorship people did when TLOU part 2 git censored in Japan? Nothing. All this crying over 6 inches of lace.

43d ago 6 agree5 disagreeView comment