CRank: 5Score: 32690

This kinda shows how many more PS5 would sell if they had consoles to ship over the XSS+XSX. The XSX is easier to find nowadays and seems to have capped off while PS5 is still impossible to find unless you're quick and it still sold 75K more. EOY is gonna be crazy with Sony getting GOW while Xbox has nothing. Hope Sony ramps up production for the holiday season because the demand isn't gonna get even crazier as that comes closer.

671d ago 21 agree15 disagreeView comment

You okay there man?

691d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Boohoo you got a lemon controller. Let me type out a hit piece article to farm the views instead of just availing my free warranty to get it replaced. Journalism nowadays.

I've been using my PS5 for over 18 months now and haven't had 1 issue with it. I should write an article about it!

701d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Lol a console with no exclusive games as usual will fail to outsell its competition. Keep on waiting while Sony and Nintendo owners play their AAA games.

747d ago 5 agree6 disagreeView comment

It is a more realistic way of fighting which I actually prefer. No one usually jumps in a fight lol. GOW 2018 was near perfect and the combat was much deeper which I loved. Hack and Slash was fun but became a button mash often in the old trilogy. With the new GOW, I loved the depth of the skill tree and they made sure you mastered it if you wanted to beat the Valkyries especially Sigrun.

748d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Tough for me. GOW2 was amazing but I have to give it to the new GOW. I love the new Third Person Action Adventure style GOW a lot more! GOW2 was great in its own way but I think I've matured from those kinda games just like how Kratos has lol. Those games took 'over the top' too literally which I loved back then but probably wouldn't work as well now.

748d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

This whole woke bs should just eff off. I can kill a white or a black dude but god forbid I kill a trans. Seriously this is what happens when you swing way too much in the other direction with this woke bs.

775d ago 10 agree3 disagreeView comment

The game is dead. This will be remembered looking back as a textbook example of 'how not to do service games!'

781d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment
783d ago Show

Lol how is this 'spinning' when literally the XSS is sold at a discount often and you can't buy a PS5 anywhere. Heck even the XSX was available recently at Best Buy/Target with relative east. Just because MS has more XSX/XSS in stock right now doesn't mean anything. One week and people are claiming victory lol! Wait until the end of the year at least to have a wider sample.

Did people forget Sony is still ahead 1.5:1 in terms of console sale ratio?

797d ago 22 agree18 disagreeView comment

One is in stock while the other two aren't?

804d ago 9 agree3 disagreeView comment

Looks like everyone is suffering from Down Syndrome

817d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I have switched between both often and saying it is a 'big hit' is a stretch. The only issue in performance mode is the over-sharpening and shimmering due to upscaling which the devs have acknowledged and we might get a fix in the future. The latest patches have also fixed a lot of the pop in issues which were prevalent. Overall, you can't go wrong with either.

819d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I'm playing in quality mode since I wanted to see how great the game actually looks and it looks pretty amazing seriously. There are legit a few places that remind me of Avatar! Not gonna spoil but some places had my jaw drop. I am keeping the performance mode for a New Game plus with a higher difficulty in the future. This way I get best of both the world.

Honestly after the first 30 min, I got over the 30 FPS downgrade. I don't even notice it anymore. Of course 6...

819d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

What are you blind? Those textures look like they're straight up pulled from a PS1/2 game.

857d ago 10 agree2 disagreeView comment

@Neonridr a 7 is much closer to an 8.5 than the 4s or 3s people give to certain PlayStation titles when it is at a 95 on a metacritic which is obvious trolling for hits. I'd argue the game is closer to a 7.5-8 as most Nintendo titles usually get inflated a little because of nostalgia attached.

857d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

Because the game literally looks like absolute garbage. I get the 'graphics aren't everything' but come on it is 2022 and this shit literally looks like a PS1 game. Yeah it might be unpopular opinion but Nintendo games always get a free pass for most of their limitations because most have nostalgia attached to it and no one wants to call out that shit. Glad this game is being called out for its shortalls.

857d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

I feel this had so much potential but got wasted in the bland open world. Really wish for new Switch hardware and a 'next gen' exclusive Pokemon that doesn't have to cut corners due to the hardware. The age has been showing for years now and this shit just makes it so much apparent. Also maybe Gamefreaks has to hire better artists or borrow some from the Zelda team because those shitty textures remind me of a PS1.

857d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Oh yeah because having a feature which affects mostly everyone who plays with a headset and comparing it with a feature like VRR or 1440p which a very small market share totally makes sense

857d ago 7 agree8 disagreeView comment

@septemberindecember - What are you talking about? The Nintendo DS sold 154 million units as per estimates and while yeah the Wii U sucked, people forget that Wii alone sold over 101 million units during its lifetime. Also, market inflation is a thing. Gaming sphere has grown a lot over the past few decades and each decade, more console get sold than the previous. So saying that the Switch did something unheard of is absolutely false. The whole 150 million handheld crowd was eagerly waiting t...

860d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment