Playing games ..


CRank: 5Score: 131520

rewriting history , you are ?

3506d ago 7 agree2 disagreeView comment

The game is complete. All of you counting the number of cars are forgetting one thing important.
Is the game fun ? is the game good ? Do you enjoy yourself playing with the game ? My answer is "yes". to the above. My opinion since i have the game mind you ;-)

How do i know that you don't know the game properly ? you mentionned one factory paint job, totally unaware that you can custom and change the paint job of all the cars in the garage.. ...

3512d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

The game was finished. An unforseen Bug can happen...
The fact that people are playing the game and enjoying it is proof that the game was finished.

3513d ago 7 agree13 disagreeView comment

the "modern day " storyline was a cool twist in AC1 & AC2 , but after brotherhood , it feels like they didn't realise what they wanted to do.

BlackFlag had a cool twist on the modern day gameplay but they either need to kill the modern day storyline OR to embrace it totally , after so many games it's time for answers, it's time for teh story to advance forward.
AC3 was a let down on that regard , even after "revelations" to set it u...

3513d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

Don't make death treats on twitter .
Don't use twitter if you're angry .

Seriously, isn't it time for people to see how damaging twitter is when you're not calm ?

3513d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

i like how the reviewer say that the cars are stuck on their lines when that has been debunked numerous times already.

I guess this is what happens when too many people are used to easy games with all their assists.

3513d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment

"Mind you this is simply my opinion. I’m no expert and I certainly don’t have any inside information"

Splendid article right here , lol

"Real" Lol

3517d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

so wait , what you're telling me that i posted an info that was accurate 4 days ago but isn't now ?

maybe you should post in the actual driveclub thread about those issues

3526d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Get ready to download 17gb.
all version are 17gb because ps+ edition owners are playing on the same field/servers as the regular players meaning that they will get the same patches at the same time too.
Preloading on PS4 will be available 2 days before the release date for both versions.

3530d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Vista is a bad OS. It's full of potential but it's buggy and not well optimised.
Win 7 who is the complete and bug-free version of the same core ran better , has more features , and doesn't lag like crazy

It's safe to say that vista is a bug-ridden piece of sh*t, unfit for gaming. or anything else for that matter.

3530d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

"Shouldn't there be a shadow on the left side of the white car?"
No because you see other cars from another angle.
What matters is the position of the camera toward the car regarding the position of the sun. This is basic geometry.

3530d ago 7 agree1 disagreeView comment

lol omikron is anything BUT a bad game.

it's the first game from an ambitious team that was good went it came out and hadn't aged well.

3532d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

The first tomb raider film and the prince of persia movie were ok ... without a doubt the POP movie was the best attempt yet.

Everything else was garbage.
It's definitly doable..but the people taking those franchises don't understand what make those franchises so good and entertaining.

3535d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Pretty sure he will be in the game in your mother base.

3539d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

"The beat-em-up DNA takes over, first showing itself in Hyrule Warriors' simplified commands."
Simplified commands ?


Not exactly sure what make the controlscheme of hyyrule warrior simpolified regarding the zelda games , if anything the moveset in HW is actually much more bigger.

Well it's polygon, nevermind...

3547d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

You must really don't understand how things work to think that way.

Bravely default localisation would have happenned regardless of region lock because fans asked for it. It has nothing to do on region lock.
Region lock only prevent more sales of a game. On the contrary if people import some games , they have a MUCH higher chance of being localised since the publishers See a potential market of it.

"It also help maintain sales in all region i...

3560d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

NO surprise for me. Region locking is also why my 3ds library is so small.

How long europe is waiting for SMT 4 again ? How many games that you can't even import EVEN if you know the language ?

Screw region lock.

3560d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sitting and talking to Milo in a kinect tech demo => ( 8 years old ) => praise !

Sitting and talking to a girl that look like 14 or 15 year old in a VR tech demo => people complain

Are you guys sérious ?

3561d ago 12 agree0 disagreeView comment

Several games can do it , the reason why they aren't doing despite the fact that they can is only because of microsoft.
look at FF14. The game plays on PC , PS3, PS4... same servers
Putting the game on 360/xbone ? the dev team and the producers said it's possible , it's not even a technical issue. The only thing that prevents them from doing so is microsoft asking for nonsense like platform exclusive content ( in a mmo , WTF ).

When i see that , al...

3565d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Fate grinding is a brute force way of doing things that nobody does now because we have plenty of other content to do now. rest assured that the game has changed.

3567d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment